Categories > TV > Supernatural > Bloodlines

They’d been back on the road for about four hours when Penina and Hozzie finally fell asleep. Sam glanced over his shoulder at them then turned to Dean “Have we done the right thing?”

“We saved them from getting killed by a demon Sam, so yeah I’d say we did the right thing.” Dean said.

“I’m just saying, surely there was something else we could’ve done?”

“Dad wanted us to keep an eye on them. We had to follow his orders.”

“But what if he was wrong?” Sam asked “We could be putting them in more danger. We run into danger nearly every day.”

“They won’t be coming on hunts with us, don’t be stupid.” Dean snapped “Bobby will look after them when we’re out.”

Sam sighed “Dad didn’t think this through very well. We drag them halfway across the country to leave them with a stranger while we go and hunt a demon that murdered our Moms? How do you think they’re going to feel?”

“I’m not saying I one hundred percent agree with it, okay? But we have to do what Dad said.”

Sam opened his mouth to continue the argument but thought better of it and shut his mouth. He knew that since Dean had been a little kid he’d been seeking Dad’s approval and often hadn’t received any. He looked out the window, lost deep in thought.

“What leads do we have on the yellow-eyed demon anyway?” Sam suddenly asked “What did Dad last say?”

The boys were in deep conversation about what their Dad had said and where the yellow-eyed demon could be when Hozzie woke up. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, looking over towards Penina who was still fast asleep “-Dad said he tore out someone’s eyes and then blood started dripping out his mouth and ears.” Hozzie’s eyes widened in horror and she nudged Penina with her foot with simply grumbled something sleepily and remained asleep. Hozzie settled back down to try and get back to sleep but she could still hear Sam and Dean talking about the horrific things the yellow-eyed demon had done and her eyes filled with tears.

Two hours later they made it to Bobby’s house. All the lights were still on because he was expecting them even though it was really late. Sam turned around “Girls... Girls... We’re here. Wake up.”

Penina was still fast asleep and Hozzie had eventually managed to fall back asleep. Neither of them reacted and remained asleep. Dean rolled his eyes and pushed his hand down on the car horn heavily, causing both girls to jump awake and shriek. Dean laughed “Come on, we’re here. Get your bags and we’ll go inside.”

Penina and Hozzie sleepily grabbed their bags and walked towards the house drearily. Sam and Dean were fine as they were used to having a small amount of sleep but Hozzie and Penina had had a long day and were used to sleeping. Dean didn’t bother knocking at the door because Bobby’s house was pretty much Sam and Dean’s home too “Hey Bobby.” Dean called, going through the kitchen and into a room with a desk and lots of empty alcohol bottles. Sitting behind the desk was a man about the same age as their Dad with a grey beard and a cap.

He stood up from the desk and smiled at the brothers “Hello. Where are they then?”

Hozzie grabbed Penina’s arm and the two of them walked slowly into the room. Bobby smiled at them both “I hope these boys haven’t made a bad impression or annoyed you too much. What are your names?”

Penina introduced both of them, much to Hozzie’s delight. Then, being Penina, she asked moodily “Can we go to sleep now please? We’re exhausted.”

“Of course you can.” Bobby said “I made you a room upstairs. Straight up the stairs, first door on the left. When you wake up just come straight downstairs, I’ll make you both breakfast.”

“Thank you.” Hozzie said and the two girls left the room to go upstairs.

When they were gone, Bobby turned to the boys “I hope your Dad knows what he’s doing, dragging them to the middle of nowhere.”

“Bobby, they were nearly killed by a demon this morning.” Sam said “It was Meg. We got there just in time.”

Bobby was silent then said “Alright. We need to keep an eye on those girls or they could get into massive trouble.”

Upstairs, the twins were looking through their stuff to find their pyjamas “Shit, Hozzie, I didn’t pack my pyjamas!” She cried “I can’t sleep in jeans, I adamantly refuse.”

“Don’t worry; I packed two pairs of everything. You can wear these ones.” She said, handing her a pair of batman pyjamas and pulled on her own superman ones “How could you forget them?”

Penina blushed “I shoved this in my bag and it took up most of the space and we were in a hurry anyway so...”

Hozzie picked up what was on Penina’s bed. It was a large, purple photo album. She opened it to the first page which was a photo of their Mom holding both of them when they were just newborn babies “Why did you never show me this?”

“I had it but I never looked at it. I didn’t wanna talk about it.” Penina ran her fingers through her hair and took the photo album back “It was the first thing I saved in the fire. Stupid, huh?”

Hozzie shook her head “All these memories could’ve been lost if you hadn’t saved it. Maybe one day we can look through it together. But don’t hide stuff from me, okay? I don’t like it.”

“I won’t. Sorry.” Penina pulled back the duvet on the bed and dived under the covers “You’re turning the lights off!”

“No, I don’t wanna walk around the room in the dark! You know I’m afraid of the dark.”

“Should’ve called it then.” Penina said but she was getting back out of bed as she spoke “Get in then or you will be stuck in the dark.”

Hozzie jumped into the bed and Penina flicked the light off, ran to her bed and clambered into it. They were both silent for a few minutes before Penina whispered “Hozzie? The sheets are all scratchy.”
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