Categories > TV > Doctor Who > My Daddy is a Time Lord

Chapter 12

by kaybet 0 reviews

Category: Doctor Who - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2014-01-13 - 921 words

Chapter 12, Forgotten

“What do you mean?” I asked shocked. How could Dad possible not know me? I’m his freakin’ daughter!

“Who are you?” Dad repeated his question.

“I’m your daughter...” I said a little breathless. “How could you not know who I am?” I whispered. I think I was starting to panic again.

“What’s your name?” He asked. I could see that he really didn’t know who I was and that was making me panic even more.

“Amelia Pond Smith.” God, everybody was asking for my name today. Breathing was getting harder. Body, could you do me a favour and not faint for once? I silently plead to myself.

“Amelia Pond Smith.” Dad repeated slowly.

“Yeah...” I whispered.

“What do I travel in?” Dad questioned.

“A blue police box.”

Dad said nothing as he stared deep into my eyes and I stared back. His eyes looked so much younger from the last time I saw him, back in the cemetery, but they were so much sadder as well, like he just lost something very close.

Pulling out his sonic, Dad scanned me over before turning it off and looking at it. He then looked back at me, mouth slightly opened with surprise.

“Who is your mother?” He asked quietly.

“I don’t know.”

“Of course you don’t.” The Doctor said, more to himself than anybody in the room. “Well, Amelia, you are my daughter, it seems, but I haven’t met whomever your mother is yet, but the future me, the one you know,” He paused and pointed at me, “must remember this, because he didn’t tell you who you mother is so that I wouldn’t find out...” He rambled on. “Oh, I’m very clever.”

“Um, I am very lost.” I said.

“I don’t know you yet and the future me made sure not to tell you anything so you wouldn’t tell me anything so I don’t go around creating any paradoxes or ripping any holes in the universe... Wait, how much do you know?” He asked suddenly in the middle of his rambling speech, which I still don’t understand what he was trying to tell me.

“What do you mean, what do I know? I don’t know anything; I just found out that you are a time traveller only an hour or so ago!”

“You just now found out?”

“Yes!” I argued back.

“How old are you?” Dad asked.

“I’m sixteen.” I said.

“Okay. Come with me.” Dad said took my hand. He pulled me along and we left the house.

“It’s a bit cold out.” I complained as we walked down the street.

Dad looked around like he was looking for something before turning to me. “You’re cold?”

“Yes, I am. In case you haven’t noticed, it is snowing and winter.” I said.

“Why aren’t you wearing any more clothes then?” He asked like I was five.

“Because I was safe at home watching TV then all this happened!” I exclaimed as I rubbed my numb arms. It was really cold and all I was wearing was a thin t-shirt.

“Here.” Dad said as he pulled off his own jacket and gave it to me. I took it willing and put it on. It was way too big for me, but it was nice, warm, and blocked out the cold.

“Won’t you be cold though?” I asked as we continued walking.

“No, I have a lower body temperature than humans, but you don’t, which is interesting considering that you are half Gallifreyan.”

“What do you mean?”

“You have more human traits than Gallifreyan.”

“What does that mean?” I asked. Dad wasn’t making much sense, so I knew it was definitely him.

“Not sure yet.” He said.

“Where are we going?” I asked as we stopped in the middle of a lot. There was a tree on the edge of the lot, but other than that it was empty.

“Look up.” Dad said and I did. I could see anything, just some black fuzzy thing that I couldn’t focus properly on.

“I can’t see anything.”

“Perception filter.” Dad said as he reached up and pulled a steel ladder from nowhere down.

“What... How is that possible?” I asked. Dad smiled at me before starting to climb up. I followed, climbing up the seemingly impossible ladder. It seemed steady enough and I tried as best as I could to steady my nerves.

Dad was waiting for me at the top of the ladder where there was a small landing and a spiral staircase that reached up to the stars. I gulped as I looked up.

“Coming?” Dad asked as he started up the stairs. I held the rail as I looked up and tried not to look down.

“Um, I’m afraid of heights.” I confessed. Dad looked at me like I was crazy.

“You’re afraid of heights?”

“Yes, I am,” I said as my eyes trailed down and I saw the lot below. “And we are up really high.” I barely noticed that I grabbed the rail with both hands.

“Well, don’t look down then!” Dad said as if he were speaking to a child.

“A little too late for that...” I whispered and took my eyes of the ground.

“Don’t worry, it’s safe, I promise.” Dad said and offered me his hand. I took it and he led me up the stairs.
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