Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > This City

This City

by meesheemooroo 0 reviews

when Emily is stuck in a big city with a broken heart Patrick Comes to her rescue

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2013-08-03 - Updated: 2016-11-12 - 1205 words - Complete

I was really shocked my boyfriend, Mike, decided to take me out to a nice place for dinner tonight. It was something he had never done in the two and a half years we were together.

To be honest he is kind of a douche, but I prided myself on trying my best to see through that.

We met in a small town in Indiana where we were both from. I had recently decided to move here to Chicago to open up my own record store. Mike came along to "support me" but I know he just here for the "cool ass clubs and parties." As he had said once before.

So what was the real reason we were at this fancy restaurant? As I said, Mike dad never done this before.

"Emily? Em?!" I snapped back into reality and looked at my big tattooed boyfriend rolling his eyes at me.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"I'm listening." I said back with weakness in my voice because I hadn't actually been listening at all.

"Then why arn't you upset? I know how you love to be a drama queen"

"Upset about what?" I asked in confusion.

"Okay, well I guess I'm going to have to repeat it again, so here goes." He gave a sigh as if repeating himself was a huge inconvenience for him. "I cheated on you" his voice was so dry and nonchalant.

"WHAT?!" I shouted not even caring that people were now starting to look at me.

"Don't worry babe, she's not as bangin'as you though." He said as he gave me a wink. My eyes went wide in horror and my brows raised in disbelief.

"Then why the HELL did you bring me here to this nice place?! Just to tell me you cheated on me?!" I was furious.

"What? did you think I was going to propose or something stupid like that? I was thinking if I took you out to some fancy restaurant, maybe you wouldn't over react like you obviously are doing now" he gave me another eye roll. I stood up from the table grabbing my bag in the process.

"Over reacting?! I didn't over react the first second or third time you did this, but this is it Michael! Don't EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN!" I said and stormed out of the restaurant into the rainy night outside.

I just began walking, he had the keys to the car, which I paid for, and the key card to the hotel, which I also paid for.
We had been staying in the hotel until we found an apartment somewhere, it was actually quite hard to do here in Chicago.

I didn't know where I was going as I continued to walk aimlessly doown the sidewalk. My now soaking wet clothes were beginning to get cold and I knew I'd probably end up sick from this but that was my last problem at the moment.

I was walking by a park when a nice new blue car with tinted windows slows down on the road beside me and rolls the window down.

"hey, are you ok? Do you need a ride somewhere?" The male voice called out to me.

"Oh great a murder, just what I need." I thought to myself

"No thanks" I called back speeding up my walk a little bit with my hands hugging myself from the cold. The car still continued to move in pace with me.

"Look, I saw what happened back at the restaurant, and I... can't I just take you home or something? You look really cold." He shouted over the rain which was coming down pretty hard and steady.

"Okay" I finally gave in and walked over to the car and got in.

So? What if he was a killer?
The way my night has went so far I I didn't even care anymore. I left all my shits to give back st the restaurant.

I got in the car and he just looked at me and smiled. He started reaching in the back seat for something.

"Oh man hes gong to kill me now, why did I get in the car?!" I thought to myself in terror now finally regretting my decision.

He pulled out a jacket and handed it to me and smiled awkwardly.

"Thanks" I said letting go of my fears.

"No problem. So where do you live?"

"Well I'm staying at a hotel about 6 blocks away, at least I think it's 6 blocks... or something. I don't even have the key card, my boyfri- I mean my ex boyfriend has it" I said double checking my soaked bag to make sure,

"Oh, I see. Well you can come to my hotel if you want so you can get you dried off. We'll find you a new hotel or something" he said in a positive tone.

"Thanks" I replied again.

Something about his voice was so kind and reassuring, it just made me feel at ease, it made me trust him.

He drove past some lights and I got a good look at him. He had blond hair, kind of messy, thick black rimmed glasses and he was wearing a dressy shirt with black pants. He had very nice taste in fashion. His face was pale and he had a very cute nose and what looked to be green eyes although it was hard to tell.

He caught me staring and glanced at me then back to the road

"So you don't know who I am? he said quizzically.

"No, am I supposed to?" I said trying to mask my embarrassment that was most likely still evident on my face from him catching me staring at him.

"No, no..I mean some people do... sometimes. I was just wondering, you were kind of looking at me as though you might." he now seemed embarrassed too.

"Okay, so who are you?" I was now curious.

"Well, my name's Patrick... Stump. I'm in this band, Fall Out Boy. It's not really a big deal or anything though." he said tripping over his words a little and rubbing the back of his neck as possibly a shy or nervous tick.

"Oh yeah? Really?" I now decided to take a closer look at him. He gave me a very embarrassed sounding chuckle.

"Yeah. So what's your name?" he glanced over to me for a moment.

"Emily Law" I answered.

"Well Emily, we're here" He looked to me and gave me a smile as he took something else from the back seat, got out of the car only to come around to my side and open the door for me and open and umbrella.

"Thank you Patrick, although I don't think the umbrella will do much good, I'm already soaked" I made him give a seemingly very genuine smile.

"We're going to fix that." He assured me as he shot me yet another smile.

We walked into the lobby of the hotel and I saw him in the light for the first time. It was really him, Patrick Stump. I had immediately recognized him in the light and it also had helped that anger had cleared a bit from my mind.
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