Categories > Original > Romance > Monster

Chapter 1.5

by RedsWolf 0 reviews

The transformation

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-07-30 - 201 words - Complete

I tried to stand and for somre reason only managed to crawl on all fours. Each step i took, i felt my stride evening out. There was no lapse in the pain, i had aches in even more places, but i knew i'd had to go find help. Eventually, when i finally reached the door i was somewhat walking. Something kept brushing against my ankles, but i ignored it and reached for the handle. My whole body shivered and i yelped in suprise. On the door handle rested a single dark black paw. I turned in a circle trying to see myself, but only saw a swishing tail. Before i could stop myself i ran to the full length mirror i'd been staring in only a few moments ago. Staring back at me, was a four legged beast. It's brown eyes wide with fright. I ran around the room a few times and each time i made a lap i'd stop and look in the mirror. "This is really me.." i whispered but what came out of my mouth was a resonating whine. "I can't believe this." i sighed and atleast my mouth..snout..whatever it's called, made the same sound.
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