Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Affection and Genocide


by jack-the-ripper 6 reviews

Mirror, mirror, on the wall..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2013-09-01 - Updated: 2013-09-01 - 5756 words


It was a thursday morning and the sun was sending down its first transparent beams, making everything in the house glow, creating a false effect of warmth when in reality, the house never warmed up until late afternoon. Gerard said that it had always been that way - that old brick houses like this one took time to gather heat but still managed to let it evaporate overnight.

I shivered slightly as I sipped on my coffee, the contrast between the hot liquid and the chilly kitchen was shocking, but enjoyable at the same time.
Gerard sat across the table, gulping down his beverage and looking like he hadn't showered in days, which I suspect he hadn't. He was much too busy splashing paint on every as of yet uncovered surface he would find in the house after running out of blank canvases.

Frank had carelessly placed himself sitting on the kitchen counter, leaning against the cupboard, trying to lose the sleep that still lingered in his eyes.

"I could close the blinds?" I offered even though the sight of the man trying to adjust his eyes to the bright light of the room was cute enough to take the offer back.

"Nah" He sang while rubbing his eyes. "Can't escape the sun forever."

Gerard paid no attention to us as he dreamily stared through the window at the front yard. The gravel looked as if it was covered in frost or some magical, shimmering powder and we were already on the last days of April. June was calling in late, and the scenery radiated the kind of coldness that could make you shiver just by looking at it.

I could sense Frank's eyes on me and I looked up again. Every so often, I would find him sitting not so far from me, his captivating eyes set on me alone. His expression would be unreadable, but in a kind and loving way. It was hard to not settle on just staring back and get lost in his beauty and the endless affection I felt for him.

A comfortable silence often engulfed as on mornings such as this one, we would simply take all our time to discard our sleepiness while consuming several pots of black, bitter coffee.
Gerard looked up with a lopsided grin covering his face, and turning his torso as much as he was able while sitting down, he delivered a small slap on Frank's thigh.

"Pretty sure it's your turn to do the shopping today, Frankie."

They took turns leaving the house.
For some time I was convinced that it was because they still didn't trust me to stick around, or to not steal anything, but after a while I understood that they didn't want to leave the house any more than I did. We all wanted to be swallowed by the timegap we imagined this house to be, and going outside made the life around us too real. I accompanied Gerard on one of his trips to the store, and the magical feeling of there being no time or place in this world disappeared in an instant. My heart sank everytime I thought of leaving soon, and I didn't want to miss another second of this fairytale.

Judging by Frank's frown, neither did he.
We all understood that our days here were numbered, and soon we would have to go back to normal life. Sunday was approaching hastily, and there was no way to avoid the collision.

Frank shot me a questioning look, but I shook my head softly.

"I'll stay, if you don't mind."

He never did.
He left after a couple of minutes and the roaring of the van's engine turned into an endless rattling and clatter as he sped through the gravel road.

I had picked up a habit of smoking while living here - it was difficult not to, really, with both of the men producing more smoke than all the chimneys in the area combined. There was something alluring in the idea of sitting on the patio when the day began to fade, taking small sips from your glass of bittersweet red wine and chain smoke until your lungs ached.

We grabbed the last of the coffee and made our way out back. Gerard ruffled his hair and I was beginning to grow concerned that he'd caught louses. He never smelled bad, though, there was always this soft scent of peppermint and tobacco lingering in the air wherever he went. It was a pleasant smell, but I'd grown more accustomed to Franks's - his pecualiar scent of peppery spices and lemongrass combined with something sweet, such as fresh cherries, was more intoxicating than any of the wine I'd had.
One time, while being curled up in his arms, protected by the same old blanket, I told him I wished he'd scrub it off with some non-scented soap because all it really did was make me want to crawl closer and press my body onto his until we would mold into one and never come off. It was a kind of a torture, but he'd given me that crooked, sly smile and claimed that he never used any scented products, nor parfumes, and that the inviting smell was all one hundred percent Frank Anthony Iero. Seeing as every other thing about him also drew me in with a pull so hard to resist, I had to believe him, though a playful slap on his forearm for being so goddammed smug was definitely called for.

I had a thick, knitted quilt draped around me to keep the morning chill at a distance, but Gerard sat there wearing his short and t-shirt combo, without even forming goosebumps.

"I was wondering.." He started. I'd almost thought he'd ran out of questions.

