Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I love you too much

Chapter 26

by pepe_soldier 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-06-11 - 361 words - Complete

Mikey‘s pov:

Gerard wasn‘t much at home since Frank closed his eyes last time. I think that he wanted to escape from the cruel reality. I was at home all the time, I couldn‘t leave Frank alone. I know that there is large possibility that he‘s already dead, but I didn‘t wanted to believe in that, while, on the other hand, Gerard was convinced that he‘s gone forever. One day I made him to stay at home...
-No, Mikey, please, leave me alone!
-Listen to me! -I shouted -You‘re not fucking going anywhere! You‘re acting like a little kid! -I kept shouting and he was just looking at me.
-I can‘t stand it anymore... -he mumbled.
-Try! If not for me, then for him! -I said and pointed at Frank‘s body on the couch. Gerard looked down.
-I will try...

Gerard‘s pov:

So, as my brother made me to stay at home, I stayed. I wasn‘t very happy because of it, though, but I stayed. Now I have to watch Frank‘s lifeless body. No breath. No heartbeat.
Mikey‘s pov:
It was almost evening when someone knocked on the door. I opened the door. It was Kellin.
-Hey, how is he? -he asked.
-I don‘t know. He woke up before maybe a week and since then nothing. Gerard already lost all hope.
-Look... I‘m not bringing good news...
-What happened?
-It‘s Jim, again. He wants revenge.
-Oh, shit!
-He wants your little friend, Frank.
-What?! Why?
-I don‘t know anything more
-He can‘t use him anymore, he‘s not vampire anymore
-He don‘t want vampire, he wants just him. I suggest you to run away somewhere.
-We‘ve been running away enough!
-You have to again. Sorry, man -he said and left. I closed the door.
-Who was it? -Gerard asked
-What he says?
-Jim wants his revenge...
-What now?
-You go away with Frank on somewhere safe, I‘ll stay here
-No, Mikey
-Someone got to hold him back! -in that moment, we heard someone breaking in.
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