Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > Unexpected

Chapter 19

by MaryJaneSixx 1 review

where's Izzy?

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2014-03-17 - 1657 words

Chapter 19

Lanessa's POV

A week went by that Izzy's parents and myself tried to find Izzy. We searched ever shithole know drug location in half of Indiana. No Izzy. Then I realized he would have gone back to LA. Duh. But I had no clue where to find him still. I knew Slash and Steven stood the best chances of knowing where he was, but they were probably too smacked out themselves to even be able to tell me where to start looking. Besides I didnt want the band to know, not until it was absolutely neccessary.
So I headed out to LA alone in search of my junkie rock star husband. I tried to think as he might. I thought about where a guy like him would go to score. Then I remembered he had been a dealer himself. Shit. I was never gonna find him. I know he cant be in public much because he hates to be recognized by fans. Places that were dark...yeah. Where did rock stars hang out? God Izzy where are you?
So I tried the Hyatt, the best known location to find a rocker. I knew I could get in because of all the publicity from Izzy being with me. And naturally I was allowed inside. It was loud, unlike a normal hotel. I walk over to the bar scanning the faces. My thoughts are startled by a voice behind me.
"Nessa Do."
I froze. Only one person on this entire earth had ever called me that. Dear god why did it have to be him? I swallow and hesitate turning around. My eyes meet with big bushy black hair. Suddenly he's shoving a bottle of Jack into my hands. I have no choice but to turn and look at him. His smile looks down on me with a smile like a taunting predator. But then, for all that wild black hair all you can see is his devils smile. Yet I know lurking behind it all is the most beautiful set of green eyes I had ever seen. Eyes that at one time I had fallen in love with.
"N...Nikki?" I choke out his name not really sure. He looked different than when I last saw him.
" could you forget someone as awesome as me," he playfully smirks. He quickly changes the subject before I answer. "So, I hear you married Stradlin from GNR."
I nod, still holding his jack.
"Trouble in paradise? Arent you supposed to be on hiatus gettin straight in Indiana or some shit?" He eyes me a moment, "You bolted huh? Needed a fix? Whats the matter, Izzy not as good as me," He smirks, "Or GNR just dont do it for you like the Crue? I mean we do have Tommy and his massive..."
"Have you seen Izzy," I quickly interrupted him.
"Ahhhh," he smirks knowingly, "Izzy bolted huh? Couldnt do it?"
"Nikki please, I have to find him. Can you help me find him?"
"No can do Nessie Do," He says taking his bottle back for a swig. "Dont know Izzy like that. Not much quality time with high a few times, thats about it. Hey try Axl, arent those two joined at the hip or fucking or something?" He takes another drink. "So whenever you get bored of the zero's you should come back to the heroes," he says with a wink as he tumbled off.
Nikki had a point. No one knew Izzy better than Axl did.
So I swallowed my pride and gave Axl a call. He was his normal surly self until I told him Izzy ran away and was MIA. Naturally he blamed me at first but inevitably gave me a few leads. They were all really bad parts of town. I was terrified to go alone. I wished Slash would speak to me and help, nobody else would have known the list of places Axl gave me like Slash would. But None of the guys would go with me. I dont know if theyre mad at me or mad at Izzy. Luckily Izzy's body guard goes with me.
I searched the better part of three days without so much as a lead. I went by every shooting gallery, bar, and strip club on the strip. I checked hotels for Jeff Isbell. I tried his house. It was as if he had simply vanished from the face of the earth. I called and checked in with his parents regurarly, but they had heard nothing either. I was beyond worried and at my wits end when I finally got some news.It came from an unlikely source.
I was having a drink at the Troubadore when a shouting mass of people began to draw near me. I ignore it and sip at my drink thinking of where to search for Izzy yet. Then a tall bushy dark figure sits next to me.
