Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Brides Meet Espadas


by ValentineRevenge 0 reviews

Christian Coma is the next of the Brides to be converted.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover,Humor - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2014-05-19 - 819 words

A week after this lovely little display in the throne room, Ashley was vaguely peacefully settled as Nnoitra's new roommate. He missed the real world, however, so Aizen took it upon himself to schedule a trip to the human world to collect Ashley's two dogs, as well as some earplugs, a gas mask, an electric bass and amp, and several adult magazines.

To all of this, the Purdy squealed in delight. However, he still missed his friends. And, the poor thing was sleep deprived, and his nose hairs were just about singed right out of his nasal passages, courtesy, of the 5th Espada's snoring and stink feet, respectively.

Several days after Aizen had finally taken pity on Ashley, he sent Ulquiorra to the human world. This time, the mission was to collect another one of the Black Veil Brides.

This time, it was CC, also known as the destroyer.

The next morning, it was clear to the group gathered in the throne room that there was more than ample reason to call him the destroyer. He was already trying to break down the glass cage that they held him in, and was doing a rather thorough job of kicking the ever-loving shit out of it.

This time, it was Nnoitra who piped up, "Th' fuck is that?!"

"Chuppy!" Ashley squealed, attempting to run over to the glass, only to be hoisted up off his feet by the Spoon next to him. His legs continued to run in mid-air, while the 5th just sighed in annoyance.

"This, my dear Espada, is known as a Destroyer. I believe the name of this particular one is Christian Comma."

"Comma? Like th' punctuation mark?" Gin asked, snorting in disbelief.

This caused Aizen to scratch his head, and look down at the page he had printed off Wikipedia. "No, it's Coma. Like what you're going to be in after I get done beating you for questioning my authority as a future god!"

"Someone forgot his crazy pills this morning..." Grimmjow muttered loudly enough for the rest of the room to hear.

"Who said that?" Aizen asked, whirling around angrily.

"Yanno, if yer a god shouldn't ya be able ta tell who jus' insulted ya?" Gin asked, snickering behind his sleeve.

Aizen sighed in frustration. He would go, and have a nice cup of tea, while writing his complaints in his diary later. However, before he could get another word out of his mouth, CC had successfully lived up to his nickname, and turned the rather thick glass into a pile of shards. He jumped out gleefully, and ran towards Ashley.

"Git 'way from mah lil buddy!" Nnoitra said, holding his free hand out, catching poor CC in the middle of the face. However, he continued to try running against the hand holding him back, as Ashley continued to run in midair.

"Lord Aizen, perhaps they are friends. They seem to know each other, and your research says they are of the same group." Ulquiorra offered helpfully.

"Nnoitra, as hilarious as this is to watch, you need to drop both of them." Aizen said, throwing a disapproving glare at Gin, who merely smiled wider as he hid the videocamera he was holding up his sleeve. This would certainly be going on YouTube at a later time. Maybe it would get him more hits than the time he recorded Tosen dressing as a rapper.

"Now, Mr. Comma will be Grimmjow's roommate for the remainder of the time that he's here."

"Comma?" Szayel sniffed. Once, was an error, but to continually fuck it up required some intense skills.

"COMA!" Aizen yelled, sick and tired of his underlings correcting him. He was a god, for crying out loud! He didn't need their correction, as what he said was law.

"What!" Coma yelled back, not being too helpful.

Aizen just face-palmed. Maybe staying in Soul Society and having to fill out all that paperwork every morning would have been better than dealing with these people. He was also now starting to question why he had even thought that these Black Veil Brides were able to help him win the war.

"So, uh, what does he do?" Grimmjow asked, waving his hand at CC.

"He destroys shit, ok? He fucking destroys shit, and you're annoying me. He's your responsibility now. If he wrecks everything here, I'm kicking your ass, ok?" Aizen said, flustered and obviously upset, before he got up and walked out of the throne room.

"Lord Aizen seems as though he is soon to veer off the path of least bloodshed." Tosen piped up from the corner.

"Shaddup, Tosen, nobody gives a fuck what ya say!" Nnoitra snapped at him. Honestly, nobody did. Not even the authoress, who only uses Tosen as a joke, and the ass end of stories. However, the same can be said about how she uses Nnoitra for her stories. Just with less hate.
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