Categories > Original > Fantasy > Secrets of the Outside World

Chapter Four.

by MCR-99 6 reviews

Now what are Rain and Jayson gonna do, without a home, or anywhere to go?

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-07-10 - 645 words

Chapter Four.

"Rain, what are we going to do?" Jayson asked for the umpteenth time since they walked away from the vault, which they used to call a city, and down the deserted road, baked in sweat and heart beating rapidly from all the running from when they thought they were being chased, yet was only the wind howling behind them. "I mean, we can't go back, they'd catch us, and throw us in jail and throw away the key. We'd be fired from our jobs, maybe even be killed, I don't -"

"Jayson, stop." Rain stopped him from having a full-on panic attack, which happened rarely. "You're a Hunter, remember? We can survive."

"Rain, I haven't even hunted anything yet, only trained with weapons."

"Survival? You must at least know something about survival." Jayson shook his head, and Rain sighed. This was going to be hard. But, there was no going back.

"Okay, here's what we can do. We carry on walking, until we get to the nearest town, then we set up a place there, and that's how we'll live out the rest of our lives." Rain told him.

"Rain, there isn't a town for miles." Jayson whined. "We're probably gonna be dead soon anyway, because there ain't no food about, that's edible anyway. And, there isn't any water for drinking either."

"Well, sorry. I didn't think the alarm bells were gonna go off, I've walked down that corridor fror a few weeks now, and I've never been caught." Rain replayed the exact events in her mind, leading up to their moment of escape. Then, it hit her. "Wait. That scientist, Dr. Otn Earl. He was the last person we saw before we went to the place where we saw the butterfly, and when the alarms went off. So, he might've told The Watcher about the questions we asked, and The Watcher obviously thought we were trying to uncover something, a secret possibly, and he pulled the alarm on us."

"But, how did The Watcher know exactly where we were?" Jayson asked.

"Jayson, haven't you ever heard of security cameras? So people don't steal anything? They're rigged all over that place, I learned that in class. Obviously, he saw us on the monitor, and thought we were trying to escape." Rain said, feeling so very smart with all this new information. Yet one thing was still untrue to her; she felt unsure as to why The Watcher was so secure of Conslied and its people. Why did he want to keep them in?

"Hm.. Why do you think The Watcher wants to keep everyone herded in like animals?" Rain asked, and Jayson shrugged.

"No idea." The two continued to walk along the dusty road, trying to figure out all the questions that rang through their minds. Why was Conslied a vault? Why were they kept in? Where were they? Soon, in the distance, they saw a flourescent light, and a dark outline of what looked like a diner in the setting sun.

"Jayson, look!" Rain pointed out the diner in the distance, and the teens faces lit up like a Christmas tree, as they ran toward the diner, not knowing it already had inhabitants lurking below the diner floors ...

A/N: Ooh.. SPOOKY. I'd like to congratulate Sam (aka lolhai, not the other Sam that likes Sum 41 and stuff) for getting the anagram for the scientist's name. The anagram spelt out: Not Real. You guys still need to guess the city name, and the name of Rain's supervisor. So, that person now gets a suprise mention/appearance in this very fic! Rate and Review! All of this was completely made up, may've ben short, but that adds suspence. Right? Anyway, Rate and Review! Peace and Cookies, XO Sadie. (PS: Get ready for a new peice of poetry or whatever you wanna call it.)
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