Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Heart's Memories


by KiriRoxas 0 reviews

Might redo this in the future.

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Roxas - Published: 2014-03-24 - 498 words - Complete


The only sound in the entry passage of the castle was the sound of Roxas's footsteps. The Nobody had a determined look in his eyes as he got step by step closer to his escape path. 'I'm tired of not getting my answers here...'

The steps sounding came to a stop, and Roxas narrowed his eyes at the man before him with his arms folded. “We don't accept resignations.” said Saix as he kept his body turned towards the side.

The Keyblade-wielder turned his eyes away from him and spoke with slight anger voice. “I've got nothing to say to you.” He retorted. Saix let out a 'hmph' before summoning his sword in a reverse grip.

“Then let's keep this short.” The Oathkeeper appeared in a flash of light and its owner got into stance, and the scared man let out a yell as he took on a more wild appearance.

'The truth is Saix, I have a lot to say to you but you don't deserve my words.' Roxas jumped to the side to avoid the thrust sent his way, and blocked Saix's reverse strike to follow him with his keyblade. He landed with a flip and sent a beam of light, which was deflected as the Luna Divider rush forward swinging wildly.

'From nearly two weeks here, I couldn't stand you at all. The way you treated Xion made me just want to attack you.' Roxas got a reverse uppercut with his blade, and quickly followed with strike to the abdomen by twirling to back to the usual two-handed grip.

'All the harsh words and treatment, especially with Xion, continued to make this 'thing' inside me grow stronger.'

'Even if she was a puppet, replica, or whatever! She was still one of my best friends!' Saix vanished in a blur. Roxas felt a movement behind him and raised his blade to block the large sword from slamming into his head without turning around, but let out a grunt when he was kicked forward.

'You guys used us!' Saix skid back, losing his power from the recent attack.

'You deceived us!' Roxas attacked relentlessly, before sending his target upwards and jumped after him.

'Made us fight each other just to see whose better!' He slammed him back to the ground with the same intensity of his thoughts.

'I once asked Axel, what exactly this 'thing' swelling up inside me is and he told that he could only think of one feeling.'

Saix now weakened from the intense fight, fell to his knees and hands out of breath. Roxas healed his scratches and bruises, before dismissing Oathkeeper as he walked past the defeated Nobody without a second glance. 'Hatred. That's what I unleashed on you today. Regret messing with my friends from now on. Later...'
[*Hatred End

I didn't go my usual technique, I usually use italics for thoughts but I just wanted to post these chapters.
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