"Hey Nessie Do...found something you lost," he chuckles carelessly.
My eyes dart to his. Nikki is sitting there swaying. I can see its a healthy dose of smack, probably a bottle of Jack and a pile of coke to keep him awake.
"Yeah," he nods "I found your...husband," he says rolling his eyes on the word husband. "Heeeee's a little bit subdued at the moment in my limo."
"Subdued?" I ask alarmed by Nikki's amused demeanor. "Did you beat him up?!"
"Well...didnt you want to get him back?" Nikki plainly shrugs.
"Take me to him now!" I demand.
So Nikki rolls off the bar stool and leads me out to his limo in the alley. A driver opens the door and I get in. Izzy is sprawled out on the floor moaning. I see blood on his mouth. Nikki carelessly tumbles in next to me, scooting me over. "That is him...right?" Nikki asks me just to taunt me.
"What the fuck did you beat him up for?!" I yell at Nikki as I get on the floor and cradle Izzy's head in my lap.
Nikki lights a cigarette and exhales, "well he wouldnt come he didnt seem too comfortable with the fact that you and me..."
"You fuckin told him!?"
Nikki carelessly shrugs, "It might have come up."
"Where did you find him?" I asked trying to calm down.
"We apparently had a mutual...aquaintance." Nikki inhales his cigarette again. "Its fuckin crazy to think of you all married Nessie Do...I get why Izzy Stradlin and all...but its really blowin my fuckin mind...So how'd you meet?" He curtly asks. I can hear his smart ass sarcams taunting me.
"Well Nikki lets see...after the Crue bus just fucking left me in Kansas I hitch hiked back to LA. Met some people...met GNR...went on tour with them...and fell in love with Izzy. He asked me to marry him last new years eve. We flew to Vegas and got married. Then flew to Indiana to detox."
"Classy honeymoon there Nessie Do," he smirks, "Izzy sounds like a top notch winner."
"At least he didnt abandon me in fucking Kansas!"
" said it was Indiana," Nikki says as he pulls a bottle to his mouth flashing me his evil grin first. I would give anything to punch Nikki in his fucking face right about now.
"Nikki why the hell are you here?" I snap.
He shrugs and motions at Izzy, "Returning lost property."
"No," I say, "You could have just told him you saw me and I was hunting him. Why did you go to the trouble to bring him back. Surely Nikki Sixx had better things to do."
He sighs and twiddles with the label on his whiskey bottle. "Redemption," he mutters, "I felt bad about leaving you in Kansas...shit was just getting too deep for me. I cared about you and I knew you deserved better, better than me, Vince, and Tommy...but what do you go out and find another me," he nods towards Izzy.
"Izzy is NOTHING like you!"
"Mmmm," Nikki nods, "rock star, long black hair, heroin, coke, whiskey...but You're right, Im way better looking, taller, more charming. Your Izzy here strikes me as the quiet brooding type."
"Yeah and we know youre never quiet," I huff. "Just take us to the hotel."
"Probably not a good idea Nessie Do...when he wakes up he's just gonna split again. You wont be able to stop him."
"I have his body guard with me at the hotel."
Nikki smirks softly, "If he wants it you wont be able to stop him from getting it."
"You're really not helping me here," I sigh as I study Izzy's injuries. I look up at Nikki who momentarialy shifts his hair from his face. I see a blueish red mark on his cheek. "Izzy do that?" I ask nodding at it.
"He got one in on me when I told him he should go back to his wife cuz that was some choice pussy," Nikki smiles. Hes actually gloating about being punched. However Nikki is way taller and bigger than Izzy. Izzy would have to take him by surprise to stand a shot.
"Youre such an asshole."
"So they tell me," he grins again seeming so proud of that.
"Is he high or is he just beat up?" I ask.
"Little of both really," Nikki scratches his head. "Dont know why hes doing all that damn moaning, he took enough heroin to medicate a horse...he shouldnt feel shit."Nikki reached out and nudged Izzy with his boot. Izzy moaned out. "Hummm...maybe I broke his rib?" Nikki nonchalantly shrugged.
"I really fucking hate you Nikki," I say pushing his leg away.
"This is the thanks I get for bringing you back your rock star husband?" He says faking disappointment. "No good deed goes unpunished huh?"
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