Categories > Original > Poetry

This Is No Hallucination

by MCR-99 3 reviews

The things you see, they aren't fake. They aren't little creations of your mind. This is no halucination, this is real.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Published: 2013-07-25 - 152 words

This Is No Hallucination

Burning bodies, dropping one by one.
Falling buildings, crushing souls.
Piercing screams of victims of a Hell.
And you stand in the midst of it all.

You think this is fake, all a dream?
You think you could just close your eyes and it would dissapear?
Please, save your breath, spare me your crys.
This is just the thing you call a life.

Don't you see what you've caused, my dear?
With your silly little games and lies?
You knew people screamed, yet you refused to hear.
You watched with a smile as everyone cries.

The things you see, they aren't fake.
They aren't creations of your mind.
This is no hallucination.
This is real.

A/N: This would make an awesome screamo song, wouldn't you agree? The title came from Wake Up by Suicide Silence. Is it only me who thinks screamo songs have the deepest meanings?
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