Categories > Anime/Manga > Gundam Wing > Child's Eyes


by Night_Mare 0 reviews

In which the boy is wondering lost and finds an unexpected guardian.

Category: Gundam Wing - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Sci-fi - Characters: Heero, Other - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-08-07 - Updated: 2006-08-07 - 1411 words

He was lost. Everything was gray. Big gray flakes swirled down from the sky and piled up on the ground. He limped through it. It hurt to walk and there was something itchy trailing down his face. The air stung his eyes and it was hard to breathe. He had to walk though. He had to find something. Something...

There was a big pile of rocks nearby. Huge rocks...all tumbled down. This wasn't home. Where was home? He had to find it. It would be safe there. Someone could look after his booboos. But home didn't seem to be anywhere. It was just gray and choking. He coughed, making his head hurt. Where was home?

Suddenly the sound of footsteps broke through the quiet. He stopped, standing where he was. Someone started to come out of the gray. Had someone come to get him? Was he going home now? Slowly the shape of a grownup came out of the haze. As it came closer, he saw it was a man. When the man saw him, surprise lifted his face. The man came over to him and kneeled so that their eyes met.

"You survived, kid? You're one amazing little brat," the man said. The boy stared at him. Will you save me? He thought. Will you take me home? Will you keep me safe? But he couldn't ask. His mouth wouldn't move. All he could do was stand there and look at the grownup who was supposed to save him. The man reached in his coat and pulled out a black thing. He pressed the thing to the boy's forehead.

"You probably won't live long, though. Would you like me to put you out of your misery?"

Misery? What did that mean? The man stood, pulling the black thing back but still keeping pointed at him. There was a click followed by a loud bang. Something whistled by the boy's ear and thudded into the ground behind him. It happened so fast that he didn't even have time to be sacred.

"You didn't even flinch. You're not normal," the man said. Take me home, the boy thought, opening his arms. Take me home. You're a grownup. You're supposed to take care of me.

The man laughed. It wasn't a very happy sound. It was like he would rather yell...but couldn't.

"Embracing your death, huh?" the man asked. For a long while the man stared at him. The boy swayed slightly, wanting to lie down in the soft gray stuff that covered the street. But something wouldn't let him. Something kept him standing there, arms open, waiting. After a while, the man shrugged.

"Fine. They always said I should start training a protégé. I guess you're as good as any."

The man picked him up. The boy sighed and snuggled closer. He was safe. He was hurting all over but a grownup was taking care of him now. A grownup would make him all better. In a little while, he had drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


A strange humming woke the boy up. Humming and the sounds of people talking quietly. His seat was vibrating softly like it did when he rode the bus. The boy opened his eyes and blinked as he saw the man sitting next to him. The man had short yellow hair. The boy frowned. That wasn't right. He should have brown hair. Dark brown hair like the color of dirt in the playground. The man looked down at him and a smile that wasn't a smile played over his features.

"Finally awake? You've been out for a while."

The boy sat up, whimpering as his arm started hurting. He realized it was wrapped up in a cloth that came up and tied behind his neck. There was another cloth wrapped around his leg. The boy reached up and felt the rough material on his forehead as well.

"You should take it easy, kid. You've been banged up pretty badly," the man said. The boy glanced at him, then out the window. He gasped at what he saw. Stars! Lots and lots of stars! He leaned closer to the window to get a better look. Was it nighttime? He'd never been able to stay up to see this many stars! A big black thing was floating out there too.

"What's that?" the boy asked, pointing.

"That's the L-1 colony. Where you come from," the man said.

"Col...o...ny..." the boy echoed. Someone else had told him about colonies. Someone long ago and far away. Someone with brown hair that was warm with sunshine and laughter. But he couldn't remember who it had been. A woman's voice distracted him.

"Awww...and what happened to this little fella?" she asked. The boy looked over at her.

"Ahh. Young scamp was climbing a tree and fell. Turn your back for one second-," the man said, putting a hand on the boy's head and smiling.

"What's your name? Hm?" the woman asked. The boy stared at her. His name... All people had names. The laughing, brown-haired man called him a name...but...he didn't know what it was.

"He's a little shy," the man said after a moment. The woman smiled.

"Well that's okay. Here, I have something for you. Hold out your hand," the woman said. The boy obeyed. The woman gave him something shiny. It was a pin in the shape of a spaceship. The boy turned it over and over in his fingers, watching the light reflect off its silvery surface.

"Well, can I get you guys anything? Orange juice? Peanuts?" the woman asked.

"No thanks," the man said. The woman nodded and walked away, pulling a little cart behind her. The boy turned his gaze back out the window. The colony was slowly fading from sight. Everything was all wrong. This didn't feel like a bus...and he had never seen a bus with round windows.

"Where are we going?" the boy asked, keeping his eyes on the stars.


"Then are we going home? I want to go home."

"You have no home anymore, kiddo," the man said. The boy looked at him confused. How could he not have a home anymore? It didn't make sense.

"It's gone. Boom. Destroyed," the man said.

'Daddy! Daaaddyyy!' 'I have a child you bastards!' 'Fly my baby.'

The boy looked down at the pin. Fear making a lump in his throat. The voices were scary. He didn't want to hear them. He didn't want to remember.

"All your family is probably dead. There's nothing to go home to," the man said. Dead... That meant that they were living under rocks now. Maybe he could give a fairy to them sometime. Daddy would like a fairy...

"So anyway, kid... What's your name? I'm Odin. Odin Lowe. But you can call me whatever you want. I don't care," the man said. He didn't know. Everyone was supposed to have a name... But he didn't know what his was. He didn't want to tell the man that he didn't know. Everybody had a name and if he didn't have one he wasn't anybody. Maybe...maybe the man would give him a name.

"Call me whatever you want," the boy said. The man grunted.

"You don't want to tell me, that's fine. It's just going to make things more difficult. That's all. Oh yeah...and by the way, if things don't work out..." The man put put his pointer finger on the boy's temple. "Bang," he said, pitching his voice low. Then, louder:

"You understand?"

The boy stared at him. No. He didn't understand. He didn't understand anything. Everything was suddenly so different and he still felt like he was lost. The man laughed. Again it was a sound that didn't seem like it was meant to be happy.

"I forgot. You aren't scared of that are you?'ll either be very good at what I teach you or turn into a lunatic. Might be fun to see which way it goes, hm?"

The boy looked back at the stars. There was nothing but stars now. Like salt on a black tablecloth. There weren't any clouds here though. So if he fell...there would be nothing to catch him.

Notes: Aaahg. It's so hard to write from a four-year-old's viewpoint. ><
Disclaimer: If I owned them, I'd be rich. As I am broke... fill in the blank.

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