Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Frerard Rec List Of Doom

Part 7

by ASafeKindOfHigh 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] [?] - Published: 2013-06-17 - 783 words

I'm back again! Haha, you guys can't get rid of me ;)

"War In Your Bedroom":
Author: heathermouth
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: PG/13
Word Count: 605 Words
Categories/Warnings: High School
"It's the start of summer, or well it's supposed to be - "

"The Resolution":
Author: maryangel
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: PG/13
Word Count: 3,118 Words
Categories/Warnings: Real Life
"It's only the tenth day of the year and Frank's shiny new resolutions are already out the window."

"The Last Gentleman In New Jersey":
Author: etben
Bands: My Chemical Romance, Pencey Prep
Pairing: girl!Frank/Gerard
Rating: R
Word Count: 11,000 Words
Categories/Warnings: Gender Swap, High School, Real Life
"So the thing is - the thing is, Gerard Way is totally not stalking the lead singer of Pencey Prep. Really. He's not. Not even a little."

"Life As A Symptom":
Author: mrsronweasley
Bands: My Chemical Romance, Cobra Starship
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: NC/17
Word Count: 11,000 Words
Categories/Warnings: Real Life
"Gerard swiveled around in his chair. Frank, the new intern, was standing by the broken water cooler, blinking at it like he was a wind-up toy. The only reason Gerard knew his name was that his boss had introduced them on Monday. This is Frank, the new intern."

"The Knitting Kind":
Author: matchbox_bones
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: PG/13
Word Count: 2,756 Words
Categories/Warnings: Real Life
"An AU in which Gerard is afraid of knitting needles instead of the regular kind and has the hots for a tiny, tattooed art store employee with a fondness for knitting."

"Becoming Joan":
Authors: mrsronweasley & theopteryx
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairings: Frank/Gerard, Alicia/Mikey
Rating: NC/17
Word Count: 35,521 Words
Categories/Warnings: Cross-Dressing, Artist!Gerard, Real Life
"The only sound in the dressing room was Frank's breathing and the gentle shhhk as she pulled a lace tighter. 'There we go,' she said, stepping back. 'Yes?' she asked, when he was still silent. 'Yes,' Frank said, still watching himself in the mirror. Yes."
I cannot explain to you how much I love this story.

Author: xxtoxicmexx
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: NC/17
Word Count: 5,205 Words
Categories/Warnings: Disorder, Non-Con, Molestation, Sexual Abuse
"Frank wasn't like any other teenagers his own age. He was different. Not for the reasons you may think, though. Frank spent his afternoons and weekends looking after a mentally ill boy. His name was Gerard."
Really, really consider those warnings before reading.

"When I Go, Bring Me Back Again":
Sequel: "We're All Just Victims Of A Crime":
Author: Z.Vengeance
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: PG/13
Word Count: 42,278 Words
Categories/Warnings: High School, Supernatural, Mentions of Suicide
"Frank Iero was one who when he tormented people, he never held back. Even against his best friend Mikey's older brother, Gerard Way. Since the beginning of his Freshman year he took pleasure in humiliating Gerard on a daily basis. Whether it was his creepy persona, his seclusion from the rest of the school, or the fact that he was gay. Everyday it was the same routine for Frank, not caring what the after effects were.
Then one day in his Junior year he's brought to a disturbing reality when he wakes in the middle of the night with flashing lights across the street, watching a body bag being removed from the Way home. All he can do is sit at home blaming himself for the loss of life in the house across the street. He begins to notice things that until that point he was blinded by and emptiness sets in. Then one morning he wakes with a letter on his pillow and goes to school to find the one and only Gerard Way sitting at his old desk."

"Holey Jeans":
Author: vamplover82
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: PG/13
Word Count: 1,160 Words
Categories/Warnings: Band, PWP
"Gerard has a hole in his jeans. Frank can't help but look."

"A Blue Ribbon On My Brain":
Author: lovebashed
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: NC/17
Word Count: 1,557 Words
Categories/Warnings: Fantasy
"Frank always feels the clumsiest when he's doing this, touching Gerard like this. He runs sweaty fingers down Gerard's spine, tracing slender muscles, scratching with blunt nails, lip sore between teeth and shallow breathing."

xo, ASafeKindOfHigh
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