I cut him off with a grin. "Gerard, how about I ask the questions today?" My mood was picking up and I definitely liked the idea of messing with the guy.

He stared at me with his dark eyebrows arched in surprise. "Is there something you wanted to know about my secret double-life as a respected crime-fighting superhero?" He joked.

I nodded with an eager, playful smile. "Yes. Tell me everything. Where do superheros buy their tights from? Are the capes really there to enable flying or just for the sake of a fashion statement?" I cackled.

"Tights are delivered by our nameless providers. The capes are a bit of both - without the cape I'd be madman running around the city streets in a jumpsuit." He giggled. "Are you getting tired of my questions?"

"Well not really, no.. It just makes me feel a bit less normal, in a way." I decided to speak the truth, and shrugged to not make a big deal about it. His interrogation was sweet somehow, and also flattering knowing he found my life interesting, but it definitely gnawed on my self-esteem as someone else rather than the girl from the parallel universe. Gerard made things hard, if not impossible, to forget, and even though I wasn't sure I wanted to forget, the idea of being unabled was sometimes unnerving. But not enough so to make me want to hurt his feelings.

I looked up to him and searched his face for that hint of defeat I was quite sure I would find. The lines on his forehead creased a bit as if he was ever so slightly frowning at something, but his fade held no further signs of hurt. I stayed silent, gulping down the already lukewarm coffee before pausing to scrutinize his features again. The expression was still identical to the one I saw a moment ago and the man seemed completely unmoving on the terribly uncomfortable garden chair.

"..Gerard? I'm s-"

"Shh." The cut off was immediate and fierce, and I shrank back for a second before realizing that it wasn't a kind of shut the fuck up directed at me, but an urgent request for silence. I froze in place, trying to hear whatever he thought he was hearing, but only receiving the faint buzz of my own pulse in my eyedrums, my soft breathing and the slight wheez of the wind that danced around with stray strands of my hair.


His index finger snapped up in a fraction of a second and the way he held it stiffly in front of his face made me shut up before I even finished speaking his name. I tried again, putting all my focus to any sound, voice, anything that might've in any way differed from the usual. I tried blocking the sounds coming from my own bodily functions and held my breath.
I forced my frustratingly dull human senses to pick out the sound of the wind and block it, then take the far-away tsirps and tweets of the birds and discarded them too. And behind all that, behind all the obvious everyday sounds, I heard a faint-

"I think someone's at the door." Gerard spoke.

"Yeah, I can hear knocking.." I agreed, wondering why a sound of knocking would cause such thick tension to the atmosphere.

I studied his face and saw that all sign of amusement were gone, and nothing but a hollow, plain face remained, lacking any expression other than the fragment of wonder and a barely detectable look of... nervousness? Fear?

I was instantly alarmed, as if the crackless, somehow fragile peace we'd been floating in was for some reason broken and crumbled, but not by that knocking sound per se but by that confusing look of uncertainty that slowly took its place on Gerards's face.
Clearly, he wasn't expecting guests, but I couldn't begin to understand how the sound came off as ominuos to him. He wasn't afraid that I would go all vampire on his ass and eat his neighbor who wanted to loan a cup of sugar, was he? Or did he think that whoever it was would detect something unusual in the setting? But what, and how? It didn't make much sense, until Sunday suddenly entered my mind. Sunday, bloody Sunday.

"You don't think your parents came back early, do you?" My heart sank to the very bottom of the wooden patio floor at the thought.

I wouldn't even get to spend my last moments here with Frank. Sudden irritation took me by surprise and I frowned at Gerard, remembering that he was the one who'd made Frank go in the first place, when he was the only one who was going to be staying here after his parents got home. If anyone should be allowed every minute of the day of undisturbed, unrealistic peace, it was us. I shook the feeling off, slightly frightened at my aggressive reaction.
We weren't superior to Gerard, especially not in his own house.

"Ma just called yesterday, remember? I think she would've mentioned coming home early.." He mused.

My heart felt a bit lighter after his logical statement, but the dawning sorrow of something that's about to end wasn't as easily erased.

"That's true.." I nodded. "So.. Are you going to get it?"

"Get what?"

"The door, Gerard." The knocking had become obnoxiously loud during our little chat and by no means did I have to sharpen my senses to hear it at the moment.

