Categories > Books > Dracula > Seductions of the Dark

Chapter Two

by rainia_nytewolf 0 reviews

Same as first chap. summary.

Category: Dracula - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy, Romance - Published: 2006-08-09 - Updated: 2006-08-09 - 711 words

Chapter Two

"Geez Rain, you look like hell," Alexia said as she walked into the kitchen and saw Rainia, who was on her 3rd pot of coffee.

"Thanks for the complement," Rainia replied dryly.

"Anytime," Came Alexia's cheerful response.

"Why in the hell are you so goddamn cheerful in the mornings?" Rainia asked as she got up to make another cup.

"I don't really know, to be honest. So what's on the agenda today, work?" Alex asked as she put two slices of bread into the toaster and depressed the button.

"Yeah. I'm going to see if they will let me go to Romania to let me research Vladimir some more." Rain replied, pouring the steaming coffee into her cup before adding sugar and milk.

"Well, have fun!" Alexia replied with a smile to see Rainia looking at like she was crazy.

"Alex, you're coming with me. " Rainia said as if it were obvious.

"Rain, you know how I feel about flying. I. Don't. Like. It." Alexia said, punctuating each word for emphasis.

"Alex, I need someone to go with me and you're the only one I trust anymore, aside from the spirits but they can't leave. Plus, how would it look if I was talking to myself?" Rainia asked, putting on her best puppy face.

"Alright, alright. I'll come with you. Doesn't mean I'll like it though." Alexia grumbled, grabbing herself a cup of coffee before going to pack her things.

Rainia grinned then went over to the phone hanging on the wall. Punching in a few numbers, she waited until a voice came on the other end. "Betty's Travel Agency, how may I help you?"

"Yes, I need two tickets to Romania, 1st class preferably." Rainia said, drumming her fingers on the Formica counter top.

"Name please?"

"Rainia NyteWolf and Alexia Cole."

"Alright, you can pick them up and pay for them at the airport. Your flight will leave at 4:00 pm, today."

"Thank you." Rainia said before hanging up and grabbing Alexia's toast from the toaster.

Later that day on the plane...

"Remind me again why I let you talk me into this?" Alexia asked as she sat beside Rainia, buckling her seatbelt.

"Because you're my best friend and I dated your brother in high school?" Rainia guessed innocently, looking out the window.

"So what? This is your line of work, not mine. I really don't see why I have to go with you." Alexia said as the call to fasten seatbelts came over the intercom.

"Alex, I know you're going to think I'm crazy but I had this really strange dream last night."

"And I'm going to think you're crazy...why?" Alexia asked, looking kind of confused.

"Well, in my dream, I was staring up at a dark castle. I mean it had this depressing and gloomy aura about it, yet I was smiling. As though this was the happiest place on earth."

"Well, sweetie, the last time I checked the happiest place on earth was Disney Land." Alexia replied with a chuckle.

"Alex, I'm not kidding. Then I felt someone walk up behind me and wrap their arms about my waist. I couldn't see them, but I could hear the person speaking to me. Telling me to come to them, that we would be together for eternity." Rainia finished, frowning slightly in thought.

Alexia went quiet; looking slightly scared after Rainia finished relating her dream to her. "That's really weird." She said, not finding any other words to describe it.

"Tell me about it." Rainia replied with a sigh, leaning back in her seat.

"Have you had it before?"

"No, that was the first time I ever had a dream like that."

Alexia looked at her friend, unsure of what to tell her. "Well...maybe they were right."


"The other researchers who researched Vladimir before you. Maybe he really is a vampire."

"Come on, Alex, you and I both know that Vladimir is dead. Been dead for 500 and some odd years."

"Hey, you're the one who said anything is possible."

"Well, that's true but...I find it kind of hard to believe."

"So do I, but it could be true."

"Yeah..."Rainia said, trailing off and looking out the window as clouds floated by the plane.
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