Categories > Anime/Manga > Gundam Wing > Child's Eyes


by Night_Mare 0 reviews

The first lesson.

Category: Gundam Wing - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Sci-fi - Characters: Heero, Other - Published: 2006-08-07 - Updated: 2006-08-07 - 1441 words

The boy wrapped the warm, scratchy blanket tightly around his shoulders and watched the fairies dance in the fire. Odin was cooking something that smelled really good. They were on earth now. He liked earth. The clouds were real here. Odin put whatever he was making in the bowl and handed it to the boy.

"Be careful, kid. It's hot," he said. The boy looked from the steaming bowl, to him.

"Aren't you going to blow on it?"

"Blow on it yourself. You've got a mouth," Odin said. The boy frowned, taking the warm bowl in both his hands. That wasn't fair. Daddy always blowed on things to cool it. Odin was mean. He blew on it himself, watching the steam twirl away into the cold air. When he to drink it, the soup burned his tongue. The boy yelped and dropped the bowl, sending the soup flying everywhere. Odin jumped up as some of it spilled on his leg.

"Hey! Watch it! What did you do that for?!"

"I burnt my tongue!" the boy said. The man stared at him, one yellow eyebrow raised.

"Get used to pain, kid. It's a part of life."

The boy looked down at the ground, tears springing to his eyes. That wasn't what he was supposed to say. He was supposed to say how terrible it was that the boy had burnt his tongue. How he was so sorry he didn't blow on the soup to make it safe to drink. The grownup wasn't acting right at all. He didn't even take the bus, just walked for ever and ever. When the boy got tired, Odin told him to keep moving because getting tired was a fact of life. He hated the facts of life.

His thoughts were cut off when Odin refilled his bowl.

"You drop this one and you're out of luck," he said. The boy took it, liking how it warmed his hands and waited for a while before drinking. Once his belly was full, he scrunched up in the blanket and stared at the clouds. They were gray today. Big and puffy and gray. The boy shivered. He didn't want to catch those clouds. They were probably full of gray snow. He didn't like gray snow.

"You know, it' s been almost a month since we've been together," Odin said. The boy looked back down at him. He wasn't sure how long a month was...but he knew it was a very very long time. He must be five by now! Odin pulled the black thing from his coat and looked at it for a long moment. The boy looked at it too. Odin looked at him and held the black thing in the air so its mouth was pointing up.

"You know what this is?" he asked. The boy shook his head.


"It's a gun. This is what I'm going to teach you. You'll live by this...and you'll die by it too. Don't let anyone tell you any different." Odin took the boy's empty bowl, stood and walked to a nearby rock. He set the bowl on the rock then stepped back from it a little.

"Come here, kid," Odin said. The boy held the blanket tightly and did as he was told. Odin sighed. "Drop the blanket."

"It's cold!" the boy said, stomping his foot.

"Being cold is a part of life. Now drop it."


"Now!" Odin snapped in his angry voice. The boy glared at him, almost about to sit down where he was and not move. The gun caught his eye again. That was a grownup toy. The boy let go of the blanket and reached for the gun. The man let him take it. It was heavy and strange.

"You put this hand here, to support it," Odin said, adjusting the boy's hands. "And this hand here.... And you use this finger to pull the trigger. Don't do anything. Just hold it to get the feeling of it." They stood there for a long time. The boy sighed. This toy was boring and he was getting cold. He wanted to go watch the fire fairies. Suddenly Odin took the gun from his hands.

"Heeey!" the boy cried, turning around and reaching for the gun. He had been playing with that!

"Calm down, calm down. Here." Odin gave him the gun again. "Now, put your hands like I showed you." The boy poked his tongue through his lips, trying to remember what Odin had said.

"Like this?" the boy asked, bringing the gun up. Odin's face went really white. The boy giggled. He looked silly.

"K...kid, Put the gun down."


"Just do it!" Odin snapped. The boy set his chin. No. He wanted to play with it. Odin gave it to him to play with it and he wasn't done yet!

"Damn it put it down!" Odin yelled, smacking his hand on the top of the gun. The boy jumped. A lond bang roared in his ears and his arms jerked up. The boy blinked. There was a hole in the ground between Odin's feet. The boy looked in the gun's mouth. Had the hole come from here?

"How do they get a hole inside the gun?" the boy asked. Odin again snatched the gun from him. The boy looked up at him, lip trembling.


"Oh no. Not for a while, kid. I've lived too long to let a toddler blow my head off."

That was his toy! He wanted his toy back.

"Giiiimmeeee!" he whined, reaching up for the toy.

"No!" Odin said.

"Mine! It's mine! Gimme! Now!" the boy said, stomping his foot.

"No. That's the last time I'm gonna tell you. N- O-."



"Yeeeeeeesss!" the boy screamed, stomping on the ground with both feet.

"Shut up, you stupid brat!" Odin snapped. The boy fisted his hands at his side and began to scream. He screamed and screamed and screamed. He screamed until he couldn't breathe anymore. Then he took a deep breath and screamed again.

"All right!!" Odin yelled. "All right, kid!! Just shut up!!" The boy did as he was told. Wow. That had never worked with Daddy. So...if he screamed...Odin would let him do whatever he wanted.

"But you have to exactly what I say...understand?"

"Okay!" the boy said with a smile.

"Turn around first of all."

The boy did as he was told and the man put the gun in his hands. It was easier to adjust his fingers around it.

"Now," Odin said, voice close to his ear. "I want you to try and shoot that bowl."

"Shoot it?" the boy asked.

"Yeah. Like you did a few minutes ago. Aim for it and pull the trigger."

"Okay..." The boy put his hands on the little pull back switch, pointed the gun at the bowl and jerked his finger. There was the banging sound and again his arms were jerked up. Now there was a hole in the bowl. The boy giggled. Hole in the bowl. Hole in the bowl. Bowl in the hole.

"Beginner's luck," Odin said. "Now let's try something a little harder, hm?" The man took the bowl from the rock, then went behind the boy. It seemed like a long time went by and Odin didn't say anything. The boy whimpered. He wanted to put a hole in something! Not just stand here!

"Get that!" Odin shouted suddenly. The boy, jumped, looked up and saw the bowl flying high in the air. The boy pointed the gun at the falling bowl and pulled again. The bowl landed on the ground a few feet away.

"You probably missed it," Odin said, taking the gun from him.

"Heeeey!" the boy said, preparing himself to scream again.

"I'm just holding this while you go and get the bowl. When you bring it back, we can practice some more," he said. The boy scrambled to where the bowl had landed. Yay! More holes! More holes! He spotted the bowl among a thick clump of grass. He picked it up and giggled as he saw a hole right through the bottom. Hole in bowl!

"Lookit!" he said, putting the bowl up to his face and staring at Odin through the hole. Odin's mouth dropped open and the boy giggled. He looked so silly!


Notes: Rather a light chapter in't it? ^^: Next one is reallly dark, just thought I'd warn you.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, but oh if I did, I'd buy me a big house where we all could live. ^^: Sorry. Moulin Rouge overdose here

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