Categories > Original > Poetry > Poem Therapy and Such

They Called Him "Limitless"

by GettingHighOnCyanide 1 review

Long story behind this one, but it's got a lot of emotion to it and it's one of my best poems, in my opinion.

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-10-17 - 116 words

You're not the game of Russian Roulette
I expected you to be.
Nor are you the waltz with a dark angel
I anticipated through sleepless eyes.
You're not even a single drop of the blood
That ran though my veins
And down my arm in rivers.

Instead, I've found that you're
The chilled air of a new day,
The steady ticking of a clock,
A starry night Ferris wheel ride,
The summer to my winter,
And the hello to my goodbye.

And I promise to stay here forever
As long as you promise to remember
That I am
The black tinge inside the red rose,
And the jigsaw puzzle
With a few of it's pieces missing.
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