Categories > Anime/Manga > Sailor Moon > Sailor Moon's Pokemon Journey

Chapter 7

by USA_Tiger 0 reviews

Category: Sailor Moon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Usagi (Moon) - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2013-10-04 - 6481 words

Sailor Moon's Pokémon Journey

By: USA Tiger

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or Pokémon.

Chapter 7

"Thank Kami we are out of that cave!" Usagi said as they exited, happy to be in the sun again. Gary laughed as the blond spun happily while Jareth watched on amused. Even Chip was happy, running in circles around Usagi. Gary had kept his promise and led the group to the nearest cave exit.

If they had stayed in the cave and continued through it, they would have reached the next city a lot faster but as Usagi didn't care for the dark, damp cave the teens were now taking the slightly longer path down the side of Mt. Moon. Usagi didn't care as long as they were out.

"Give it another day or two we'll be in Cerulean City," Gary said once he had Usagi's attention again.

"What are you going to do once you get there Sydney?" Usagi asked Jareth.

"I don't know yet. I'm not much of a battler," Jareth said with a shrug. "I mostly like watching Pokémon." He couldn't come straight out and say he wanted to travel with them; it would make him seem pushy. But if he could get the pair to invite him along... or at least get Usagi to ask him to go with her... then he could work on the blond to fall in love with him.

Above the path, a white fur Pokémon watched the trio and Meowth make their way down the mountain. Its red eyes narrowed as the Pokémon looked the trio then toward the mountain path in front of them, the long curved horn above the Pokémon's head seeming to flash.

"Absol..." The Pokémon followed behind them. (1)


Every now and then Usagi would stop and glance over her shoulder. Both of the boys had started to notice it after a while.

"Is there something wrong Usagi?" Jareth asked after she stopped and did it again.

"I swear there is something following us," Usagi said, squinting as she tried to catch a glimpse of whatever it was. So far she had no luck. Gary glanced over his shoulder as well, looking over the landscape. He didn't see anything but that didn't mean something wasn't following them.

"Well we can't do anything about it unless whatever it is shows its face," He said after a moment as he turned back and started to walk again. Usagi sighed and followed Gary with Jareth right behind her. She almost walked into Gary's back as the younger teen stopped short.

"Hey! What's the big idea?" Usagi said.

"We have a problem," Gary said. "Looks like there was a landslide recently, we won't be able to go this way." Usagi looked up; like Gary pointed out the path was blocked by a giant pile of rocks.

"What are we going to do?" Usagi asked. Gary sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I don't know of any other paths down the mountain other than this one and the caves," Gary admitted after a minute.

"Meowth!" Chip called from the side. He was pointing at a rocky looking path a few feet off to the side. "Meowth meowth."

"Hmm... Looks like someone has started a new path," Jareth said.

"Yeah... but it doesn't look very safe," Gary said as he went over to look the path over. It filled with loose stones and dirt, the auburn hair teen didn't think the path looked steady.

Usagi glanced over the boys shoulders and gulped slightly.

"We're not going that way are we?" She asked.

"I think we'll have to," Gary said with a sigh. "The usual path is blocked and there isn’t any other path this way. It's this or go back to the caves"

"I think it will be fine," Jareth said as he climbed onto the path. "Don't worry Usagi, I won't let you fall." Usagi bit her lip, looking at the path again then sighed and picked up Chip.

"Let’s get this other with," She said as she followed the disguised prince. Gary groaned, he didn't think this was a good idea, but got up right behind the pair and followed them. As the three teens walked further along the path, there were times where they had to go around or find a new way as part of the pathway had crumbled or had become covered by mini-landslides. "Ok I changed my mind! Let’s go back, this is dangerous. The cave is safer!" Usagi said after she slid on a worn smooth piece of rock onto her ass.

"Usagi's right, we'll be safer going back," Gary agreed as he clung to a root of a nearby tree to keep from tripping.

"But we've come so far," Jareth said, he had been hoping Gary would fall so the human teen would be out of the picture once and for all.

