Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Frerard Rec List Of Doom

Part 8

by ASafeKindOfHigh 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] [?] - Published: 2013-07-02 - 645 words

"Reasons We Don't":
Author: airgiodslv
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: R
Word Count: 7,827 Words
Categories/Warnings: Band
"'Why don't we fuck?' Frank asks, tipping his head back to blow smoke at the sky."

"You Know He Is, Really, You Do":
Author: dicewereloaded
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: NC/17
Word Count: 3,037 Words
Categories/Warnings: PWP, Real Life
"'Table six, you utter waste of space,' Comes a yell from the kitchen. Gerard lifts his eyes to the heavens and swans over to the kitchen to collect two hamburgers after spitting his gum out into the bin behind the counter.
'So appreciated,' He mutters loftily."

"Six Souls A-Bonding":
Author: mistresscurvy
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairings: Frank/Gerard, Alicia/Mikey
Rating: NC/17
Word Count: 1,875 Words
Categories/Warnings: Band, Fantasy
"Frank and Gerard finally sleep together, with unexpected results."

Author: Mutiny
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: NC/17
Word Count: 15,771 Words
Categories/Warnings: Asshole!Gerard, Famous AU
"Frank's job hemming businessmen's pants is hardly exciting, really though, he's just over dealing with douchebags like Mr. Way."

"Zen And The Art Of Kissing":
Author: ink_like_blood
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: PG/13
Word Count: 1,500 Words
Categories/Warnings: Band
"Oh, practical jokes. How Gerard is ill-equipped to deal with thee."

"Dog Grooming By Donna":
Author: maryangel
Bands: My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy
Pairings: Frank/Gerard, Alicia/Mikey, Bob/Jamia
Rating: NC/17
Word Count: 32,088 Words
Categories/Warnings: College, High School, Real Life, Virgin
"While Mikey is at summer school, Gerard is stuck working in their mom's dog grooming parlor. It's not exactly Gerard's dream, and smelling like wet dog, dealing with annoying customers and equally annoyed mother is a drag, but it gets better once Gerard meets Mikey's friend Frank, dog-walker and occasionally annoying little shit. Gerard's summer may not suck after all."

Author: kuriositet
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: NC/17
Word Count: 8,072 Words
Categories/Warnings: Age Difference
"Gerard is a young, naive model. Frank is an older, experienced photographer. He still remembers the first time he worked with Frank."

Authors: viviansface & bloodynemo
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: NC/17
Word Count: 20,473 Words
Categories/Warnings: Fantasy, Supernatural
"Libraries are the places where the most amazing stories begin. Some have the happiest ending, and some have the saddest; but Gerard's never experienced any of this. Not until one quirky guy walked into the library Gerard worked at.
Frank is a peculiar boy to just look at; he wears etnies during winter and he's always got his nose buried in a book. He seems to be the perfect match for Gerard; he's talkative, smart and really pretty. And he likes him back. The only catch is, Frank's not as human as he seems."

"Next Time Buy A Lock":
Author: soundslikej
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairings: Frank/Gerard, Bob/Brian
Rating: R
Word Count: 1,535 Words
Categories/Warnings: Band, PWP, Kink
"They're quiet on the walk back to the bus, anticipatory, Gerard jittering a little beside him, ducking out of brief conversations with people as they try to get his attention. The door has barely swung shut behind them when Gerard's pushing Frank up against the kitchen counter, bending him back a little, kissing him hard, biting, intense enough to knock the wind out of him for a second."

"Silent Treatment":
Author: mistresscurvy
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,700 Words
Categories/Warnings: 2,700 Words
"Gerard gets a ridiculous amount of head when they're working on an album."
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