Categories > Original > Fantasy > Secrets of the Outside World
Chapter Four.
6 reviewsNow what are Rain and Jayson gonna do, without a home, or anywhere to go?
Secrets of the Outside World
(#) Sam41 2013-07-11
Sadie, you make me feel special xD
"Not the other Sam who likes Sum 41 and stuff"
Youre doing good now. Not saying you weren't before
But this doesn't sound like COE as much anymore
Kudos to youSecrets of the Outside World
(#) AmericanHorrorStory 2013-07-11
Rain's trainer/whatever: Liar.
City name: Inclosed.
I really don't want a guest appearance.Secrets of the Outside World
(#) MCR-99 2013-07-11
Guys you're so good at anagrams.
Sam! (Not the Sam who likes Sum 41 and all that) you got the second anagram! Claire, you need to unscramble more of the letters, then you'll get the city name. But, good try!
Oh god. I sound like a fucking teacher.Secrets of the Outside World
(#) MCR-99 2013-07-11
Guys you're so good at anagrams.
Sam! (Not the Sam who likes Sum 41 and all that) you got the second anagram! Claire, you need to unscramble more of the letters, then you'll get the city name. But, good try!
Oh god. I sound like a fucking teacher.
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