Categories > Cartoons > Avatar: The Last Airbender > Sokka the Wolfbat Master

Chapter 2

by FlashWally22 0 reviews

Somemore of the story and an expansion of the harem.

Category: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Katara,Sokka - Warnings: [X] [?] [Y] - Published: 2014-02-28 - 3628 words

Wolfie was a bit late with her delivery as she appeared in Sokka's room. She saw that he was not in his room. She grew worried for a moment as she then transformed into a wolf bat. She flew towards the door of white hamster pelts as Suki undid the knot of the door so that it could be swung to the side. Suki walked out behind her Mistress as her mistress made a few squeaks and squawks. Suki nodded as she said to her, "Yes, my mistress."

Suki moved to a wolverine fox pelt made door and pushed it open. It was Katara's room where there was a bone foot locker that she opened up and pulled out some cloths. She put them on as she walked out of the room. Suki followed her mistress as they arrived at the meeting of two halls. They went down the other hall to the kitchen to see a table made of bone with skulls at eight points of the table that was shaped like a octogon.

Sokka was waiting for them as he then stood up and said with curiousity, "Suki? Do you are really here?"

Suki nodded as she said to him, "Yes, Sokka. Mistress Wolfie has showed me my mistakes of humilitating you. I am here to serve her as she is here to serve you. Your orders to her are orders to me."

Sokka then looked to Wolfie who shifted back into her nude form with wings, ears, tail and sharp canines. She had some blood on her mouth as she licked it up. Sokka then said to her in trust and belief, "You really did it."

Giggling the Wha Wha said to him, "Don't sound so surprised, I am your Wolfie after all. I always come through on my words. Just like your words mean your honor, so do mine."

Sokka then said to her, "Wolfie in that case, I have a mission for you."

She was perplexed at this as she then sat down in a chair. Wolfie was not at all happy with the chairs of the house hold of the chief. The chairs were made of the bones of her fellow animals, wolf bats. But, these chairs were passed down for three generations. It's not like Sokka could control what furniture his ancestors gave him.

Sokka pulled out a piece of brown leather with dried blood on it. He laid it out as he said to her, "Our hunters at Whale Tail Island recovered this from a body from a Dai Li Agent found there. The man is a man that was copied by our map maker. We're being invaded and we only have three months to prepare. The hunters are our protectors and providers of food. But, we don't have enough hunters to stand against the invasion. I need the Kyoshi Warriors to ally with us as we found out that Kyoshi Island will be the first of the invasion serving as a staging point."

Wolfie nodded as she said to him, "Understood and to think that the world just got out of a war with Avatar Aang breaking up the Fire Lord line. Speaking of which why isn't he helping?"

Sokka looked down as he said to her, "He died last night, murdered by what was suspected as Earth Bending. The Water Tribes are going to receive an Avatar now. But they won't be ready until 15 years from now. Suki, please go and convince your warriors that they need to enter an alliance with us."

Suki nodded as she said to him, "If it is your will then I shall do as I must."

Suki then walked away as Sokka then said to Wolfie, "Wolfie, we need hunters. I don't want to enslave anyone to become one, that isn't right. But, if they could have some incentive it would be nice. Think you can arrange it?"

She nodded as she said to him after noticing how stressed he looked, "You might want to get some sleep master."

Sokka shook his head as he said to her, "No, I can't. I have a meeting with the 12 4th ranking hunters."

Glaring at his back as he walked out of the house she said out loud, "If you will not rest my master than I'll just make you rest. I care about you too much to let fatigue be your murderer. And if you plan on fighting this invasion head on then I'm going to take on as many slaves as you need to fight an army."

Turning into a wolf bat she took to the air as she flew out and saw in the third ranking hunters Notai. Wolfie knew that the Hunters were split into seven ranks. The first rank hunters were the newbies or blues as they called them cause their blue hunting uniforms had yet earned blood. Then there were the second ranks who had earned honor and were full fledged hunters. Third rank hunters like Notai were accomplished hunters that were the back bone of the hunters. The fourth rank were basically captains of the hunters and only had a few in number. Right now there were only 13 including her master, Sokka. The fifth rank hunters were skilled hunters that have brought many beasts of weapon, bountiful and honor to the village. There was a sixth rank known as sub chiefs who were like Bato, close friends and accomplished hunters that earned the right to take over as chief in emergency. Then there was the seven rank known as chief. A chief was a rank that only those in charge of all the local hunters could earn. There were 14 shore villages and 10 inner land villages each with a chief, but only one was capable of being the tribal chief who was elected unanimously by the others. Hakoda was a chief at one point, but now was the Tribal chief. Sokka was on a high track to becoming a chief someday and maybe tribal chief.

