Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Heart's Memories

Strength and Existence

by KiriRoxas 0 reviews

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Riku,Sora - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2014-03-15 - 1178 words - Complete

“As your flesh bears the sigil, so your name shall be known as that...of a recusant.” The former Organization leader blurred next to his skyscrapers.

Sora glared at the nobody, and began to move to avoid the thrown skyscrapers. 'I don't think I've been so angry before. To use people like that just to get rid of their existence!' His two Dream Eaters cast haste, and the other protect just before he was kicked, Sora quickly countered with his usual recovery attack of throwing his Keyblade.

'How can anyone have it in their heart to do this? Xehanort...I'll stop you with everything I've got and more!' He used Flowmotion to get out the barrier trap, and brought down his Keyblade for an attack, which was blocked by the crossed Ethereal Blades.

'That girl, Axel, even Roxas and all the others were just empty bodies to these guys. I feel bad for them all, and if only they knew the truth. I don't think all of them would've fought or joined the Organization...' Sora rushed spinning his ignited Keyblade like a windmill, it deflected the few blasts from Xemnas and hit him head on. Xemnas flipped back up and flew forward with his blades to strike hard.

'I've dived into some deep sea of trouble this time, but I can see now it's too late to turn back and I can only fight my way out now.' Sora was pushed back by a barrier, and Xemnas followed up with rapid upper strikes leaving Sora with red sparks on him.

'Everyone has a right to be themselves, but all he wants to do is erase that right of existence. No way is that gonna happen to me! I'll do this for those he lied to, and the ones who fought him before!' Sora used the 'Reality Shift' and summoned his power, and feeling his connection with Riku inside him, attacked the buildings in sight with a large decorative Keyblade.

'If I would've known how dark this guy really was, I wouldn't be in this mess. I will wake up and get back Riku, then will stop these guys for good!' The Nobody hammered the wielder with heavy strikes, that were narrowly dodged, blocked, or made contact. The chosen boy swiftly attacked back with the skills he's acquired on this journey of dreams.

“My heart belongs to me, and nobody is going to make me forget my existence! No matter what!” He cried out as used 'Salvation'.

Xemnas grunted as the force of the attack knocked him down. Sora quickly followed up with 'Ars Arcanum', attacking with intense light-elemental strikes as to defeat the man before him.

'Too many people are counting on me!' Xemnas stopped the flurry of attack with a well-timed and aimed blast at Sora's torso sending him skidding back. 'I can't lose here!' The two charged and clashed with their respective elements in opposing auras of red and white.

'Because to lose here means the end of our existence, and also I don't break promises to those connected to me!'
[*Existence end.


[*Strength of Heart

“Yes. I know the way. Consume the darkness, return it to light.” Riku said, determined to finish the man before him.

“You can try.” The darkness around them changed appearance to a more twisted area.

'Ansem, you've messed with me for too long now. This time I'll make sure you can't haunt my heart anymore!' Riku flew forward and used a spinning attack of darkness, and then one of light. The Guardian blocked the dark attack, but both were hurt by the unexpected light attack.

'Since the beginning I was being used, and my heart became weaker. The darkness made me believe I was getting stronger, but the moment the keyblade rejected me and returned to Sora. I realized something wasn't right.'

The Seeker of Darkness threw multiple discs at the boy, only for him to block them all with a Dark Shield. “Take this!” Riku vanished and struck a few times, repeating this action for a couple of times from different angles. Ansem let out a angry grunt, catching the Keyblade at his next appearance and his Guardian punched the wielder back across the area.

'In Castle Oblivion you came to take me over again, and although I managed to lock you away, you still continued to weaken my tainted heart. It was my own curiosity that drew me to you, so I can't blame all my problems on the 'ghost' in my heart.' Ansem rushed the area with an aura of darkness, and Riku used 'Dark Aura' to counter, and both clashed repeatedly in darkness.

'Although, I don't want to admit it...I think your ordeals have me stronger than most with darkness inside them.'

'I mean I could've done without the speeches, possessions, and other problems with you. But it's like they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!' Riku slowly landed on his feet and glared at Ansem.

“Ansem! You're part of my heart now. Part of the light!” He declared.
“Ever the fool, boy. And forever a pawn of the darkness!” The Guardian grew in size and enveloped its owner a small open cocoon of its own dark body.

'Your wrong about that. I used to be a pawn, but after getting the Keyblade back, and sticking to my path to dawn. My heart will continue to grow stronger, especially with my friend by my side. The friend that never gave up on me!'

Riku jumped wall to wall to avoid the lasers being aimed him. “Dream Eater!” He cried out, fusing with his companions and formed bat wings on his back. Getting close to Ansem by flying, Riku began to attack the man with wide, powerful strikes. Ansem summoned to large orbs of darkness, and from them shot smaller blasts that attacked Riku and sent him flying back.

'Sometimes I think the strength of my heart will never fully return to how it was, but I'm okay with that. As long as I don't have that ugly mug of yours, and I can keep my friend safe, my heart will be plenty strong.' Riku flew with increased speed, dodging the blasts and lasers as he got closer.

“Yield!” The two large orbs crashed onto the surprised Riku. Ansem scoffed as his victory seem assured. “You are powerless before the darkness.”

“Wrong!” Riku rose from the cloud of smoke with a flip, and prepared to slash down with a Keyblade coated in a orange glow. “It's just the opposite now, Ansem!”

'After all, it's thanks to my obstacles and enemies that the strength of my heart will become stronger than before! The Keyblade is proof of this!' Ansem yelled out in pain, and Riku got back into stance after his strike and diffused from his Dream Eater.

“I will save my friend! My heart is now stronger than your darkness! Get ready Ansem!”
[*Strength End.
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