"I don't want to end up falling," Usagi said as she stood up, Chip clinging to her shoulders.

"Meowth!" Chip agreed. All four froze up and the ground started to tremble a bit under their feet.

"What was that!?" Usagi screeched as she fell again.

"I don't know, but we should get out of this area before it happens again," Gary said. Even Jareth agreed, he didn't want to fall to his death. The boys helped Usagi up off the ground then started to climb back up to a more stable part of the path. As they reached a wider rock along the path, the Absol that had been following them jumped down and blocked their path.

"Absol!" The white furred Pokémon said. "Sol Absol."

"What is that?" Usagi asked.

"It's an Absol," Gary said. "They are really rare, old stories use to say that disaster follows in its wake. Turns out they can sense when some sort of disaster is coming and warn people."

"Absol ab absol," The Absol said in agreement. It turned and jumped up onto a higher perched rock then looked over its shoulder. "Sol."

"Me meowth," Chip jumped off Usagi's shoulder and followed after the other Pokémon, waving for the others to follow.

"He's leading us to safety," Gary said, helping Usagi up onto the rocks above them then started to climb up after her. Jareth climbed the other side of the rock face.

Usagi yelped as the ground started to shake again, sending her to the ground and making the boys yell as they clung to the rock. The Absol grabbed the back of Usagi's bag with his teeth, pulling her back further from the edge. Gary and Jareth climbed up next to Usagi and the two Pokémon. Another tremor passed under their feet, stronger than the previous ones that caused the rock the group had climbed up onto to shake loose from its foundations and send it plummeting down below, screams from the group echoing off the mountain.


Usagi groaned as she rubbed her abused backside as she looked around. Lucky for the group, the rock they had been on hadn't fallen straight down but had slid on the sharp incline of the mountain. Once the rock hit the bottom, the three teens and two Pokémon had been thrown off. Usagi thanks to the last three years of being a senshi had only come out with a couple of bruises.

"Gary!" Usagi quickly crawled over to Gary who was groaning a few feet away. "Are you alright?" She asked as she helped the younger teen sit up.

"Yeah..." He said as he rubbed his head. "We were lucky," He added as he looked up and saw how fall they fallen.

"Where's Sydney?" Usagi asked as she looked around. "And Chip and that other Pokémon?"

"Meowth!" Chip called when he heard his name. Usagi climbed to her feet and ran to where she heard Chip calling. He was beside the Absol whose leg was trapped under a boulder. "Owth meowth!"

"Sol..." The Absol said with a grunt of pain.

"Oh you poor thing," Usagi said as she knelt beside the Absol and gently cradled its head. Gary followed her over and eyed the boulder.

"Damn, that's too heavy for us to move and none of my Pokémon know any moves to get rid of it," Gary said. "Stay here with Absol, I'll go find Sydney," Usagi nodded, gently petting Absol. Gary ran off, looking for where the third member of their group had gone. He found Jareth a few minutes later, lying on the ground with a nasty bump on his head. The teen was unconscious and barely groaned as Gary shook his shoulder.

"Great," He muttered as he pulled Jareth onto his back and carried the other boy back to the others. "He's knocked out but otherwise he looks like he's ok," Gary said when he returned, setting Jareth down gently against a nearby rock. "Let’s see what Pokémon he has, hopefully it’s something that can move the rock."

Gary searched Jareth until he found the only pokeball the prince had. He enlarged the pokeball and tossed it a few feet away.

"Growl?" Growlithe said as he appeared. "Growlithe!" The Pokémon cried as he saw his master, running over and nosing Jareth gently.

"He's alright, just knocked out," Gary assured the fire Pokémon. "Do you know Rock Smash?" He asked.

"Growl," The Growlithe shook his head no.

"Well luckily I have the HM version," Gary said as he dug in his pack and took out a HM. He activated the HM and downloaded the move to Growlithe's move set. "We need you to break that boulder trapping the Absol," the teen said once it was finished, pointing at the boulder in question.

