Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Living Sin
The Living Sin
(#) Chemical_30 2013-08-11
Holy crap I was not expecting that! Frank's sister? Wow...what a great twist! Seriously now I cannot wait for more...this story just gets better and better with each chapter! You're a phenomenal author!Author's response
Thank you so, so much! Honestly I have the biggest smile on my face right now, I'm actually creeping my sister out because of it ha! It really does mean the world to me that you enjoy reading this and I always love your reviews :)
Thank you again xoxoThe Living Sin
(#) CyanideCola 2013-08-11
Oh my god i was not expecting that great story line and plot twist it make the story so much more believeable and just....... WOW great work
please update soon
Jade xøAuthor's response
Thank you so much from the bottom of my black little heart! I can't explain how much this means to me and that you're sticking by it! I hope future chapters are as enjoyable as previous ones and that you'll read on
Thanks again xoxoThe Living Sin
(#) insanecousinbenji 2013-08-12
This is great! really interesting :) (the title made me think 'family funfair' which is completely irrelevant to everything but made me laugh)Author's response
Thank you so much! I see the family funfair thing after I looked at the title again and now I'm laughing too XD I'm glad you pointed that out because I needed a laugh.
Thanks for reviewing xoxoThe Living Sin
(#) LamiaTheFictionSnob 2013-08-14
Regretably one of those people who read and not review. So sorry. But to be honest, FicWad is not friendly to users logging on with a 6+ year old mobile phone.
Now to the point, I honestly can't provide any constructive criticism - your writing is brilliant! Maybe there are just occasional minor spelling errors, but everyone makes them (I probably have already made 5 in this text post).
And on an unrelated note, I hope that you don't fall back into a total relapse of self harm. I know - your body is yours to create and destroy with, I understand that well. But if you want someone to email and try to help, just ask :)
Eagerly awaiting your next chapter!
XOXOAuthor's response
Hi! First of all I just want to say I understand about the phone thing, its a freaking nightmare sometimes. Secondly I want to thank you for such a great review, it feels really good when you guys compliment my writing and I am really thankful for that.
As for the SH/relapse thing, I'm really grateful that you guys care so much. I feel really stupid for what I did but I know that recovery is a long process and I'm bound to slip up sometime, Rome wasn't built in a day right? Anyway I will keep you in mind if I ever need a chat and I want to thank you again for being so kind :)
Vikki xoxoThe Living Sin
(#) Chemical_30 2013-08-25
This story hasn't been updated in a bit..are you okay?Author's response
Hey! I'm okay, the next chapter will be up tomorrow for sure! I typed it up and forgot to save it then I did it again and managed to delete it so I've typed it up again but I'm just tweaking it a little. I'm sorry for taking so long, I've been a bit of a bonehead ha
I promise the update tomorrow
Vikki xoxo
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