Categories > TV > Supernatural > Bloodlines

“We’re not going anywhere with you.” Penina snapped “We don’t even know who you are or why the fuck that ‘demon’ wanted to kill us.”

“It’s really complicated but we can’t talk about it here.” The taller one said “Look, my name’s Sam and this is my brother Dean. I promise that we’ll sort this all out but you need to trust us.”

“Give us one reason why we should.” Penina said defiantly.

Dean sighed “Because we know your Dad, John Winchester.”

Penina and Hozzie glanced at each other then looked back at the brothers. After a long moment, Penina walked towards them and looked back at Hozzie who sighed but followed her. The brothers led them out to the car and the sisters sat in the back seats “Can we talk now?” Penina asked impatiently.

“It’s not entirely safe here.” Sam said “But I suppose we can. What are your names?”

“I’m Penina.”

Hozzie waited for Penina to introduce her but she didn’t so she said shyly “I’m Hollie... But everyone calls me Hozzie.”

“It’s nice to meet you both.” Sam said.

“How do you know our Dad?” Penina asked.

Sam sighed and looked at Dean who pulled a face back at him as if to say ‘you’re gonna tell them’. Sam sighed again and turned around to look at the two girls “John’s our Dad as well. So that makes us brother and sister, I guess.”

“No.” Penina said straightaway “No, Dad would’ve said if we had brothers.”

“Where do you think Dad is right now?”

“On a business trip, he’s always on business trips.”

Sam bit his lip “Yeah... Dad... Dad’s not a business man. He’s a hunter.”


“You know that demon that attacked you?” Hozzie and Penina nodded “Well, there’s more out there. And... Monsters. Our job is to kill them and make sure they can’t hunt other people.” Sam paused “Our Mom died when we were little. She was killed by a yellow-eyed demon and we’ve been trying to track him down. We think it was the same demon that killed your Mum.”

“No, our Mom wasn’t murdered by a demon.” Penina said, anger rising within her “She died in a house fire. It was an accident.”

“Our Mom died in a house fire too.” Dean said bluntly “Caused by a demon. Dad knew what he saw. He rushed to save her but he was too late. I’m sorry.”

Penina put her hand to her forehead “This is absolute bullshit.”

“Is it?” Hozzie asked quietly “You said you heard footsteps on the landing before the fire started.”

“That was probably Mom.”

“Mom was fast asleep, you know it wasn’t her.” Hozzie said nervously “And that demon in the classroom wanted to kill us so why wouldn’t they go after our Mom?”

“Why did they even kill our Mom?” Penina asked “We don’t... Didn’t have anything to do with this.”

Sam paused “We’re not sure. Dad’s working on it though.”

“So what happens now?” Penina asked “What are we supposed to do?”

“We’re taking you home to pack your stuff and then you’re coming with us.” Dean said “We’ll meet up with Dad, he’ll talk to you and then we’ll figure out long-term plans. We’ll probably be staying a lot of time at Bobby’s house.”

“Who’s Bobby?” Hozzie asked quietly, still shy.

“He never introduced you to Bobby?” Sam asked. Both girls shook their heads silently “Oh well, he’s one of Dad’s oldest friends. You’ll like him; he’s been like a second Dad to us.”

The rest of the journey to the girls’ house was spent in silence, with the two brothers focusing on the practicalities while Penina and Hozzie were still trying to get their heads around finding out they had two brothers.

Eventually Dean pulled up outside the girls’ house “Okay, you have fifteen minutes to throw your stuff together and get out.” Dean said “And don’t pack anything useless, only essentials.”


“No buts, get in, get out. Sam will be going in with you.”

“Does he have to?” Penina asked, raising her eye-brows.

“Unless you want to risk getting attacked by demons again, yeah, I do.” Sam said, getting out the car “Come on.”

Penina groaned and got out the car, Hozzie following behind her.

[A/N] – Short chapter but I’m really tired!:)
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