"Growlithe," The Growlithe said with a nod, running at the boulder. He leapt into the air and came down back paws first to smash the boulder to pieces. Usagi covered Absol's head as pieces went flying.

"Absol," The Absol said once his foot was free. He stood up, testing the foot by putting weight on it. It was sore but he could move around. "Sol absol," He said to the Growlithe.

"Growlithe," The Growlithe responded then ran back to Jareth's side.

"What do we do now?" Usagi asked while looking up.

"Well, we either stay here until someone comes to recues us, which I don't know will happen because no one knows we're here," Gary said. "Or we try to find a way out. Sydney is knocked out and I'm sure he needs a doctor."

Absol gave a small bark of warning before the ground trembled slightly under the pair's feet. Not as strong as the tremor that had sent them crashing down but still worrying.

"I think we should try to find our own way out," Usagi quickly said. "Can you lead us out?" She asked the Absol. The Absol looked around; sniffing the air then took a step in one direction.

"Sol," He said, looking over his shoulder.

"Guess we go that way," Gary said, picking Jareth up so the other boy was draped over his back. They followed the Absol through the cavern they were in, hoping to get out before it caved in on them.


A couple of hours later Usagi and her group were still in the cave. Every now and then the ground would shake under her and Gary's feet. Jareth was still out of it, Gary had ended up calling his Electivire out to carry the other boy as he had gotten heavy after a while.

"What is causing all of these quakes?" Usagi asked as the ground shook again.

"I don't know," Gary said with a frown. "Mt. Moon isn't a volcano and this area isn't known for earthquakes. It's unnatural how often the ground shakes."

"Absol," The Absol stopped at the junction in the path. He glanced down both then turned back to the group behind him. His curved horn above his head was warning him that whatever was causing the quakes was down the left path, but he could feel a fresh breeze down the right path that would allow these humans to get out. "Sol ab absol sol."

"Meowth?" Chip said as he stepped up to speak to the Absol.

"Sol," The Absol nodded, pointing down the left path with his nose. "Absol sol absol ab sol."

"Owth," Chip turned around to look up at Usagi. "Meowth meowth me meowth!" He pointed down the path with a paw before waving them in the air. "Owth! Meowth!"

"Is the cause the quakes down that way?" Usagi asked as she tried to decipher what her Pokémon was trying to tell her.

"Nya!" Chip nodded his head.

"Think we should check it out?" Usagi asked Gary.

"Sydney needs to be taken to a hospital, he still hasn't waken up," Gary said, crossing his arms over his chest. "But then again, if we can find and stop the cause of the earthquakes then we can stop other people getting hurt."

"Then down this path we go," Usagi said as she started down the left path with Chip and the Absol on her heels.

"Tivire," Gary's Electivire said, looking at his master.

"I know, she's very hyper sometimes," Gary said. "You and Growlithe keep to the back of the group. Watch over and protect Sydney."


"Growl," The two Pokémon said. Gary nodded and turned, following after Usagi and the other two Pokémon.


As the group moved down the path, Usagi and Gary started to hear some sort of noises. As they got closer they started to make out words that were being yelled. Jareth was kept back in the tunnel with Electivire and Growlithe while the other two teens and Pokémon sneaked into a cavern.

"What are those?" Usagi whispered as they hid behind a large boulder. Down below was a large group of different Pokémon, all be them ordered around by a group of humans wearing black uniforms with large red 'R' on the chest.

"Those are Onix and Steelix," Gary whispered back, pointing to the rock snake looking Pokémon and their steel covered evolved form. The Onix and Steelix where throwing themselves against the wall of the cavern using Rock Slide or were slamming themselves against the floor using Earthquake. "The others are Gravelers, Geodude's evolved form." The four armed boulder shaped Pokémon were taking large boulders and toss them to the side of the cave with Rock Throw.

"Who's the jerks ordering them around?" Usagi asked with narrowed eyes. "Didn't those two back in Pewter City have those big 'R's on their tops too?"

"They're Team Rocket," Gary confirmed. "What in the name of Mew are they up too?" he asked with a frown.

