Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Heart's Memories


by KiriRoxas 0 reviews

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2014-03-21 - 605 words - Complete


The air rippled, and in a flash of light,Sora found himself in his Dive to the Heart. The attacker from earlier summoned another keyblade into his free hand, and got into an aggressive stance. The spiky-haired hero got into his own stance with Bond of Flame held in his hands. A small sound was heard as the hidden wielder twirled his blades and lashed out with light.

‘Organization XIII's Key of Destiny...that title holds the pain I've endured during my time with them. I can’t say I hate you Sora, but still I…’ Sora was barely able to see where his opponent moved with the glare of light in his eyes. Following the direction he was able to minimize the damage of the two other keyblades.

‘The pain of losing my best friend. Axel...I won’t let you carelessly use his sacrifice, beating me will prove you’re the stronger one here. I’m going to throw all of my suffering at you!'

Roxas swung his blades, and Sora was forced to deflect the searing beams of light being summoned with each strike. The last blow of the combo, Roxas stepped back and rushed forward to strike with his symbolic blades, but was met with a honeycomb dome which sent him back. ‘Nobody gave me answers. Nobody told me who I was. I could feel my existence on the line when I left, and even now. It’s all because of you that I went through this pain.'

Roxas flashed to the center of the platform, and sigils of light appeared around him as floated in the air, then he fired many orbs of light from his twirling blades at his target. ‘You accept the keyblade so easily, but as for me I want nothing to do with it! I miss my friends and my days with the gang, real or not.’

“Who are you?” Sora questioned, running to avoid being hit with the orbs. The last couple trapped him, he yelled out and his clothes changed to ones similar to his first clothes.

‘I’m ‘you’. The ‘you’ who has suffered the pain of sadness…the pain of being your Nobody,’ Roxas skid back, smoke coming from his body from the recent assault by his other’s Ragnarok. ‘You’re strong Sora, that can’t be denied...but.’ Both rushed forward at the simultaneously, and time seemed to slow in their eyes as they began to raise their blade to attack.

“Tell me. Tell me why it picked you.” He demanded, before launching to strike. Sora seemed to counter most of his movements as the battle became airborne, but he was sent back down hard on his feet. Roxas looked at the four faces Sora stood between on the stained-glass from above. “I see. So, that’s why.”

‘Enduring all this pain helped me get my answers in the end, and I’ve come to a decision.’ Sora called the Bond of Flame to his hand and slashed. Roxas dropped his weapons in defeat, and his hood fell from his staggering.

‘Sooner or later, I’ll have to share my pain with you…’ Roxas looked back to Sora with a content look on his face. “You make a good other.”

‘The problem is…will you be able to handle the pain of everyone connected to your heart? Though it’s not clear now, never forget what makes you strong because I think that is what will allow you to handle that pain.’

Pain End
Inspired by coded, but obviously this moment is during Roxas and Sora's fight.
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