Wolfie flew down to Notai as she landed on her outstretched machete upside down. Some of the first ranks laughed as Notai looked at Wolfie and said to her, "Wolfie, stop that. Come here. I'll put you in my house until Sokka has time to pick you up."

Notai walked into her house as she walked down the steps and entered the hall way. She walked until she got to a door of arctic wolf bat pelts which made Wolfie squirm. They walked inside as Wolfie then shifted into her Wha Wha form. She looked at Notai with a seductive smile as Notai felt a heat inside her. Wolfie threw her hands out as she pulled them back blood bending Notai into a state of horniness.

Notai began to take off her clothes as she panted and flushed in her cheeks. Taking out her 'boner' she placed it at her pussy. Walking over Wolfie went behing her and wrapped her hands around Notai. She grabbed her bosom as she began to tweaking Notai's nipples. Moans ran out of her mouth as she squirmed in Wolfie's grip. Licking and kissing Notai's neck Wolfie drew out her fangs. She licked her fangs as she bet down on her neck. She licked up some blood as she then had her eyes flash a red aura. The aura was absorbed by Notai as she panted and fell into Wolfie's arms.

Wolfie then said to her as she saw Notai grow a pair of fangs, "Go and spread the glory of Master Sokka. As soon as you have bit Katara and Pinga. Then I want the three of you to intercept Master from his leaving of the meeting. Take him home and make him rest, I don't care how you make him rest. Just do it with as little violence as possible."

Notai nodded as she then licked her lips thinking of how to tire out Sokka. She walked as Wolfie took off into the air.

Flying above the igloo with the honor maker Wolfie flew inside as she saw several illuminations as she flew into a large room. It was the carving room where the honor maker would cut and carve honor for the tribe. There was Sokka with twelve other people standing in the room with him. Sokka then said to the 12, "We have orders to fortify the shore villages and mine the waters near the patola sea between the main Patola mountains island and the small curved island across from it. This is the most direct route to take and garunteed to be taken by a few ships that will be the first wave undoubtedly. We have intelligence that Song Wei (, Long Feng, General Fong, Yu and Xin Fu have taken over the Earth Kingdom. With the 53rd Earth King approving this and being the son of the 52nd Earth King. Taram I need you to take your 3rds and command them to bring back plenty of beasts of bountiful. We need to stock pile food for the first couple of months of siege. I don't want you to just go out and kill, I want you to use tactics that will gathers all the beasts in Jagged Falls. There we can send hunters there weekly to bring us food. I know it's not honorable, but it's the only way to survive. And I know once you start to sacrifice your principles it's easier to break another. Well, this is the first invasion in Southern Water Tribe history. It's going to get rough and dangerous. Katara my sister has been instructed to take all our water benders and make large siege walls."

Wolfie saw the worry in his eyes as he knew that without the avatar or some one with nearly as much power. They would lose and lose bad, but he would not give them the kill without a fight. That was the way of the hunter, fight the predator with everything you got before falling to their claws. Wolfie then went off to find the honor maker's daughter as she flew into a room.

Wolfie shape shifted as she saw a cute but clutzy non-bender civilian girl with the biggest breasts in the entire tribe. She had short brown hair in a large bun on the back of her head with her scalp hair pulled back and a pair of hair loopies leading to the bun. Her eyes are brown and they snapped onto Wolfie's red one as the Wha Wha changed.

The girl said to her, "A Wha Wha! Please, don't spirit me away."

Smiling at her she said to the girl, "Now Palluqtuq, I will not spirit you away. But, I will make you do your part for this invasion. By submitting a portion of your aura to our master. If he gets 20 sex slaves, then he will have enough power to throw off this Earth Bender Song Wei. As a non-bender it will be hard for him to fight an Earth Bender. But, he will succeed with your sacrifice of your aura. Aren't you supposed to give your all to the Ice and those who walk it?"

Nodding Palluqtuq then said to her as she felt warm all over, "Yes."