"Absol," The Absol growled as he watched the Team Rocket members abuse the rock and steel Pokémon while at the same time causing the dangerous quakes.

"Whatever it is, we've got to stop them," Usagi said, hitting the palm of one hand with the other in a fist.

"You're right," Gary said, taking two pokeballs off his belt. "They're rock and steal Pokémon, use water attacks."

"Right," Usagi nodded. They jumped up on the boulder, calling loudly to get Team Rocket attention. "Hey! Stop abusing those Pokémon! You're going to bring this whole mountain down!"

"Keep out of this brat!" The leader of the group called. "Get them!"

The Onix, Steelix and Gravelers were ordered to attack Usagi and Gary.

"Blastoise! Umbreon! Go!" Gary yelled as he released his two Pokémon.



"Go Chip!" Usagi said as she pointed.

"Meowth!" Chip jumped down beside Blastoise and Umbreon, hissing loudly. The Absol quickly joined them, teeth bared.

"Blastoise use Aqua Tail!" Gary ordered. "Umbreon use Psychic!"

"Water Pulse Chip!" Usagi called. A ring of water escaped Chip's mouth, slamming into one of the Onixs while a wave of water surrounded Blastoise's tail as she swung around and hit a Graveler. Umbreon's red eyes glowed as he lifted several rock Pokémon in the air and tossed them across the cave. The Absol used Pursuit, running after the Pokémon that Umbreon tossed around, landing a dark clouded covered paw across the nearest Onix.

One of the Steelix roared loudly and slammed its tail against ground causing Usagi to lose her footing.

"Oof!" Usagi grunted loudly. As she fell, her other pokeball that contained Titan fell off her belt and rolled several feet away. The button on the front was pressed in as it rolled, enlarging the ball and letting the Magikarp out.

"Karpkarpkarp!" Titan said as the gold colored Pokémon flopped on the ground. The Team Rocket members started to laugh.

"A Magikarp?" One female Rocket said with a smirk. "Kinda pathetic don't you think? Graveler, crush the blond girl's weak fish."

"Graveler," A nearby Graveler said as it made two double fists to pound Titan into the dirt.

"No!" Usagi rushed forward, threw herself to the ground and grabbed Titan as she rolled past just in time to avoid the Graveler's attack.

"Magikarp," Titan said as Usagi held him in a protective hold.

"Usagi!" Gary shouted as he noticed at the blond off worlder was in the middle of the mass of Pokémon.

"Meowth!" Chip started running toward his partner, using a Water Pulse on another Graveler as the four armed rock Pokémon sneaked up on Usagi.

"Graveler!" The Graveler yelled as it was knocked onto its back. Usagi started to run back toward Gary, stopping long enough to scoop Chip up and let the cat Pokémon cling to her shoulder as she ran toward safety.

"Steel!" One of the Steelix slammed its tail in front of the girl, stopping Usagi in her tracks with a yell.

"Kuso!" Usagi cursed as she turned to run the other way. The Steelix roared and blocked her path again.

"Magikarp!" Titan said loudly, his mistress was in trouble, he had to help her! As the shiny Magikarp thought this, his whole body started to glow a bright almost blinding white light. Usagi yelped and had to drop Titan as the Pokémon started to grow in her arms and became very heavy. As Titan grew and changed, his new longer body coiled protectively around Usagi and Chip. The light soon died away as Titan finished evolving, leaving behind a large red Gyarados. Titan roared loudly at the Steelix, his head drawing back slightly as a bluish purple fire built up in his mouth.

"Steelix!" The Steelix roared back. Titan breathed a dose of Dragon Rage into the other Pokémon's face. While the dragon type attack didn't hurt the steel Pokémon too much, it was still enough to make the Steelix rear back and allow Titan to push Usagi back toward Gary.

"Stop in the name of the law!" A woman's voice called from the mouth of the cave, Officer Jenny blowing a whistle loudly as a task force flooded the cavern. "Team Rocket, you are under arrest!"