The banging started to send shivers through my spine. There were two things that didn't quite add up; One, the fact that the knocking had reached such force that I was starting to hear the window panes creak and the glass whine under the tension.
And we were on the other side of the fucking house.

Two, the fact that Gerard sat beside me, silent and unmoving, told me all there was to tell. For some reason, he had no intentions to get up and open the door, and judging by the calculating yet nervous look on his face I suspected he was weighing his options that consisted of a - getting the door and dealing with it b - sneaking back inside and crawling into his basement while pretending there was no one home. There was no car on the yard, so that was a major point to our team, or c -Staying still on the patio until the knocker would give up and go back where he came from - he had to, eventually.

Gerard's posture and behavior gave me the chills, as I would still have been fairly sure it was his parents knocking (though why on earth would they knock on their own door, that was another question.) or some neighbour in desperate need of some irreplacable ingredient he needed to finish a special dish, or Frank-

"Frank!" I beamed, quietly enough to not receive any more shushing from Gerard. "It could be Frank! I don't think he grabbed the keys when he left!"
And if anyone would be pissed of having to knock for ten damn minutes with bags of groceries tucked under his arms, it would be Frank.
I was only surprised the banging wasn't even worse.
I jumped up and went for the patio door, Gerard trailing closely behind.
When I reached the living room, he gently grabbed my arm to stop me.

"I'll go. You stay here, ok?"

Although his eyes were serious and concerned, and his manners spoke of courage, a simple warm feeling in my heart for his overall gentlemanish sweetness wasn't enough - I had to seriously steady myself to stop that persistant giggle from ever happening. The urge to smile in some other than grateful way was hard to fight, but thankfully he proceeded with his heroism and continued towards the door. The moment he was out of sight, I cracked a smile.

But the smile was more than easy to smother, as the voice I heard from the door did not belong to Frank at all. I sprung to the kitchen and cursed myself for not closing the shutters earlier so that peeking from behind them would be easy for me, and hard for whoever was at the door to notice. I tugged on the fabric of the silky curtain hanging on the side of the window by the dinner table and pulled it. With minor struggle, I was able to see the man standing on the porch.

All I could make out of the muffled words I heard Gerard speak was that it was a rather peaceful conversation - not at all what the violent knocks had boded.

The man wore baggy camoflauge trousers that were by no means fashionable, although I wasn't exactly one to judge, but these pants came off as atleast three sizes too large for the ever so slightly sturdy man, and looked like the only thing that held them up was a bright pink plastic cord that had been carefully stringed through beckets on the waistband, the ends tied together at the front. He looked perfectly at ease only wearing a faded green t-shirt that, on the contrary, was helplessly too small a size, stretching at its seams, making me wonder how he would ever get the thing off.

But the feature that caught my eyes first was his radiant, wild hair that sparkled and glistened in the white morning sunlight in various shades of emerald. I'd seen people with alternative colored hair before, mine was copper, but I wasn't sure what to make of the green-haired, scruffy yet fresh-looking young man on Gerard's porch.
I frowned, and hurried to the kitchen counter, rememering there was a tiny ventilation window by the stove, and opened it skillfully quietly despite my haste. I wanted to hear what they were talking about..

I did the same thing I practised on the patio before, taking one sound at a time and blocking it, temporarily erasing it from the part of my brain that received information on sense stimulus.
After a short moment, I'd narrowed the sounds down to Gerard's and the green-haired stranger's, and focused.

"It wasn't a request." The blunt, distant voice of the pale stranger caused me to frown. Whatever he wanted, Gerard had obviously declined.

"I don't know who you're looking for but she's definitely not here." Gerard's surprisingly confident and steady voice spoke.

"You're telling me you're all alone?"

"Yes, I'm alone."

"Then who's the one peeking from behind the curtain, and eavesdropping by that cute little rectangular window by what I suspect is the kitchen of your lovely house?"

I jumped up, nearly hitting my head on the cupboard and backed away from the window. Shit!
I left the kitchen, and carefully tiptoed towards hall, stopping by the last corner before I'd be seen. I would hear the conversation much better from my current position, anyway.
It seemed to have taken a moment too long for Gerard to regain his composure.

"Must've been my wife. She's a bit of an introvert, but overly curious." He spoke slowly.

"Your wife? Ah.." I could detect a playful smile in his tone that made it quite clear he wasn't buying anything Gerard told him. "I must admit she's managed to adapt quite quickly, but marriage? Seems a bit prompt to me."