Palluqtuq walked up to her as she began to kiss Wolfie. Wolfie slammed her small breasts against Palluqtuq's as the pair began to kiss. They licked each other's mouths. Stroking and caressing her flesh Wolfie made Palluqtuq become hers. That's when Wolfie bit down on her neck as she licked up the blood. Red aura came out of her as Wolfie's eyes glowed.

Sokka grunted as his eyes gained the ever slighltest red tint to his iris. He moved out and bent over holding his stomach. His body was taking his fat and transforming it into muscle as his already present muscle tightened. His biceps bulged as he shook his head feeling it on fire with his mind shooting out images of strategy.

Suki licked her lips, white fangs glinting in the sunlight as she gazed upon her fellow Kyoshi Warriors. There were seven present, here, the seven youngest and most skilled of Kyoshi Island's sacred defenders. These were her sisters, the finest of their generation, and they obeyed her loyally, unquestioningly.

When she commanded them to line up before her and strip, they did not hesitate. Loyalty, obedience, discipline -- these things were all but bred into them, drilled into their heads from a young age. The were the Kyoshi Warriors. They served Kyoshi and her inheritor.

For close unto three hundred years, their order had defended this island, their home, which had been split off from the mainland by their patron and founder, Avatar Kyoshi. Once, they had been known as the Brides of Kyoshi, for how their predecessors swore themselves mind, body, and soul to their Avatar.

But now, the Kyoshi Warriors would serve a new master. One not replacing Kyoshi, but rather succeeding her, taking up where she left off. For even as the spirit of Chin the Conqueror lived on now, in the plots of these usurpers in the Earth Kingdom, so too would the spirit of Avatar Kyoshi live on in the body and actions of Sokka, and his faithful slaves.

Smiling, Suki stepped forth and took the first of her sisters. Tae, the eldest of them, former commander of their order, who had stepped down to let Suki take her place. Daughter of a wandering sword master, a warrior of renown who had come to Kyoshi Island seeking peace from constant bloodshed.

She cupped her mentor's small breasts, small even as the breasts of their mistress. Tae arched her back, moaning as she allowed herself to be dominated by her former pupil, by the young woman whom she had, once upon a time, herself initiated into the ways of womanhood and sexuality.

Tae was a peerless swordsman, a woman skilled beyond any other of their order in the way of the katana, and she was strong and fierce in battle. She would serve their master well, Suki knew.

She bit Tae's neck. She tasted her blood.

Tae was now Sokka's.

Next she moved on to Midori; buxom, bashful, black haired Midori. This young woman was the same age as Suki, and an early bloomer also. She had been teased by the other girls, when they were younger, for her quickly blossoming figure which had at first hindered her in her training. She had been bullied and mocked, taunted and called names.

But Suki had stood up for her, had earned the girl's undying loyalty early on by beating up every last one of her tormentors, and telling them all that if they wanted to continue making fun of Midori, then they would have go through her to do so.

No one ever bullied Midori, after that. And Midori remembered this debt well, served her commander faithfully and without hesitation. She adored Suki, and would do anything she asked. She did not falter for even an instant, when Suki went behind her, kneading and fondling her large, lewd breasts.

Suki bit Midori's neck. She tasted her blood.

Midori was now now Sokka's.

Next she went to Lie Ying, with her violet eyes and black hair in twin tails. This young woman was also Suki's age -- had, in fact, been one of Midori's cruelest tormentors. Yet this had not been without reason. For Lie Ying had been strikingly pretty, even from a young age, and her aunt, with whom she lived, had envied and resented her, seeing in Lie Ying even as a child the strength and beauty of her late sister, Lie Ying's mother, whom had always outshone her.

The resentment she had towards her sister, the woman had projected onto her niece, her sister's daughter, and she had abused Lie Ying. Verbally, mostly, but there had been times when her anger overruled her and she struck the child, beat her for some imagined slight or other. And Lie Ying had grown bitter because of this, had believed the world a place where the strong trod upon the weak.

So she had bullied Midori, and anyone else she perceived as weaker or more vulnerable than herself, lashing out at everyone around her, even Suki, back then. ...At least, until the day that her aunt, in a drunken rage, grabbed her up and cast her over a cliff, into the ocean, leaving her niece for dead. She said, to the others, that Lie Ying had careless, and fallen over in spite of her best efforts to save her. She said Lie Ying was dead, swallowed up by the waves, but Suki -- perceptive, even then -- disbelieved her, and went looking for her tormentor.

