Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year

Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year

by FanfictionAnonymous 5 reviews

This is the first full chapter based on the 'I'm not okay' video, Gerard and his friends are sick of the bullshit boarding school life brings. Not this term though, this term they're taking it back...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-11-07 - Updated: 2013-11-09 - 2233 words

Hi everyone

This is the actual first chapter in full, the other part was just a little taster to test the waters.

Please review and maybe rate :)

Welcome to the new term!

The sign alone made Gerard’s stomach flip in the most unpleasant way, he didn’t want to be back here. It was goddamned torture. He raised his right hand to flip off the sign before sullenly gathering his bags and setting off toward the dorms, at least his best friends were there too. It was his only comfort.

Before he even got in the door he was slammed into hard, his entire body jerking forward as his bag dropped heavily to the ground. He spun and gave an exceptionally hard glare at the back of the asshole jock's head, bending to pick up the spilled items from his bag when a familiar husky voice filled his ears

"Fucking dick! This is the year we're gonna take those motherfuckers out buddy, this is gonna be our year...c'mon man, I'll help you to your room..." Gerard took the calloused hand that stretched out to him and smiled as he was pulled to his feet. He hitched his bag further up his shoulder and blew his hair from his reddening face

"You said that last year Frankie, remember? How you been man? Still too cool for this shithole I see"

"Damn straight Gee-whizz! But mom insists I come here and act like the fucking 'trophy kid'...where's Mikes at?"

"In the fucking nerd dorms, have you been in that place? It's like a goddamned palace! And we get stuck in fucking alcatraz basics, how come he got the fucking brains anyway?" Gerard huffed as they began their ascent up the stairs, trying his best not to notice his best friends ass in those fucking tight jeans. Fuck! Frank was gonna make this year way harder, he got hotter every term.

"Because, my dear Gerard, you got the attitude..." he turned to give the older boy a quick grin "...And the looks"

If Gerard’s face hadn’t been red before it sure as shit was now. Thankfully it was a hot day and he was kind of lazy so he had an excuse, god damn that fucking smile.

They finally reached Gerard’s floor and sauntered toward his room, talking about their band and how Gerard had been working on new songs over the summer, halting outside the door and giving each other a look that said 'Holy shit!'. This couldnt be happening, this was a joke right? This had to be a fucking joke! Gerard looked at his welcome sheet and back to the door, shaking his head as he realised he was in fact at his own room. He was sharing with the guy who had made it his life mission to make Gerard as miserable as possible. James fucking Braithwaite.

"No way, fuck this dude. Im going home..." Gerard spun on his heel and made for the stairs, a hand grabbing his upper arm stopping him

"There ain't no way you're leaving me in this shithole alone, you can bunk with me. I don’t got a roomy this year so there's an empty bed..." Gerard visibly grinned and followed his best friend along the hall, maybe this year wouldn't be so bad after all.

The rooms were fucking tiny, a small window casting a miserable glare across the small space. Frank had already unpacked his shit; pansy resting in her case against the corner wall and posters gracing one side of the room. The closet stood open, clothes haphazardly hung on hangers sticking out through the gap and shoes thrown inside randomly, it was pure chaos. It was pure Frankie.

A knock on the door pulled Gerard from his thoughts and he turned as Frank sauntered to it, laughing as his best friend stumbled backward with a tall, afroed boy attached to him

"Hey Ray, I missed you too man!" Ray pulled away and ruffled the shorters hair, his smile widening as he spotted a smirking Gerard by the bed. He bounded over and pulled him into a bone crushing hug, Gerard flailing wildly in an attempt at freedom

"Gerard! I missed you too! Breaks fucking suck at home!..." he glanced around for a moment and pouted a little, crossing his arms over his chest huffily "You guys get to share? That's so unfair dude! I gotta bunk with some new kid, you fuckers get all the luck..."

"You wouldn't be saying that if you saw who Gerard was supposed to be sharing with..." Frank laughed, picking up the welcome sheet Gerard had thrown on the bed and handing it to Ray. The taller boy scanned his eyes over the sheet and dropped his jaw, he threw the paper and pulled a startled Gerard to his chest, stroking his hair gently

"You were right Gee..." he sighed dramatically, resting his chin on the shorters head "This place is trying to kill you, its okay baby Gee..mama's here..."

Gerard wrestled his way from his creepy friend and laughed. He really had missed the guys and supposed being back at boarding school wasn’t the worst thing ever. At least he wasn't suffering alone "God I'm glad you guys are here and you know what? You're fucking right Frankie! We are gonna make this our year! Revenge of the fucking nerds style...c'mon, lets go find Mikey. I'll unpack this shit later."

Gerard shrugged off his hoodie and followed his friends from the room, putting on a pair of sunglasses he'd put in his pocket, and they descended the stairs. They were, according to the welcome sheet, supposed to be attending a new term introduction but had all silently agreed if the teachers thought they were attending that shit, they were sorely fucking mistaken.

They past under the dappled shade of the courtyard, the trees lining the pathway creating a sort of leafy balcony, and made their way to the largest of the dorm buildings. The building had been nicknamed 'The nerd dorms' due to it mostly housing the kids with high class marks, and Mikey being the quiet genius that he was, had scored a room in there.

They entered the large entrance way and gazed around in awe, it was fucking incredible! Vending machines lined the wall with an array of candy bars nestled inside, modern lighting illuminating the area and making the whole place seem somehow bigger? Gerard led them through the halls to a room on the very end, only stopping when a small bespectacled boy stood in their way and announced "You shouldn't be here!" Frank merely replying by shoving him into the cleaning cupboard and locking the door.

