Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dirty Paws

Chapter 2

by Suicide_Room 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2013-09-29 - 1427 words

"Now what is a pretty thing like you doing here?" He asks as he walked closer to me, the only men that has ever been that close to me was Ryan and my father. I took several steps back just to get away and that was working fine until I hit the wall.
Now he was just pressing up against me. If I'm going to die now, I am not going to die a coward.
"Do not touch me." I said in an authoritative voice. I might have been scared on the inside, but I wasn't about to show him that.
"Oh we have a feisty one here" they both laughed. He put both of his hands on my shoulders, then moves them so they are now around my neck. They weren't gripping it tightly or anything he was just resting his hands there. Then they were gone. Just like that.

He looked at me with a weird expression on his face, I couldn't really say or describe it as anything but weird. I don't know if he was doing some kind of a trance or something, but I decided to be safe and just look away casting my eyes to look down.
Only to feel his thumb and forefinger on my chin lifting it up once again and leaving them there.
"You didn't really answer my question. What is a pretty thing like you doing in a filthy place like this one?" He asked once again.

Tell him the truth what is the worst that could happen? He could kill me, I saw what the other one did to that cow. I will not look like that cow. "Hiding from monsters like you" I simply said, his fingers leaving my chin.
He stepped back giving my space. I thoughu I hurt his feelings then I remember that they are monsters that have no feelings. "Gerard its almost sunrise." The other said as he looked straight at Vikki, who was now standing in the corner.
"I know." He said before stepping a bit foward with his face closer to my neck. I felt his teeth grazing it.
"Gerard you can kill her some other time, we have to go now!"
And with a growl they both disappeared.
Well, that was close.
I walk over to Vikki, grabbing her shoulders amd shook her a bit. "You okay?"
It took several minutes and a few shook fpr her to finally answer me. "Yeah, I'm just peachy!" And sarcasm has hit. "Come on."
We grabbed our baskets and headed out the barn door; the sun hitting our faces. I wasmt about to admit that I really was scared, my father never would. I would just have to put on a brave face even if I think those might be the last momemts I have on this earth.

We made it back to the town in just 32 minutes and counting. We decided to tell no one about what had happened, we thought it would have been safer. If they even found two puncture wounds together, it was either a stake to the heart or off with your head. Reasonable right? Either way you die.

We parted ways when we reached our home. I could see three relieved faces looking back at me.
"Thank goodness your all right!" Jacqueline said as she approached me, embracing me in a hug. Mackenzie and Ryan joined is also.
Ryan said frantically, "Are you sure your alright? Nothings hurt?"

"Yes I'm fine. If you don't mind I would like to take a bath." I said as they all stood back. I saw Ryan shot me a look, one I knew very well. He can always sense when something was wrong or bothering me.
I walked past them and out the back door, grabbing a thick sheet on the way. As I approached to the small waterfall we came across when we ran form the attack, I heard Ryan call my name. Soon enough he was walking next to me.
"So what happened, really?"

So I told him everything that had happened, well except the part where the devil was oind of pressed up against me and when his fangs were on my neck. I didn't really want him to go into a killing frenzy. I wouldn't mind really but this means putting his life in jeopardy and I cannot lose anymore family.
He stayed silent until we reached the waterfall and even then he just sat by the tree as I took all of my clothes off and entered the water.
Washing away every smell of the last few days and all the unwanted dirt, Ryan had moved foward and now was sitting on the edge. I didn't mind since the water wasn't as clear as it looked.
"How did you escape again?"
"I told you Ry, the sun was comming up. Its like their scared of it or something. We found their weakness." I replied. I know that at least something good came out of this.
I sw am away from his view and underneath the waterfall. The water was always cold on this side, like it somehow had somethinng eerie about it. The walls were white, no mold on them, sometimes when I really want to get away I come here to think.
About how the world we would be with our father back on the throne, if no vampires existed.
After my hands started to wrinkle, I got up and dried off. Making sure Ryan was looking the other way, he was my brother after all.
I put on my clothes again, getting them wet with my hair.
"You can look now"
He turned with the same thinking look. We didn't talk, just started our way home.
I never got any sleep that night. All I could see when I closed my eyes where his looking back at mine.
For some time I just laid there, the windows open and the cold wind entering the room.

A strange light started to glow, I stood up from the bed with my hair slightly in my face. As I looked out the window I saw half the town burning. People running about, screamind, crying. I ran out of the room waking up the others; the smoke was entering the cottage and I felt like sufficating.
"Mack wake up!!!" I said as I shook her,
I left her room and woke the others as fast as we could.
We left the cottage right when it started to burn. I ran as fast as my feet would take me towards Vikki.
They had her grabbed by her hair, dragging her towards a big carriage; most of the girls in the village were there.Sobbing. Crying.
It was our turn to go.

I kept calm when a hand wrapped itself around my mouth. "What are you doing?!" Ryan. "They've taken Vikki. I have to to do something."
"There's no hope for her we have to leave now!" Said Ryan as he grabbed onto my wrist and began to pull in the opposite direction. "No one ever gets left behind." I said as manage to get Ryan's hold. Running after them , I didn't get as far as I thought before one of then grabbed me and threw me in the cage. I found Vikki right away curled up in the corner. "Vikki?"

She looked up and hugged me as soon as she saw me. Walking next to us was the same guy that we saw at the farm. He was staring right at us, smiling. "Gerard sure is gonna love this"

I don't know how long we have been here. Yet, one by one they would take us, they would never return.
Vikki was still here with me, along with a few other girls. They brought bread and water once in a while; it wasn't enough. One of us would always starve. I care to much to not be this person, so I really never ate until everyone was fed.
The doors openned once again and the same guy came in. "Who's next?"
I just know that Ryan hasn't lost any hope.

Ryan's P.O.V.
"We have to find our father, right now he is the only one who can help save Aurelia"

"Ryan we don't know if she is even alive!" Jacqueline said. We had runned into the forest, taking the unmarked path towards the other town. Mackenzie was still crying and Jacqueline was on the point of madness. "She is not dead. I can feel her"
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