Categories > Original > Fantasy > Secrets of the Outside World

Chapter Three

by MCR-99 4 reviews

Rain and Jayson escape from the 'city'..

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-07-09 - 906 words

Chapter Three.

The Science Department was pretty much crawling with scientists, and their apprentices. These apprentices were from Jayson and Rain's class, and were lucky enough to get this job as the Science Mini-Geek, as Rain and Jayson called it. All around you saw white, white jumpsuits, and lab-coats, as well as goggles here and there. Rain spotted the reception desk, and tapped Jayson on the shoulder, pointing out to the desk. Behind the desk stood a man, a slender man with very big glasses, who was busy seeing to someone, pointing out to them exactly where to go.

"Um, excuse me, we need some help." Rain said quietly, shyness getting the best of her. She wasn't always shy, but when it came to someone she'd never seen before, she got very shy.

"Well, what do you need, missy?" The receptionist asked, pushing his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose, coughing slightly because of the dust in the air.

"We'd like to see a scientist." Jayson spoke up this time, and Rain nodded in agreement. "We need to ask him a very scientific question."

"Really? Well, let's see if we can find someone free, shall we?" The receptionist tapped a few keys on the computer keyboard by the side of him, looking down the list of names that ran up the screen, before highlighting one of them with the cursor and speaking again. "Ah, yes. We have someone free for you, Dr. Otn Earl; he's African. He's in room 2027, just down the hall, make two lefts, then a right. Sound easy enough?"

"Yes." Both of them said in unison. "Thank you."

Rain and Jayson then walked down the hall that the receptionist pointed out, and followed his instructions correctly, before coming to the lab in room 2027. Out of politeness, Rain knocked on the door two times, before hearing the entry call from a man with a deep voice. Rain opened the door, and both the teenagers stepped in, shutting the door behind them, before walking up to the lab desk, where behind it stood a young man, probably in his early twenties, mixing both Hydrocloric Acid and Liquid Nitrogen together, and noting down the results accordingly.

"Um, Dr. Otn?" Jayson tried to get the young scientist's attention, and the doctor quickly looked up at the teenagers and responded.

"Yes, what can I do to help?"

"Um, we'd like you to look at something." Rain dug about in her bag, getting out the little match-box, and opening it, showing off the butterfly inside. "Maybe, you could tell us where it came from?"

Dr. Otn's eyes widened as he struggled to think of a convinceable lie, as he wasn't allowed to tell anyone, especially not the two curious tennagers before him, about the Outside World, as it would be very dangerous if word got out, especially to The Watcher, the omniscient leader of Conslied. Suddenly, he thought the lie up.

"I'm afraid I don't know where it came from. I haven't studied insects and animals for my coursework, only chemicals." Rain was heartbroken when she heard, but then she remembered her other inquiry, and asked that instead, hoping to get some answers.

"Well, when I found this butterfly, I noticed that the sky above it was dark, yet when I looked out the window upon finding this creature, it was still light. Why do you think that is?" Again, another lie was told.

"Space-time continuim, possibly? The movement and growth of the Universe moving about the Sun, and the Moon, or possibly, the Summer season has arrived, and times have changed. I honestly do not know, children. Now, if you would please leave, I'm very busy." Dr. Otn hurried the teens from his lab, breathing a sigh of relief when they left, and started down the hallway back to the main area of the building.

"Now, what do we do?" Jayson asked, gutted with the news.

"Didn't I tell you? We're gonna find out for ourselves, and uncover the secrets as to where this thing came from." Rain then packed away the butterfly, putting the box back in her bag, before grabbing onto Jayson's wrist and dragging him to where she found the butterfly. The vent was still open, but the sky past the vent was light, a warm sun glowed into the area. Suddenly, alarm bells rang out through the halls, and an automated voice blared out.

Security breach. Two escapers. Security breach.

"What are we gonna do?" Jayson panicked, before Rain pointed up the vent.

"Only one thing we can do. Start climbing." The twoo teens climbed up the vent as quick as they could, and soon they were out of the vent and into the sandy desert, running quickly down the sandy hill, and looking back on what they once thought was a city, but was really a massive underground vault, hidden behind layers of sand and rock, un-noticed by the entire world. A world inside a world.

A/N: So, no swimming today, so I had time to update. Yes, I know the whole 'world-inside-a-world' thing was from City Of Ember (I've seen the movie by the way.), but the scientist and all that., I made that up. The rest of this story will be purely fictional as well. The scientist's name is also an anagram, see if you can work it out :) Rate and Review! Peace and Cookies, XO Sadie
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