"I don't know who it is you're talking about. I'm sorry. Now if there's nothing else.." Gerard's strained voice trailed off ever so lightly, hinting the obvious, and I could just picture him nudging the door closer to shut.
The sudden tap only confirmed my vision, the sound that was caused by a hand colliding with the door to stop the movement.

"Why don't you tell your wife to come forward and introduce herself. She seems awfully uncomfortable trying to appear invisible."

My breath caught in my throat and while I started to retrieve from my position, my eyes wandered off to the mirror on the far end of the wall, casting a perfect reflection of the wicked stranger in sickeningly striking hair dye. Our eyes locked, and while the man remained a perfect stranger to me, his gaze spoke of recognition and content. His already curved up lips stretched into a knowing, shrewd smile as I stood frozen at place, unable to tear my eyes off the mirror.

"Have a nice day." Gerard coughed and made another move to close the door, but was yet again cut off by the unknown, smirking man.

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall..." He sang, his voice holding the kind of delight with a portentous edge to it.

His eyes still drilled into mine, and the longer I looked at his slightly round, somewhat freckled face, the more convinced I was of the hunch I had - that something about this man was just not right. He had the sort of kind eyes that were easy to think of as trustworthy, if not for the wicked glint that taunted the soft green. The roundness of his features made him look younger than his confrontational gist made him seem, and I had a hard time trying to find a feature or a gesture that would downright speak of danger, but something was definitely off..

"...Who is the scariest of them all?" His twinkling eye winked at me, and I forced myself to look away.

I kept staring at the mirror, though, just careful to avoid his gaze. Thankfully, he, too, seemed to have redirected his focus on Gerard.

"Look, I don't wanna barge in like an intruder - you might get quite hurt in the process- but that pretty little redhead definitely needs to step up and have a brief chat with me." He leaned on the doorway, showing a sickly sweet smile that made my insides churn.

There was a heavy sigh, after which Gerard's anxious voice called out to me.

"..Avery? What do you.. uhm.. say?"

I could tell Gerard did definitely not feel up to it, and would rather shove me into the basement for my own sake, and do whatever it took to close that damn door but I suspected he was just as baffled by the request as I was.
Who was he? Why did he want to talk to me? Why did it seemed like he knew me? I had never seen the man in my life, I could swear on my mother's grave. Well, if I actually knew where it was and gave a damn.

I shrunk back at first, but after remembering the meaningful stare in the mirror, I made up my mind. If something wasn't right about this man, I'd rather face him myself than have Gerard stand between us.
I cleared my throat to speak.

"It's alright." I started, attempting a smile at Gerard while walking properly into the hall and making myself seen. I had been seen twice already, which kind of took away the point in hiding.

"She speaks!" The man exclaimed in mock amazement.

"But if you don't mind." I turned to the man "I'd like to speak with Gerard for a moment. I want the door closed, and I'll be back in less than five minutes. We'll talk outside." I spoke quickly, alarmingly asking myself if I had any idea what I'd signed up for. I didn't. All I knew is that while the obscured sense of panic rose up in my chest, I had to get Gerard away from the door.

"Sounds splendid!" He sneered, and the door was violently pushed shut with a loud bang. A few silent, motionless seconds ticked by before I found my feet and closed the distance between me and Gerard.

His grave face told me all about how he felt about my decision. His eyes kept stealing glances at the door and the shadowy frame of an unknown male that stood behind the door, his figure clearly visible through the stained glass that covered most of the the massive door.

"What's going on?"

"I'm sorry." I croaked even though I wasn't entirely sure what I was apologizing for.

Gerard looked up and gave me a weak smile. "What's going on?" He repeated anxiously, with less of an angry edge to the question. "Who is he?"

"I honestly don't know. But he's obviuosly not going leave until I find out what he wants. You should stay inside."

"Why?! If you have no idea who this guy is and what he wants, then why in the name of fucking god should I stay inside?" He snapped at me, running his idle hand through his messy mop of midnight hair. His nerves were nearly touchable.

"Because of the very fact!" I hissed. "He could be-"

"What, you're thinking he ain't human? And you're telling me now?" The horror in his eyes was painful to face, but I stared intently into them, fearing that if I was to break the gaze now, he would lose it.

