Categories > Cartoons > Teen Titans > Starfire's Love

Starfire's Love

by kebito

nath comes back to officialy take her as his wife and queen of tamaran , but will robin stand for it?

Category: Teen Titans - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Erotica, Romance - Characters: Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven, Robin, Starfire, Other - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2006-08-08 - Updated: 2006-08-09 - 418 words

"Starfire, lets go!" shouted robin as the alarm for the tower sounded. "we have an intruder?" said a sleepy beastboy
"No , it's just breakfast time" said raven giving beastboy a mean look.
"Starfire, where are you i have news.....ahh!! ouch !!! ee!!!"
"who is it star!?" yelled robin. "it...Its nath!"
"starfire there you-" TITANS GO!!!!! starfire flew infront of her life mate "no you must stop friends he is my husband"

everything stops.

WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? they all yelled at once.
"Yeah im starfires mate!" he smiles and looks at robin. "so think im a punk robin??"
"Howd.. dammit you read my mind.."
"yeah tamaranians do that"
"ya think?"
"no... i know"
they both stare at each other nath is smiling and robin is about to kick his smug faced ass.

"so......what happened?" asked raven

"ill tell you"

........2 hours and 4 nosebleeds later.....
"wow thats pretty big for a five year old" said cyborg.
(yeah, almostlike rape)
(that perv )> (thought ballooon) thought robin
What did you say?!? yelled nath as green balls of light start to form.
No nath!! yelled starfire
Starfire we must fully complete the ritual..tonight..said nath.

ewww!!!!!!! all the titans yelled. starfire blushed ..
shall we?

as starfire and nath walk away , robin follows.

a minute later nath and starfire strip.
as soon as it starts robin busts in

She is mine too! he said well then come, join in the ritual. said nath

minutes later they were all three positioned ; robin at her back nath at her front.

then , it began.

they both started out slow. robin's member, now almost strangled because of her taught ass cried out.
then they went fasther nath grinded to the hilt crying out in pleasure and robin cried in pleasere to.
She could feel it. her inner walls were contracting and soon would release her cum almost in complete exstacy nathfelt her walls tighten and they both screamed in jow starfire came and nath went over the edge and came into her robiun soon followed with his own earth-shattering orgasm.they all fell down on the bed panting and then calming down nath told robin to leave

Why should i!
because im her husband and now that she has conceieved my child i want to be alone.
What if its mine! he shouted
ill check then

as nath discovered it was not only one child but the other was robins. twins.

please review! im not very good at lemons so please only tips no flames!
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