Categories > TV > Supernatural > Bloodlines

The girls went upstairs to their bedroom while Sam stayed downstairs in the living room, telling them to yell if they needed him. It was a two-bedroom house and their Dad had been in one room while they’d been in another. It had suited them just fine, especially since Hozzie was scared of the dark. Sometimes, at night, they would be both afraid of being in the house by themselves so they’d stay up late telling each other scarier stories that kept them awake half the night. Penina opened her drawers and started throwing her clothes in without much thought of them getting crumpled “Are you okay?” Hozzie asked quietly.

“About finding out our Mum was murdered by a demon and then having two older brothers sprung on us?” Penina asked “Fan-friggin-tastic thank you for asking.” She was silent for a moment before saying “Sorry. It’s just hard to get my head around. Why didn’t Dad tell us what was going on instead of letting us find out like this?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think Dad’s very good at talking to other people. He never really has time for us even when he’s at home.” Hozzie said sadly, starting to pack her stuff into her bag “I wish Mom was still alive. She always made time for us.”

“Yeah, well, we still have each other. And maybe Sam and Dean will be there for us now too. And maybe they won’t. But like I said, we’ll always have each other.”

Hozzie smiled “I know. And you’ve always wanted to leave the town which I guess we’re going to do now.”

“That’s very true.” Penina laughed.

“Are you nearly done?” Sam yelled up the stairs.

“Nearly, stop being so impatient!” Penina yelled back “They said we could have fifteen minutes it’s barely been two.”

“I know.” Hozzie laughed “Still, we’d better hurry up though.”

“I don’t know what to class as an essential and what not to!” Penina cried “Will you pack my stuff for me?”


Ten minutes later they were finally packed and went downstairs together. Sam smiled at them both and headed out to the car. Penina locked the front door and the two girls looked at their home for a moment, wondering if they’d ever see it again before getting into the back of the car. Dean looked at them in the rear-view mirror “Are you both okay?”

“Yes.” Penina said bluntly while Hozzie just nodded “Can we just get going please?”

“Yeah, sure.” Dean said, starting the engine “It’s a long drive to Bobby’s house so you two should probably get comfortable.”

“How long exactly?” Penina asked.

“About twelve hours.” Dean said “So we’ll probably get there in the middle of the night. Feel free to go to sleep if you want.”

Penina groaned and flopped down in her seat. Hozzie giggled at her “It’s better than being in school.” She told Penina.

Penina rolled her eyes “I suppose so.”

“Don’t you guys like school?” Sam asked.

“What kid does like school?” Dean asked “Except for you Sammy ‘cos you were a massive nerd.”

“No, I wasn’t!”

“You wanted to go to law school; it doesn’t get much nerdier than that.”

Sam rolled his eyes and looked at Penina and Hozzie “School’s okay.” Hozzie said nervously “It’s just, you know... Most of the lessons, teachers, other students...”

“Hey yeah, do you remember Derk the Jerk?” Dean asked Sam “This guy kept picking on Sam’s friend so Sammy here kicked his ass when he was only what, eleven?”

“I didn’t want to.” Sam said guiltily “But he was horrible to everyone. And if I recall, you were the one threatening to rip his lungs out.”

Dean laughed at the memory and returned his concentration to the road. Penina glanced at Hozzie and the twins smiled at each other.

Six hours later the car ride wasn’t as fun anymore and Penina and Hozzie were starting to get fed up. They leaned their heads on the seats in front of them “I’m starting to wish that I was at school.” Penina said “And that is not something that has ever happened to me.”

“I really need to pee.” Hozzie moaned.

“We’ll stop soon and get something to eat.” Sam said tiredly, running his fingers through his hair “It won’t be long, I promise.”

“Then we won’t be stopping again until we get to Bobby’s,” Dean said “So I’d prepare for another six hours of driving.”

Penina and Hozzie groaned loudly, causing Dean to roll his eyes and for Sam to laugh “I think I need a nap.” Penina said sleepily.

“No, because then you’ll wake up in a bad mood and you’ll feel weird.” Hozzie said.

“But it seems like such a good idea...”

“But it’s not Penina and you know it!”

“Don’t take that tone of voice with me.”

“I didn’t take any tone of voice with anyone.”

“Are you two always like this?” Sam asked, raising his eye-brows.

“We live alone; it’s kind of the reason why we’re weird.” Penina said.

Dean pulled up outside a diner and stopped the engine “I can finally pee!” Hozzie cried, throwing open the door and jumping outside.
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