"I'm not sure! He's not like I was, alright? But he could be something.. I don't know, he's just not right.. Somehow." I buried my face in my palms and sighed heavily before rubbing my throbbing temples. Gerard kept staring at me, as if paralyzed, and I couldn't help but nudge him on the ribs to make sure he wasn't going into shock or anything. I had too much on my hands at the moment without having to call the paramedics.

"Look, you should go grab a glass of water or something. Just stay inside and I'll be right back. I promise." I managed a hesitant smile and awkwardly patted him on his arm, urging him to exit the hall.

Before he could protest, I brushed my clothes, took a deep breath and walked over to the door. I had a disturbing feeling in my chest that already acknowledged the fact that something was definitely coming to an end, but I ignored it as I stepped outside into the cold light of the early noon, completely oblivious as to what was to happen next.

The stranger was half sitting on the fence, his ankles crossed and hands behind his back. With his unordinary attire and his laid back posture, he somehow managed to make it look comfortable.
I didn't have the slightest clue of what to expect, so I begun by politely extendending my arm, offering my hand for him to shake.

"Avery Banker." I introduced myself.

He ignored my hand, which I placed beside me after a second of discomfort.

I could see his jaw repeatedly clench and relax, as if he was finding it hard to make up his mind about whether he wanted to smash something, or take a constructive approach.

"Leon." He finally stated. "Leon Preston Prescott-Algoode, and even though you seem to change your name every so often, it doesn't change what you've done."

I frowned, letting the words sink in, but not really getting anything out of what he said.
A heavy silence lingered around us, and even though I was quite sure I'd regret asking, I went for the obvious line to break that silence.

"What have I done?" I breathed out, trying to disguise all emotion and remain expressionless but my trembling hands and my wobbly feet had likely given me away minutes ago.

"Oh, nothing.. Destroyed the world, basically. No biggie." I shrugged with a bitter chuckle. "And honestly, I wouldn't even care all that much unless, for me, that meant starvation and a future of endless skipping through dimensions to avoid being ripped to shreds by vrykos. I'm much too keen on food and freedom to support this to-be invasion."

I opened my mouth to say something, but shut it after realizing I was at a total loss of things to say. I had intended to take the I've no idea what you're talking about route, but the fact was that I partly did and we both seemed to understand that fully well. There was no sense in denying anything.
As cryptic and vague as his words were, one thing managed to register itself into my brain, plain and clear. This man knew. Whoever he was, he really did know.

"Wh-" I tried again, but couldn't form half a word. I couldn't even begin to digest his words, he talked about the end of the world, fear of starvation and invasions, alongside with something called vrykos, and none of it added up in my mind.

I was caught off guard as he scrambled up, grabbed by forearm and pulled me towards the yard. I stumbled upon the few stairs that led you off the porch and wasn't sure whether I was too weak or too taken aback to resist the pull or just not quite enough there to do something about it.

"What're you doing?" I blurted out, having finally found my voice. Sadly, that didn't apply to my feet that felt like two numb lumps below my waist, only following his steps due to the rough pulling and moving on their own as if my body had somehow realized that if they didn't, I'd end up being dragged behind him with my face sweeping across the gravel.

"We're talking somewhere private. Your husband just went for the same tricks you did." He said indifferently.

I let him drag me across the yard up to where the gravel ended and the woods rose in front of us like a majestic, dark mountain. My senses screamed at me in terror, which I didn't exactly need in order to understand that entering the labyrinth of trees with an erratic stranger wasn't the best of ideas, not even if he wasn't as hostile as he'd appeared on the porch, nor as wickedly delightful as he'd come across while talking to Gerard.

I finally found my feet as I came to an abrupt halt, tensing my body in order to make myself harder to force into moving.

"Nope." I made a face a him that I hoped made my thoughts about taking another step towards the forest, clear.

An exasperated sigh escaped his lips, as he turned on his heels and started towards the left side of the house.

"And you know what - I'm perfectly capable of walking without being led like a dog on a leash." I snapped, yanking my arm until he loosened his grip and raised his arms in surrender before he continued walking. I followed.

"Great." He scoffed. "Although I kind of like the idea of a vryko on a leash."

"Just what the hell is a vryko?" I grunted through gritted teeth, finding it suddenly challenging to ignore his dry, self-righteous attitude.

