Categories > TV > Supernatural > Bloodlines

[A/N] – Trying an SPN fic ‘cos me and Penina were talking and something came to mind so yeah... I have no idea where this is going but I’m gonna attempt it!

“Morning Penina.” Hozzie yawned, walking into the kitchen where her twin sister Penina was eating breakfast. Penina was always up hours before she was “What lesson have we got first?”

“Uh Science I think.”

“Euuuugh, I hate Science.” Hozzie moaned “I’m going to fail this subject, I can already tell. And do you know what Penina? I don’t even particularly care.”

“It’s not that bad, maybe you just need a Science tutor.”

“There is no way in Hell that I’m getting a Science tutor.”

“What if they were hot?”

“That’d be even worse!” Hozzie cried, blushing bright red as she pulled the box of pop tarts down from the top shelf “Maybe I should just go back to bed.”

“No, you promised you wouldn’t let me go to school by myself. That creepy guy with all the pick-up lines might show up again.”

“Oh My God, that was pathetic. He literally had a pick-up line for everything.”

“I know, and when I told him they kept on coming he told me he’d keep on cumming all night long.” Penina said, shuddering.

“I’m still trying to understand whether or not he was being serious. It was really creepy.” Hozzie said, putting two pop tarts into the toaster “Ah well, at least he left you alone when you walked away.”

“Yes but he could always come back with worse pickup lines.” Penina said dramatically, looking up from the homework she was finishing off “I hate this town and this stupid school. I’d give anything to get out of here.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Hozzie said, used to hearing comments like that from her sister “Today we have to go to school though.”

An hour later, after Penina moaned at Hozzie to get moving over ten times, they eventually left the house and started the walk to school together “Why can’t we just get the bus?” Penina asked.

“Because we can’t afford it and our bus passes expired.” Hozzie said. She looked around to make sure no one could overhear them before saying “Dad will probably be home soon and he’ll renew them. Until then we’ll just have to walk.”

“We have some money.” Penina grumbled.

“And you know that’s for food and stuff.” Hozzie said “It’s not that long of a walk anyway.”

“Yeah but it’s boiling hot today, I can feel my t-shirt sticking to my skin.”

“That’s disgusting. I know we’re twins but we don’t need to share everything.”

“Excuse me for thinking you might be interested in my lifestyle.”

“I never said I wasn’t, I just don’t wanna know about your back sweat.”

“I never said I had back sweat, what I said was-”

“Hey.” A voice beside them made them both jump out of their skins. They both looked towards the source of the voice and found two men sat in a black impala on the road next to them “We were wondering where the nearest motel is?”

Hozzie immediately took a step away from the car and gave Penina a look as if to say ‘you can handle this’. Penina rolled her eyes at her sisters shyness and took a step closer to the car “Down the road, to the left, it should be pretty easy to see from there.” Penina said.

The guy closest to her, tall with jaw-length hair smiled at her and then Hozzie “Thanks girls.” With that, the black impala drove away.

They resumed their walk to school “I wish I had your confidence.” Hozzie said with a small sigh “I want to be able to talk to just anybody.”

“I’ll teach you how.” Penina said with a grin, putting her arm around her sister’s shoulders “Starting this Saturday you will be part of my ‘confidence boost programme’. First mission, going into Boots to ask for some condoms.”

“I can’t do that!”

“Why not?”

“Well... For one, it’d be a waste of money.”

“You can get condoms for free.”

“When would either of us use them?”

“Well, you’d need them by the end of the confidence boost programme.”


The girls walked into school as the bell was ringing which didn’t leave them with much time so they had to run to class where they were greeted with a new teacher “Hello class my name is Miss Masters.” The woman said. She was small with short blonde hair and a large, forced smile “Everyone take a seat wherever you want and we’ll get started.”

Penina and Hozzie sat next to each other at the back of the room. As usual, Penina took a couple of notes at the start of the class then spent the rest of the lesson texting under the table while Hozzie didn’t even bother to pay attention at the start, she just stared into space. When the teacher finally set them some work to do, Hozzie looked at the worksheet blankly while Penina scribbled a couple of answers before returning to her phone “Who are you even texting?” Hozzie asked “Who do you have to get in touch with?”

“Maddie, remember? I was friends with her before we had to move after-” Penina didn’t say it. She knew she didn’t have to. Hozzie gave a tight nod before returning to the worksheet “Dad hasn’t text me back.”

“He’s probably in a meeting, I wouldn’t worry about it.”

“I sent it last night Hoz.”

“Maybe he left his charger at home or something, I don’t know.” Hozzie sighed.

“Girls!” Someone snapped, making Penina and Hozzie jump. They looked up and saw Miss Masters standing in front of them “Give me the phone please.” She said, holding out her hand. Penina rolled her eyes but put the phone in her hand “I want to see you both at the end of the lesson please.”

“Brilliant.” Hozzie mumbled as she walked away “Now we’re in trouble.”

“Big deal.”

“What if she yells at us?”

“I’ll yell back at her, get over it Hozzie.” Penina said, rolling her eyes.

The lesson seemed to drag by. Eventually the bell rang and everyone except Hozzie and Penina left the room “Girls, come here please.” Miss Masters said from behind the desk.

The two girls rose slowly from their seats and walked to the front desk “I’m very disappointed about your attitude in class.” She said evenly “I’d like for you to apologise.”

Both twins muttered a ‘sorry miss’, glancing at each other.

Miss Masters smiled then opened the drawer in her desk “Brilliant. Now we’ve got that problem out the way, I can get on with killing you both.”

The two girls looked at each other “Wow.” Penina said sarcastically “The punishment’s here have really gotten strict.” Hozzie raised her eye-brows at her sister’s attempt at humour.

The teacher pulled a knife out from the drawer as her eyes turned completely black. Hozzie shrieked and grabbed Penina’s arm “What the hell are you?” She asked as the two girls backed away.

“You’ll never know.” The woman laughed as she rose from her seat “We wanted to do this years ago. It was hard to find you both. But never mind, it’ll be worth it.”

“Are you fucking crazy?” Penina asked “I have no idea what you’re on about.”

“Say goodbye girls.” The woman said, laughing hysterically as she ran at them.

“Hey!” A voice yelled from the front door. Everyone looked in their direction. It was the two men from the impala earlier. The woman groaned then suddenly threw her head back, black smoke coming out of her mouth and then disappearing out the window.

“What the hell was that?” Hozzie asked, still holding Penina’s arm tightly.

“That was a demon.” One of the men said matter-of-factly “Come with us, I guess we have a bit of explaining to do.”
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