Categories > Books > Phantom of the Opera > The Phantom

Chapter 2

by alana554 0 reviews


Category: Phantom of the Opera - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Erik - Published: 2013-10-12 - 130 words

Autumn shuddered as they entered the outdoor cold. The Phantom pulled her closer. Autumn was comforted, but horrified. The instinct to run away grew stronger until she did it.

Autumn dashed.

She didn't get far. The man behind the mask grabbed at her arm. "Oh, Autumn..," he chuckled, pulling her against him.

A tear slipped from Autumn's eye when she heard the Phantom use her name. She groaned and covered her face with her innocent hands. "Let me go... Please?" she asked meekly.

"Not yet," he replied. Autumn uncovered her face and stared at the ground as another tear slipped from her blue eyes. The Phantom took notice and wiped it away. "Where are you taking me?" "Somewhere." Autumn was irritated. "Why won't you be more specific?" "Because." Autumn sighed.
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