She saved Lie Ying's life, and the girl had sworn from then on to follow Suki until the day she died. So she did not resist her commander, not even when Suki bit her on the neck and tasted her blood.

Lie Ying was now Sokka's.

Next Suki went to the twins, Ti and Genqian. The two were pretty, with vibrant green eyes and raven hair in buns. The two were quiet by nature, and they said little of their family or their history, or their life before joining the Kyoshi Warriors. They were great fighters, though, and a nearly unbeatable combo with only one weakness.

A scar, there was, upon the side of either one's ribcage, under their arm -- the left for Ti, and the right for Genqian -- and even to this day the scar was sensitive, and a blow to it could render them nearly defenseless for several long seconds, bodies wracked with pain. For they had been born conjoined, bonded together by a mass of tumorous flesh, and this scar, on either one, was left over from the risky surgery that had separated them, and likely saved their lives.

Suki caressed the curve of Ti's buttocks, petted Genqian's womanhood. They writhed and moaned beneath her ministrations, and she smiled, planting a sharp, fanged kiss on either one's neck.

Suki bit Genqian. She tasted her blood. Then she bit Ti, and tasted her blood also.

The twins were now Sokka's.

Next, Suki came to her cousin (third cousin, twice removed on her mother's side, if you wanted to be accurate), Ai. The girl, like her, had hazel eyes and a modestly curved figure, with decent breasts -- in that interesting sweet spot between "big" and "small" -- and finely toned ass. Unlike Suki, though, Ai's hair was brown, a very dark shade of it that bordered on black, and she wore it loose, with the exception of her bangs which were usually pinned up to one side.

Unlike many of the other Kyoshi Warriors, Ai had no interesting life story, or secret childhood trauma. Her youth had been a happy one, given the circumstances, with loving parents and a supportive family. She had always been quick to make friends, and was a bit playful outside of duty, with an impish sense of humor.

She moaned quite shamelessly, when her cousin grabbed her ass, fingering her anus and planting a kiss on her collarbone. She smiled foxily, silently encouraging Suki could get on with it, whatever she was doing. Because, like the others, she trusted and admired her cousin, and would follow her to the ends of the earth.

Suki bit Ai's neck. She tasted her blood.

Ai was now Sokka's.

Next, and last, came the two youngest members of the Kyoshi Warriors. Xin Xing was a new recruit, timid and easily frightened, though with a curiously warlike personality in battle. She was unusually skilled, for her age, wielding not only a fan in either hand, but also a short, straight ninjaken (also know as ninjato, or shinobigatana) in her mouth -- a most peculiar talent, but one that served her well.

Little else was there to say of her, and Suki bit her neck in short order, smiling and tasting the timid girl's blood.

Xin Xing was now Sokka's.

Finally was Kagura, as young as Xin Xing, or nearly so, but where Xin Xing was meek and quiet most of the time, Kagura was blunt and fearless, often making inappropriate remarks or rushing headfirst into battle. Her light auburn, almost vermillion hair was held up on either side of her head in two bun shaped, black and gold ornaments, and her sea blue-green eyes were bright and lively.

She was modestly well endowed, for her age -- nothing exceptional, maybe, but still more than Tae or Xin Xing -- and her skin was almost eerily pale. She burned rather easily, in the sunlight, so she often carried a heavy duty, old-fashioned umbrella wherever she went. And she fought even better with that than she did with fans or sword, though she was also exceptionally skilled in hand-to-hand combat.

Like her mother, the legendary Umihana who abandoned her duties the Kyoshi Warriors when Kagura was but a child to ply her skills as a mercenary abroad, Kagura was possessed of an almost freakish physical strength and endurance, and though she was a bit lazy and irresponsible at first glance, she was also driven, and trained hard to one day confront her mother and drag her back home, by force if necessary. And it was generally agreed by the older Kyoshi Warriors that she did indeed have the potential to surpass her mother, though that day was still a long way off, yet.

Suki smiled.

Here was the final one she had deemed worthy of serving their mistress, and her master.

Suki bit Kagura's neck. She tasted her blood.

Kagura became Sokka's.
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