Categories > Original > Poetry > Poem Therapy and Such

Before You Say "I Love You"

by GettingHighOnCyanide 0 reviews

I wrote this on a whim, with the guy I'm currently seeing in mind. It turned out much better than I expected, and I'm pretty proud of it.

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2014-05-21 - 154 words

You should probably know that
I'm a puzzle,
waiting for someone else to
gather the courage to solve me.
I walk with blinded eyes,
and each step feels like forever.
I keep my love bottled up
until my heart becomes a
hand grenade,
bursting with gentle touch and soft kisses.
But my touch burns your skin in the shape of a heart,
And my kiss
becomes an explosion of everything inside me,
bursting from my lips,
and you swallow it down.
I stumble and fall through my words
as if they were stairs,
and I was drunk.
I guess you were always
my favourite means of intoxication.
I try to be everyone's savior,
even though I spend my days
searching for my own.
I'm a puzzle;
Slouched in the corner,
waiting to be solved.
Just give me a try -
don't worry, you can't break me.
I was broken when you found me.
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