"Cheese it!" One of the Team Rocket leaders yelled, they weren't about to take on the police. Many of the Onix, Steelix and Gravelers were recalled as the Team Rocket members made a break for it, the police hot on their tail.

"Good job you two, we wouldn't have found this operation so soon if we hadn't heard you battling with them," Officer Jenny said as she approached Gary and Usagi. "The boy back in the tunnel with you two?"

"Yeah, is he ok?" Usagi asked worriedly.

"We already are transporting him to the hospital in Saffron City," Jenny assured her. "He had a nasty bump on his head. The Growlithe went with him but the Electivire stayed behind."

"That Electivire is mine," Gary said.

"Well, what you two did was brave but also very dangerous," Jenny said. "But I guess it can't be helped."

"What were Team Rocket doing down here anyway?" Gary asked.

"Don't know, digging for Moon Stones perhaps. But I never heard of them this far down in the mountain," Jenny admitted. "Who really knows, but they were causing a bunch of earthquakes and rock slides."

"We know, that's how we ended up down here," Usagi said. "If it wasn't for Absol, we might have been hurt even worse."

"Sol," Absol said as he came up to stand between Usagi and Gary.

"We'll have an officer escort you two back out of the tunnels toward Cerulean City," Officer Jenny said. The two teens thanked her and turned toward their Pokémon.

"Alright, good job," Gary said as he recalled Blastoise and Umbreon to their pokeballs.

"Wow... Titan is so big now," Usagi said in awe as she looked up at her water Pokémon. The red Gyarados leaned down and nuzzled his head against Usagi, making a happy rumble noise as she petted the space above one of his eyes.

"You're lucky, it looks like your Gyarados is already pretty loyal to you," Jenny said as she watched. Usagi grinned and pointed Titan's pokeball at him.

"Return," She said, the light striking Titan and drawing him inside.


Meanwhile back in Usagi's home world...

Rei cursed softly under her breath as she heard the familiar screams of frightened people.

'I knew it was too good to last for long,' she thought to herself. She had been on her way home from school, the area had been quite ever since her friend and princess Usagi had been kidnapped but now it seemed someone or something had stirred. The dark hair girl cut down an alley, tossing her school briefcase behind a dumpster and holding one of her hands above her.

"Silver Mars Crystal Power, Make Up!" Rei called loudly. Her transformation wand appeared in her hand, a red light pouring out of the orb on top and washing the princess of Mars with its power. Rei's body seemed to become a form of red light as her senshi uniform appeared piece by piece. Finally, the symbol of Mars appeared on her forehead as the light died away, tiara forming in its place with a red five point star at the point of the 'v'. Her uniform looked very close to Eternal Sailor Moon's, but without the wings. (2)

Eternal Sailor Mars leapt from the ground to the roof tops above, running and jumping toward the sounds of the screams. Soon Eternal Sailor Mercury, Jupiter and Venus were by her side.

"Alright let's rumble!" Jupiter said, she had been wanting for an attack so she could get her frustrations out from not being able to help her princess at the moment. The monster in front of them looked like a cross between a woman, who was topless, and a scorpion. The scorpion-woman roared and struck out a group of children she had cornered against a wall.

"Oh no you don't!" Jupiter yelled. "Jupiter Thunderbolt!"

"Mars Flame Sniper!" Mars yelled. The electric and fire attacks raced at the scorpion-woman. She hissed loudly as the attack hit her in the middle, making her rear up, her insect legs waving in the air.

"Come on," Venus said as she and Mercury jumped down beside the kids. "Let’s go kids," The kids sniffed and quickly got up off the ground, letting the two sailor scouts get them out of the way as Jupiter and Mars attacked the monster.

"This is a lot harder without Sailor Moon," Jupiter panted slightly as she and Mars stood in front of the scorpion-woman.

"RRaaww!" The monster woman roared, charging the two senshi. Poison dripped from the end of the stinger on her tail. Mars cursed as she and Jupiter jumped out of the way.