Gerard knocked lightly and bounced on the balls of his feet, grinning as Frank snarled at a random passer by. A few moments later the door swung open and Gerard was knocked out of the way, Ray pouncing on his brother and sending them hurtling to the ground

"Fuck Ray! Ah! Get the fuck off me you big freak!" Mikey cried as Ray smothered his face in kisses, Gerard and Frank merely stepping over them and sauntering inside. The room was huge, a study area set up in the far corner and Mikey’s bed opposite it; the floor space was fucking huge too, there was no way this place was just for Mikey. It didn’t seem fair

"So..." Frank said, sauntering over to Mikey who was currently trying to straighten himself out after his friends attack on his face, Ray seriously had no boundaries "...who you sharing with anyway?"

Mikey smiled triumphantly and crossed his arms over his chest, holding his head up proudly "Oh, do you mean who is sharing this epic dorm room with me? That would be...oh yeah, nobody! This is all mine motherfuckers!"

"Are you fucking serious? Me and Gee are practically sleeping on top of each other man!"

"You wish Gee was sleeping on top of you don't cha Frankie?" Ray said with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows and leaning toward the shorter. Gerard blushed scarlet and hid behind his hair, Frank spotting him and diving on Ray's back

"What's the matter Raymond? You jealous? I know I'm irresistible but you don't have to worry; there's enough Frankie to go round..." Ray bent over, flipping the smaller boy off of his back, and making him land on the floor with a thump "Oof! Motherfucker...besides dude, we're yet to meet your new never know Ray, it could be someone as freaky as you..."

"Oh shit..." Ray groaned dejectedly "...Who wants to come meet Robert Bryar with me? I can't deal with this crap alone! Newbies always assume you're gonna be bffs and that shit just aint gonna fly man"

Gerard smiled pitifully and placed a hand on Ray's back, gently shoving him from the dorm room "Don't worry buddy, we'll all go!.." He turned to look at his un amused friends, giving them a glare and hissing "Won't we guys?!" They all trooped from the room, mumbling abuse about the new kid and made their way back across the courtyard. This was not in their plans for first day back. They were supposed to be doing something fun.

The sun hung high in the vast blue sky, the heat intense as the made their way back. Mikey grew breathless, pulling his inhaler from his pocket and taking a puff. Gerard watched his brother concerned, Mikey hadn't exactly had the best health lately, and worried the heat could set him into an attack. Mikey looked up and caught his brothers gaze, mouthing 'it's okay' and slinging his arm over his brother's shoulders.

Eventually they reached the smaller building, Mikey laughing as he stepped inside and muttered "I forgot how small this shithole was" only to receive a glare of distaste from the others. Slowly they climbed the stairs, thankful that it was cool inside the building, and made their way to Ray's room. As they walked thed sound of drums filled their ears and grew louder as they approached the door. Taking one last look at his friends, Ray turned the handle and swung it open, the sound booming out at them from inside the room.

There in the room was a big ass motherfucker, even sitting down he looked huge. His arms were in a blur of motion as he pounded the drumkit set in the corner, his eyes shut as he lost himself in the beat. Ray's eyes grew wider in wonderment as he made his way to his bed and sat down, his gaze never leaving the drummer.

After what seemed like an eternity of staring (when in reality it had been like two minutes) the driving opened his eyes and yelped, falling backwards from his stool "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" He got to his feet and stared angrily at the people by the door "Who the fuck stands at a dude's door and watches him you creepy motherfuckers!"

Frank stepped forward and outstretched his hand "Sorry guy, you’re just a really awesome drummer is all..." Bob warily shook his hand "I'm Frank, that there is Gerard and Mikey his're Robert right?"

"Dude call me Bob; Robert is a total douche name. It's awesome to meet you guys...uh, who's that starry eyed guy on the bed..." He turned to look at Ray, quirking and eyebrow at his slack-jawed expression

"I love you..." Frank physically facepalmed at his friend as the brothers bust into a fit of laughter. Ray seemed to realize what he had said and quickly stood, holding out a hand to Bob "I mean I'm...I'm Ray, your roomie"

"Oh! Well at least now I know I wasn’t ambushed by stalkers..." Bob said sitting down, pulling out a pack of smokes and lighting up ", any of you guys play?"

" Yeah, not drums though..." Gerard replied sitting down "Frankie and Ray play guitar and Mikey plays bass..." Bob nodded as he watched Gerard fish around for his own pack of cigarettes and pulling one out for himself and Frank "I sing a little too..."

"Awesome man, so what? You guys are in a band?" Gerard nodded and took a long draw from the cigarette hanging between his lips "Where's your drummer at?"

"We don't have one...hey! Maybe you could drum for us! We don't have a name or anything yet but we have songs and rehearse when we can" Mikey said excitedly and sat beside Bob who smiled down at him

"Sure man, maybe. It depends what kind of music you play but there's time to talk about that later, you gotta tell me what this place is like. Is it really the happy fucking haven you see in the brochure?"

Bob's eyes widened as an over emotional Ray pulled his head against his chest and stroked his face "Oh my darling Bob, how naive you are! No my friend it is not"

Frank chuckled lightly at the confused, horrified expression in Bob's features before putting a hand on his shoulder

"Dude, welcome to your worst nightmare..."

Please tell me if you enjoyed this and also if you have any criticisms because it always helps to have some advice on spelling and grammar and stuff :)
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