Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > A New Beginning

The Present: 2014

by tn65loverinuy620jd 0 reviews

InuYasha and his family are on the run from Japan's powerful armies.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Characters: Inuyasha,Kagome - Published: 2014-03-28 - 323 words

Hello everyone, sorry for the wait but if I get more reviews then maybe I'll update sooner. Anyway I hope you are all enjoining this.

Chapter 3: The present 2014

"Come on Hailee! You're going to make us late for class again!"

"Coming sis!"
'I guess... I'll wear this today.'

"Hailee Myers! Would you just pick something out and put it on. God you act like you're going on a date, it's just school."

Walking down the stairs I just gave my sister a frown, before giving her my classic raspberries.

"Just because you're 22 Ciera doesn't mean you know everything." Hailee sarcastically answered back.
"I know I'm married Hailee, and you are not!" Ciera countered back.

"What does that have to do with what I wear, or how long I take to get ready?"

"Nothing! I just like to give you a hard time." Ciera replied getting into the driver seat of her car.

'Ciera always has to remind me of everything unlucky that has happened to me. She's married, this is her car, she has to drive me everywhere. God! Sometimes I wonder how we're ever going to own a spa together some day.' Don't get me wrong I love my sister Ciera dearly. After all we do everything together. She even waited till I finished High School, just so we could go to college together. But some times she feels more like a mom than a sister. And I'm only a year younger.

"Hailee what on earth are you thinking about now?"

"Oh..umm, just school. Some of the other students are saying Mrs. Tashio said that it will something different."

"You worry to much Hailee. Mrs. Tashio is so sweet, I don't think she has mean bone in her body."

"Yeah. But I hear her husband only comes out if the house once a month. Something strange is going on."

"I swear Hailee, you worry to much about other people."
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