"Shine Snow Illusion!" Mercury called, blinding the monster so Mars and Jupiter could escape.

"Ok, we need a plan," Venus said. "Mercury, can you tell if that's just a monster or if it's some poor soul transformed?" Mercury pressed a spot on her tiara with made a goggle-like visor appear over her eyes as she scanned on the scorpion-woman, the mist attack she had used starting to clear off.

"I do not read any traces of human on that thing," Mercury said as she read the read-out on the visor. "It seems that it's a normal monster."

"Alright, use a group attack then," Venus ordered, the inner senshi leader said as she punched the palm of her hand. "We don't have Sailor Moon with us so we have to do this ourselves."

"Right," The other three said. As the monster charged the girls again, the four joined hands pooling their powers into one attack.

"Sailor Planet Attack!" Sailor Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter called, the power swirling around all four of them before racing for the monster scorpion-woman.

"Raa!" She screamed loudly as the combined attack ripped into her, tearing her apart and sending the stolen energy back to the people it belonged too.

An hour later, the girls were back in civilian form and at Hino shrine.

"That was a lot harder without Usagi there," Makoto said.

"We've defeated our enemies before by ourselves," Ami said. "But Mako-chan is right, we depend so much on Usagi to finish them off or heal them."

"Ami's right, we're suppose to be Usagi's protectors," Minako said. "And she does most of the work. Now she's been taken away from us, hopefully Mamoru has already found her and is looking for a way back home, but we should take this chance to get stronger."

"Maybe not all of the work but Meatball head does finish off most of the monsters," Rei said. "We've got to find out if we had any more powerful attacks in the past. Luna always said that Sailor Moon didn't exist back then so we had to have had more abilities to protect Serenity."

"Do you think Luna or Artemis knows any?" Minako asked.

"I don't know, I don't think either of them has ever got their full memories back," Ami said. "The person we should ask is Pluto."

"Ami's right, she's the only one who knows the most about our past lives," Makoto said. The girls agreed to head for the outers’ home the next day, needing to head to their own homes as it got later.


After hours of walking, Usagi, Gary and the Pokémon were out of the caverns.

"Now you two be careful, try not to get mixed up with those Rocket thugs again," The police officer who led them out said. "Just head down this path and you'll be on the road to Cerulean City," He said, pointing the way.

"Thank you," Usagi said with a bright smile. The officer returned the smile, tipping his hat at the two teens then headed back into the tunnels to help the rest of the police look for the Team Rocket members. "I hope Sydney will be alright," the blond said as she and Gary started down the road, the Absol walking on Usagi's other side while Chip rode on her shoulders.

"Saffron City's hospital is one of the best, he'll be fine," Gary assured her. "I'm sure once he's awake we'll run into him again."

"Well let’s hit the next gym then and see this guy you were talking about," Usagi said with a punch in the air. "What about you? Are you gonna walk with us?" She turned and asked the Absol. Absol tilted his head to the side before nodded his head.

Later as they neared Cerulean City, Usagi began to noticed that several people they saw on the side of the road were pointing at them.

"Why is everyone pointing at us?" Usagi whispered. Gary looked around and saw what Usagi was talking about; other trainers were looking their way and pointing.

"I'm not sure but I can bet," Gary said with a frown. Usagi gave the younger teen a confused look, opening her mouth to ask what he meant by that. But before she could, a group of trainers walked up.

"What are you doing with that thing with you?" A tall boy, who seemed to be the leader, asked while pointing at Absol.

"Huh?" Usagi asked confused.

"Don't you know those monsters bring bad luck?" Another boy in the group said. "I bet that thing is the reason for all the rockslides and earthquakes on the mountain."

"Wait, you think... don't call Absol a monster!" Usagi yelled. "He didn't have anything to do with that, it was those Team Rocket creeps! Absol warned us about all those dangers."

"Yeah right, everyone know Absols are bad luck," The leader boy said with a sneer. "Because of you, my brother broke his arm up on the mountain." He and the other took a threatening step forward. Usagi quickly jumped from front of Absol, her arms out to the side blocking them.

