Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > To The Wild


by PurrpleBatman 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-07-05 - 1083 words

This may be a tad bit boring, but stick with me! Also, the ages may not make sense if you add it all up but it's my story I'll do the time warp if I want too ;)

Lilac’s POV

I had to say, therapy mornings were the worst. I was left emotionally confused and broken, not to mention left reflecting on my darkest memories and times. This was supposed to be helping, but so far all I got from it was way more pain than I started with. I drove back to the farm in my rusty old chevy, it puttering down the road to a happy tune like it always did.

I was welcomed home with the glorious noise of stepping in horse shit, and the wondrous thought of all the chores to be done. I walked into the familiar old house that came with the old but still good farmhouse, even if the house didn’t jave the best furniture (We bought the furniture from the old owners), if you’re wondering why they’d up and leave, let’s just say a fatal tractor accident out in the fields helped them ‘leave’ pretty quickly. It never bothered me sleeping in a dead mans bed, I had changed the sheets after all.

I woke Jenna’s sleepy ass up, 7 O’clock would be late enough. We jumped into out glorious routine of farm work, putting our hair in typical hipster messy buns and were on our way to our first stop. Me and Jen owned our own Vet business, working with big and small animals in the area. Considering everybody owned a farm and a dozen pets per person, it was easy business to get started. Now we had our schedule of daily vaccinations and surgeries, babies to be delivered and butts to have our hands up. It was a pretty easy life for us in the town, the kind where you blink and you’d miss the whole thing. Kind of like the people here, bland and ready for that kind of life. It’s easy to say it’s lovely here.

We moved here 3 years ago, on my 20th birthday exactly. I met Jen at a gas station, after she couldn’t get the lid off a jar, and shyly asked me to open it. I opened that jar of pickles, and we both knew we’d be the best of friends. She was hitchhiking to no where, the same place I was driving too, with a safe of all my money in the back. I needed a change, and Gerard had pushed me off an emotional cliff, not to mention I had already been falling due to the school incident. I don’t want to talk about that now though, the happy memories are what’s needed.

So, back onto where we were. We packed up our shit for the night, and pulled into an abandoned farm. There were deer everywhere, and immediately we knew that this place was special. We called the realtor and told him we wanted to buy the place, and at 4am he drove all the way to accept the cash, not giving us any details. I guess the place of a recently deceased man wouldn’t sell well. So, now we’re here.

I never lived a normal life, even with Gerard and company in it. I was adopted at the age of 12 by a friend of the Way’s. My Mother had passed in an unfortunate accident involving a mentally distraught horse. He was crazy then, but after her killed my Mother we somehow bonded. I can’t really put it into words how it happened. My Mom was a crazy hippie who taught me regularly how to roll a joint, so this was a blessing in disguise.

I grew up pretty weird after that, my Mom was a crazy horse lady, and similarly between cat ladies and horse ladies, she had tons. I had a pony of my own, and before i could walk I was learning to show jump. By the time I was 12, I was already out of my age category, and into the competitive league with adults. Thankfully my adoptive parent, Mary and Al, never let me go of my talent and potential, and got me my first official coach. From then on, I moved up the competitive latter, and I was at the top. Training for the Olympics.

I have been training my whole for that day, the day that I won my trials, and got one of the best scores in Canada. I had the drunkest night in my life to be modest.

So now, in front of our ancient television, we watched the news coverage. I was feeling nervous to say the least, and now I could hardly sit still with anxiety over my face being broadcasted to everyone in the world.

“Here we are in High Prairie Alberta, at a legendary moment for Canadian show jumpers! Here, beating any time in the history of Canadian show jumping, Lilac Winters displayed a perfect trial for the Olympic games. She will be joining team Canada, and start her training here locally, but closer to the games she will Join the Canadian team in New Jersey to finish the training. Now we will have the first ever close up interview with her, please enjoy ladies and gentlemen. “

“Ms. Winters, how do you feel right now at this very moment?” The interviewer prompted.

“I feel amazing I can’t believe I did it, my whole life has led up to this! I’m glad they had the trials here, or I never would’ve known about it! I have so many people to thank.” The girl who never could’ve been me told the camera enthusiastically.

“Name a few, they’ll be watching for sure.”

“Well there’s my Mom, my adoptive parents, and all of my friends. I’m sure it won’t matter much, but there’s someone I’d like to thank... It’s the Way family. Thank you for everything, and being with me for 7 years.”

“I’m sure they’ll care after this. Back to you Susan.”

Jenna flicked off the screen, and turned to stare at me.

“Told you I fucked the interview.” I told her.

“Yeah, you really did. Now they’ll find you for sure, after 7 years of looking, I don’t think they’ll ever let this go.”
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