"You are. Or were. Beats me." He shrugged. "But don't change the subject-" He came to a halt and turned around, flashing me the sleaziest smirk I'd seen in a while. "-I'd love to talk about you and I, and the possibility of involving a leash."

I glared at the man's idiotic grin with not much of a patience with a man who shows up at the door, talks like he knows too much and takes and awful long time to actually tell you just what the hell it's all about. It was hardly the time for any kind of flirtatous bullshit and kept glaring for as long as it took until he clapped his palms together like a happy child, giggling with self-satisfaction at his tacky take on flirt and finally, straightened his face and posture, erasing all traces of amusement.

"If there's something you came to say, you'd better say it and leave." I stated. "I don't like playing games."

His anger flared, something I definitely hadn't seen coming, and I took an instinctive step back while trying not to flinch at the fire in his eyes and the increased volume of his voice.

"Games?!" He barked, turning a deep shade of burgundy as the words escaped his mouth. "I'm not particularly fond of games, either, which is the main fucking reason I'm here!!" After taking a steading breath, his varying mood flipped around again, hiis skin tone returning to the pervious rosy pale, the veins on his neck pulsating in a slightly more healthy looking way, his eyes mellowing in only a few seconds after lashing out on me. A tiny smile made its way to his lips.

"Took forever to find you, too." He huffed a throaty laugh.

I had no way of knowing if it was safe for me to relax my tensed up muscles, but I managed to cool down the angry fuming in my head that wanted to attack the man and then bolt - run into the house as fast as my legs would allow, lock the doors and wait for him to get the hell out of my sight. His shifty, unpredictable mood frightened me more than anything he was saying, and I took another step back to ensure there was atleast some kind of a distance between me and the explosive stranger.

"I don't know who you are and how you know all, uhm, these things.." My wary voice trailed off into a whisper. I coughed and tried to find my voice again, and hoped it sounded better than that pathethic wheezing and whimpering.

"What do you want from me?" I asked tiredly.

I looked up to his soft, green eyes and saw frustration quite similar to mine. His figure hunched and suddenly he looked like a sorrowful, young boy. I looked around warily, wondering if Gerard was already going insane with worry after seeing me disappear from the porch so quickly.

"They're coming, Insolentia." The word startled me, the word that had replaced my name such a long time ago, the latin word that was used to, with a negative vibe attached to it, to describe what I was. The novelty. It was strange hearing that name again, almost having forgotten being the odd man out. Not that it differed much from my currect position.
But hearing the name made me sick to my stomach, making this whole situation that much more real and impossible to brush off as some overly aware maniac bothering me for kicks.

I felt all blood evaporate my body, and all of a sudden I knew exactly who it was he refered to as vrykos, I understood the meaning of the cryptic words he'd spoken after the second we'd met, and that strange kind of urgency that came out as abrupt eruptions of red, hot anger.
I could feel my entire being shake, as if there wasn't a single muscle inside this body able to hold me together. I thought about the question that burned my mind, and knew I had to have a confirmation even though I was fairly sure I already knew the answer.

"For me?" I didn't recognize my own voice.

"That, also. But they won't settle on taking you back. They won't need to. The gate is wide open, the way you left it. It's only a matter of time before they understand the full meaning of your departure."

I nodded slowly.
Thousands of visions flashed before my shut eyes, reminding me of all the things that I had done wrong. By leaving, I had only sped up what I had avoided having to enable in the first place. The reason I'd escaped.
I felt a hard lump in my dry throat as I slowly begun to realize that this had all been in vain. Every single thing I'd done since learning that I was able to cross the barrier, had been in vain.
Fighting for humanity had been in vain.
Hot, salty tears threatened to spill but I fluttered my eyelids ferociously to keep the tears away.
I had to remain composed. I had to.

"How do you.. How do you know all this? Who are you? What are you? I-I can't.. Shit!" I stomped the ground with the heel of my boot, feeling just about ready to burst out crying.

He shifted his weight from foot to another, seemingly uncomfortable with whatever he was about to say. I waited patiently, determined not to show any of the flashing panic and the overwhelming fear on the surface, only stealing glances at the house occasionally, almost hoping to see Gerard's dark figure on the patio on the backside of the building.

And then, the freckled, green-haired man with a volatile stance uttered the words that stopped the world from turning.

"You need to close the gap. You need to go back."

There. This chapter was a real pain in ass. I hope you like it.
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