"Back off!" She growled.

"Move away blondie," One of the boys said. Usagi scowled and took off Titan's pokeball, tossing it out.

"Gyarados!!!" Titan roared as he was let out.

"Want to run that by my Gyarados?" Usagi said. "Titan, these boys want to hurt Absol." Titan glared and roared at the group of boys who all quickly stepped back in fright. Absol looked up at Usagi in wonder; no human had ever defended him before.

"You guys are a bunch of idiots," Gary said, his arms crossed over his chest. Some of the trainers in the group started to whisper as they recognized the ace trainer and grandson of the famous professor. "That old story about Absols bringing disasters is just an urban myth. My friend is right; it was Team Rocket causing all the trouble. They were using rock Pokémon to dig into the mountain. I know because I was there."

"Oh yeah? Well where is Team Rocket now?" The leader asked.

"Last I saw then, Officer Jenny and her officers were chasing them down," Gary said. "Now I suggest you leave before my friend lets her Gyarados go to town on you." Titan leaned closer to the group, the tall red Pokémon's fangs shining in the sun.

"Errr.... let's go guys!" The leader said none of his Pokémon could take down a Gyarados.

"Creeps," Usagi said. "What was that all about?"

"It's an old urban myth," Gary said. "That Absols are the bringers of natural disasters so some people are afraid of them and chase them off into the wild or... or even kill them. At least they use too, it's illegal to kill an Absol but that doesn't stop some people like that from trying to run an Absol off."

"But he's so sweet!" Usagi said, kneeling down and wrapping her arms around the surprised Absol's neck. "He tried to save me when I almost slipped off that rock!"

"That's what they do, Absols are so in tune to nature that they can sense when something is happening with that horn," Gary explained. "So they try to warn anyone they can. But people way back when didn't see it that way, they thought the Absols were bringing whatever it was the Absol was trying to warn them about."

"That is so sad," Usagi said, slowly petting Absol sadly. It reminded her of little Hotaru and her alter ego Sailor Saturn. While Saturn was the senshi of destruction she was also the senshi of rebirth, but people couldn't get past the destruction part and thought that Sailor Saturn should be locked away during the Silver Millennium. But Hotaru was such a sweet and kind girl who only wanted to help.

"Absol," Absol nosed Usagi's cheek gently.

"Meowth. Me meowth," Chip said, hopping up on Usagi's other shoulder.

"Sol?" Absol turned his attention to the feline Pokémon. "Sol ab absol."

"Nyaaa meowth!" Chip waved his front paws in the air at Titan.

"Gyaradosssss," Titan rumbled, seeming to agree with whatever Chip had said.

"Absol..." Titan and Chip were tiring convince Absol to join Usagi's team. Their trainer needed all the help she could get in getting back to her home world. Absol was considering their suggestion, while he never gave any thought to letting himself be captured by a trainer and have a large distrust for most humans, Usagi was kind to him and had just defended him from a group of humans that wanted to harm him!

"What are you two up to?" Usagi asked as she watched the three Pokémon talk. Absol reached his decision and turned to Usagi.

"Absol Ab absol," Absol pointed his paw at the pokeballs at Usagi's waist.

"I think he wants to come with us," Gary realized.

"What? Really?" Usagi asked, blinking big blue eyes. Absol nodded and pointed at the pokeballs again. "Are you sure, I'm not going to force you to come if you don't want to."

"Absol" Absol nodded, he was sure.

"Alright," Usagi stood up and took out an empty pokeball. She tapped it gently against Absol, a right light shooting out of ball and engulfing the dark type Pokémon. Absol was drawn into the pokeball which only shook once in Usagi's hand before the light on the front flash and a pinging noise signaled that Absol was successfully captured.

"You're not doing too bad," Gary said impressed. "You already have a Gyarados, you'll have a Cleffa soon and now you have an Absol."

