Categories > TV > Xena: Warrior Princess > Pebbles

Two for a Dime

by ukeueue 0 reviews

Gabrielle isn't that innocent. Is she?

Category: Xena: Warrior Princess - Rating: R - Genres: Humor, Parody, Romance - Characters: Gabrielle, Joxer - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-08-03 - Updated: 2006-08-04 - 181 words - Complete

5. Two for a Dime
4 May 2006

Gabrielle passed the wine flask back to Joxer, watching pensively while he took a swig.

"Um, Joxer?"


"You know Jace?"

"My brother?"

"Yeah. Is he... um... you know?"


"Er." Red-faced, Gabrielle's hands weaved through the air while she searched for words. "You know. Does he... like guys?"

"Uh," Joxer said, scratching under the flaps of his helmet, "Well, I'd think so. He drinks with them a lot. Mudfights, too. They watch a lot of mudfights."

"Nono, that's not what I mean. I mean, does he, you know..."


"Does he... sleep with guys?"

"Oh! Yeah, we had to share a bed for years since there weren't enough, and Jett kicks in his sleep."

Gabrielle let her head thud against the table.

"Oh, do you mean, like, have sex with them? Yeah, sure. Sometimes. We try to get him not to bring them home, of course, but he always says they just followed him in. Girls, too."

Gabrielle thought quietly for a while.



"Were you a virgin when we... you know?"
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