Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Tower of God

Ch.25 Lv.5

by Shank 0 reviews

East Tower

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Drama - Characters: Itachi,Jiraiya,Neji,Obito,Sakura - Warnings: [!] [V] [?] - Published: 2013-12-13 - 960 words

Note: I had just become aware of who “Uchiha Madara” was however I am just leaving him as Madara in the story so as to now spoil/keep consistent so whenever Madara is mentioned, it is in the ‘Tobi’ Madara I am referring to.

East Tower 1

Old rivals had matched up between Magellan and Monkey D Luffy. Yamamoto Takeshi had his sword at the ready for battle to commence against Kaguya Kimimaro who had a bone katana at hand. The AT rider Bando Mitsuru wanted to keep his distance as best as possible and a credit to Uchiha Madara had left him with an incredible force to compete against. The Shinigami team of Hirako Shinjy, Hachigen, Matsumoto and Kuchiki Rukia, the Ninja team of Hyuuga Neji, Onoki the Third Tsuchikage and Jiraiya, the Hunter team of Gon Freecs, Biscuit and Morel were all matched up against Madara-a total of 10 on 1.

East Tower 2

Erza and Jura had formed a purely defensive team. Uchiha Itachi and the Knight of the Sea Jinbe were staying neutral to all hostilities and Xanxus and Hibari could not pardon their intense rivalry any longer despite coming from the same world. The Marine Team of Vice Admiral Smoker, Fleet Admiral Akainu were matched against Bartholomew Kuma, Boa Hancock and Phoenix Marco. There was also a ninja team of A the Raikage, Haruno Sakura and Mifune the Samurai General against the AT Riders of Genesis in Arthur and Nike.

East Tower 1

Magellan attacked Luffy with a poison hydra right off the bat. Luffy went with avoiding the poison for the moment to pick his time to attack with his armament haki attacks. Yamamoto and Kimimaro clashed blades, Kimimaro had to avoid water attacks that Yamamoto could control with his sword style, but being from the Hidden Mist village he wasn’t overly afraid of water attacks.
Madara’s sharingan was getting a good read on his enemies. They were not all necessarily using ninjitsu which made it hard for his Rinnegan to pick up, however he could at least tell when an attack was coming. Firstly Hachigen tried locking him inside a box in which he was unable to escape from, Madara’s transportation techniques however enabled him to easily escape. As he re-dissipated. A few of the alliance tried to come in for close quarter combat. Madara took to the defensive and as he retreated he was almost taken out by Onoki the Fence Sitter. Things were going to be a little trickier than he thought.

East Tower 2

The ninja team had good teamwork. Mifune and Sakura were looking for close quarter attacks to pressure Arthur and Nike whilst A waited for the perfect time to strike using his lightning speed. Nike was strong, all the ninjas did not want to get too close as they knew his techniques of sending vibrations through the ground could paralyse you if you got too close. Sakura got in some good punches on Arthur, which by normal standards would have knocked them out, Arthur not only took the pain but seemed to enjoy it. A creepy smile came across his face with the punishment he was taking from Sakura. “He concerns me,” Mifune tried to warn Sakura.
“Please leave him to me, you two worry about that guy,” she was referring to Nike who concerned the entire East Tower. She kept dealing punishment, finally after some punches Arthur finally started to slow down. As Sakura was fatigued she latched onto Arthur in preparations to throw him off. Arthur let out a smile and whispered, “This whole thing was a plan to get you off, even if it sacrificed me.” Sakura didn’t know what she had fallen for at that moment, however when she felt a shock come up through her feet and body, she knew Nike was behind her. Both her and Arthur were thrown off the platform thus ending their time in this tournament.

East Tower 1

Madara knew he had to finish things quickly as he was being worked out the longer he went. One person came up as being quite sharp on his radar and thus needed to be dealt with. A fireball aimed at all of his opponents caught them off guard. In the chaos that was this round, Madara got the shinigami Matsumoto off her platform. This occurred around the same time Kimimaro finished Yamamoto. Takeshi could defend himself from the sword, however the bones in Kimimaro’s whole body allowed any part of his body to become a weapon and therefore shins and wrists played a part in destroying his opponent before slashing him off.
From behind Madara, a smoke monster tried to ensnare him, but it was no use. Madara had been able to capture Morel, the one who concerned him into a genjustu. Morel willingly leapt from his platform thus ending their round.

East Tower 2

Xanxus and Hibari had a heated battle. Xanxus’ bullets were flying around the entire arena almost hitting the other combatants engaged in their own respective fights. However Hibari was finally able to get on top of someone he had longed to defeat in battle. Xanxus couldn’t believe he had lost yet again but had to admit he was out-classed by Hibari.
The Marines were having a tough time against the pirates as all could use Haki and therefore take them both on. Kuma could repel their attacks, Marco could fly so the obvious target was Boa Hancock. A synchronised attack that isolated Boa from the others meant she couldn’t stop both a smoke attack and a magma attack and it was her that would topple from the tower thus ending their round altogether.

Eliminated: Yamamoto Takeshi, Morel, Rangiku Matsumoto, Arthur, Boa Hancock, Haruno Sakura & Xanxus
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