"Come back out," Usagi said, letting her new Pokémon out of his pokeball. "Alright, you remind me of my friend Hotaru and her close connection to Saturn. So I will name you have one of Saturn's moons Hyperion, how do you like that?" (3)

"Absol," The Absol, now dubbed Hyperion, nodded his head in agreement.

"Great!" Usagi cheered, Chip cheering with her while Titan roared happily. Gary just shook his head amused; the blond seemed to draw in her Pokémon like a Venomoth to a flame.


Mamoru had found himself back on the road come morning. Kurt, as promised, had given him the items he needed to fit in with this strange Earth-like world. A forest green hand-held computer like item Kurt had called a Pokédex and a set of different colored balls that had been made by the old man. The Earth prince had also been given a crash course on Pokémon and the world they lived in. Mamoru found it funny that the first ever Pokémon he found would one day have roses for hands since his signature item was his roses. He had also been given a map.

After a night of sleep, Kurt had sent Mamoru on his way with Budew. The man had two paths to choose from, to go through the forest he had originally landed in or to go through a nearby cave system. Mamoru had chosen the cave in hopes it would be easier to navigate. It was, but not by much. Still the footpath hundreds of other trainers had taken over the years was worn down and easy to follow.

Mamoru didn't know what to make of this world. Budew, his new little friend, was welcome company at least and was currently riding on his shoulder as they traveled. The little plant Pokémon wasn't overly fond of the dark cave as she would have rather being out in the sunlight. He had witnessed a couple of the battles he had been told by Kurt that would often take place between two trainers. It was violent and he couldn't understand why they would force the strange creatures to fight. Budew had shivered in fear at the sight of one of the battling fire Pokémon's Flamethrower attack. Of course that could be because Budew is a grass type and they were weak against fire.

Luckily, no one had challenged Mamoru to a battle so far. He wouldn't have the first clue what to do nor did he feel comfortable forcing Budew into fighting. Hopefully, he could continue to get away with not battling until he found his Usako and they could look for a way back to their world.

'Usako...' Mamoru thought sadly to himself. Sometime he felt like a failure, he was suppose to be Usagi's protector and he sometimes kept flubbing it up. He had been trapped under Beryl's control for a brief time, he still felt bad that they hadn't been able to save the Shitennou. Then for the most part ignored Usagi when he didn't have his memories back, thankfully his spirit still knew to protect the girl and had somehow gone out on its own as the Moonlight Knight. Then he had stupidly let a dream control him and break up with his Usako over it. Mamoru wasn't completely sure why his future self would do something like that or what good he thought it would have done. And Mamoru wasn't sure if he would understand when the time came for him to be the one sending the dreams to his past self. The few other times he hadn't been there for Usagi was enough to leave an impression on him.

Determine not to let the blond girl down again, Mamoru continued on. He would find Usagi in this strange world, he could feel her through their connection, and he would protect her and bring her home.


"Achoo!" Usagi sneezed suddenly, rubbing at her nose. (4)

"You ok?" Gary asked.

"Yeah... but I swear someone is thinking about me right now," Usagi said, absently placing her hand over her heart. She could almost swear the bond she shared with her Mamo-chan had stirred for a moment there.


Author note: The Absol just kinda showed up when I was writing and now he doesn't want to leave. I kinda left Usagi's sixth possible Pokémon open so it works out. For a spoiler, with the new Mega evolutions being introduced in the new games, I want Usagi to have at least one Pokémon that has a mega form which Absol does. And it is very cool looking.

(1) Absol can be found on Mt. Moon in the HeartGold/SoulSilver games so it is possible for him to be there.

(2) Remember, in the manga the scouts were table to get their Eternal forms. They look like Sailor Moon’s uniform but without the wings.

(3) Hyperion is the Titan god of watchfulness and observation which is what Absols do, they watch and observe natural disasters so they can warn people about them.

(4) In some Anime, when a character is being talked or thought about, they will sneeze.

Also, I’m still looking for a beta for this fic.

Edit 8-9-14: Didn’t and anything this time. And there was only a little bit of spelling and grammar that needed to be fixed.
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