Categories > TV > Doctor Who > My Daddy is a Time Lord

Chapter 9

by kaybet 0 reviews

Category: Doctor Who - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2014-01-09 - 484 words

Chapter 9, Confused

“When was the last time you saw us?” Amy’s voice floated over to where I was lying on the ground. Great. I fainted again. That’s like the second time in one day, or in a few years? I don’t know, time is very confusing...

“About... a hundred years or so.”

“Um... sorry to interrupt...” Rory cut in. None of them noticed that I was awake. “Where’s, and who’s, her mum.” Dad remained silent and put his head in his hand, something he has been doing a lot of lately. Rory looked up and saw I was awake and looked at me like he was expecting that I would answer.

“I don’t know. I asked him once in seventh grade and he got all moppy on me.” I said.

“I didn’t get all moopy.” Dad said, defending himself.

“Yeah, you did. Then you didn’t even talk to me for a day afterwards. And after you were done being moopy, you still wouldn’t tell me even though I needed to know for my family tree project.”

“Family tree project?” Amy asked.

“Yeah. First F I ever got. It was a tiny little tree.”

“It was. Pretty pathetic little thing.” Dad said.

“Back to the subject,” Rory cut in, “who is her mum?”

“You can keep asking that all day. He won’t tell you.” I said and I got a look from Amy that said Yeah? Well we can get him to tell us. “He won’t even tell me and I’m half of whomever she was!”

“Okay, then.” Rory said calming. “Was it anybody we know?”

“No.” Dad said, although his tone betrayed him a bit. Rory and Amy sent each other a look, before getting back to Dad.

“Where’s the TARDIS?” Amy asked.

“Um, New York, October 3, 2012.”

“Wait,” I interrupted, “when we left home it was November, 2013.”

“Yep.” Dad conformed.

“How do you keep this all straight?” I asked.

“It’s...” Dad started and trailed off while he was looking for the right word.

“...complicated.” Rory finished for him.

“So, how are we going to get back home?” I asked Dad.

“Well, this isn’t exactly the first time I’ve been stuck in the past, so this should be easy enough of fix...”

“What do you mean this isn’t the first time you’ve been stuck in the past?” Amy asked.

“Well, it isn’t and it’s also a long story, Pond.”

“Well, I think we have plenty of time, Doctor.” Amy interjected.

“Fine, if you really want to know so bad...” Dad said as he started his story. When I realised that I have heard it before, I started to wander off a bit, trying to ease the quesyness from my stomach. As I turned a corner, I found myself face to face with another weeping angel.
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