Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > This Was No Accident

Not So Pleasant

by Nicoleisnotunder 1 review

"I guess I'm not giving him a ride home..."

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Published: 2014-02-14 - 665 words

Brendon stood at his locker after school, quietly putting his bag together so he could leave for his study session. He felt a pull on the hood of his sweatshirt. Turning around, he backed up a little. “Can I help you, Ryan?” he questioned, glancing curiously at the English textbook in his hand.
Ryan shifted his weight awkwardly. “Um. I saw that you do really well in school and all and... um...” He coughed and straightened himself. “Help me with my English homework.”
Brendon blinked at him. A laugh fell from his lips and Ryan looked angry. “Oh my god, you're kidding me right?”
The other boy shook his head. “No. Help me. I can't fail my classes anymore and you're my only friend..”
Friend? I wouldn't consider us friends... Brendon sighed, heaving his bag up on his back. “Sure. I'm going to a study session now in the library, you might as well come with me.” Ryan nodded and quietly followed him.
They arrived at the library and Brendon chose a table, set the chairs back, and sat down. He spread his books and pens across the desk, opening his textbook to the page they worked on that day, all while Ryan awkwardly placed his textbook in front of him, opening it to a random page. Ryan coughed again to fill the silence. “You got a cold or something?” Brendon asked, not bothering to look up from his book.
Ryan frowned. “Maybe,” he replied, shrugging. “So where do I start?”
“Page 200. The homework was numbers 1-15, then 20 as bonus work. I suggest you do the bonus,” he muttered the last part, hoping Ryan wouldn't hear him.
But he did. “Don't gotta be an ass, Brendon.”
“Didn't have to slam me into a locker, Ryan.”
Ryan sighed, turning the pages and writing down the answers to them. About 20 minutes later, he finally finished, and looked up to see Brendon moved on to another subject. “How long have you been done with English?” he asked, bewildered that he got done so quickly.
Brendon looked up at him, down at his watch, and back up at Ryan. About 15 minutes. Why?”
Ryan's eyes widened. “What the fuck, man? How are you so quick?”
“I pay attention in class. Now what else do you have to finish?”
“I only had English homework...”
“Well, if that's the case, I'm going to go wash my hands and then we can leave. Do you need a ride home?”
“If you could bring me home, that would be fine.” He said, casually flipping his hair and closing his book.
Brendon turned to go to the bathroom and left quietly. On his way there, he stopped by the water fountain. He leaned over and took a sip, but his drink was cut short. A slam was heard, something hit the floor, but that wasn't Brendon's problem right now. He found himself slammed against the wall. “Ryan?” The taller one's hands were on both sides of Brendon's head, but they moved quickly and were soon tangled in Brendon's hair. “Ryan, what are you doing?” he rushed out, putting his hands on Ryan's chest and attempting to push him away. Ryan slammed his lips on Brendon's, moving them skillfully before he realized what he was doing.
He backed away, a scared look on his face. “Oh my god,” he whispered. “Oh Jesus. Oh, fuck. What did I just...” he ran his fingers through his hair, pacing through the hallway. Brendon tried to figure out what just happened. Ryan shot his head up to look at Brendon. “Christ, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that.. I just... That was an accident. I'm so sorry,” he mumbled. “I.. I gotta go. I'm gonna go..” He walked off, not saying goodbye or picking up his book from the floor.
Brendon watched him for a moment, but returned to the real world. He grabbed his bag and left the building. “I guess I'm not giving him a ride home...”
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