Categories > TV > Supernatural > Bloodlines

The next morning Hozzie woke up before Penina but she wasn’t about to go downstairs without her. She could hear people talking and walking around which made her nervous. She glanced over towards the purple photo album and wondered about having a look through it but knew that she shouldn’t look at it without Penina. It felt like an eternity had passed by the time Penina finally woke up and even then, she didn’t want to get out of bed “Penina, please, I’m starving.” Hozzie moaned.

“Then go downstairs and get some breakfast, you don’t need me to come with you.”

“Don’t be stupid, of course I need you to come with me.”


“Because they’re still new people and you know I don’t like new people.” Hozzie sat at the end of Penina’s bed “And you’re the one with the confidence who was to look out for me.”

“What do I get in return?”

“My gratitude,” Hozzie said sweetly, getting up from the bed and walking to the other side “Now get up!” She grabbed Penina’s mattress and tipped it up, sending Penina tumbling to the floor.

“I am so going to get you back for that later!” Penina said but she was laughing. She noticed Hozzie was already dressed “Do you think I should get dressed to?”

“I don’t know. I only got dressed because I was bored.” Hozzie said then groaned when Penina chose to get dressed. She flopped down onto her bed, her stomach grumbling loudly.

Eventually, both girls were ready and went downstairs where Bobby stood up and went into the kitchen to make them something to eat. Sam was sat at Bobby’s desk reading a large, dusty book while Dean was on the phone to someone. He hung up the phone and looked at the girls “That was Dad. He said he’s coming to see you both later today.”

“Fantastic.” Penina said sarcastically “I can’t wait.”

“Well like it or not he’s going to talk to you.” Dean said “So you might as well put up with it.”

“Dean.” Sam said in a warning tone then looked at the girls “Did you sleep okay?”

“I don’t like to complain but the sheets were really scratchy.” Penina said “Any chance of some more comfortable ones?”

“Probably not, we don’t have a lot of money and what you get is what you get.” Sam said “I’m sorry about that.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll get used to them.” Penina said.

“Well, if you don’t, once all this is over we can go home and get the rest of your stuff, including your sheets.”

Penina and Hozzie were both silent before Hozzie asked “So we’re not gonna live at home anymore? Ever again?”

“No, you wouldn’t be safe.” Dean said “Even once we’ve killed Azazel, the yellow-eyed demon, there will be other demons or monsters out there that will try and kill you if they’re given the chance.”

“But we haven’t done anything.” Penina said angrily “Our Mom wasn’t involved in this and neither were we. So why are we getting dragged into it?”

“Look, we don’t know.” Sam said “And we’re sorry but there’s nothing we can do. We can’t let you live there by yourselves anyway, even if demons and monsters weren’t a threat. You’re both too young to look after yourselves.”

“We were doing just fine until you two showed up and ruined everything!” Penina snapped before jumping up and running out of the room.

The room was quiet as Bobby walked in with two plates of cooked breakfast “Maybe I should go and see if she’s okay.” Hozzie said eventually, getting up from her seat.

“Sit down Hol, I’ll go and see if she’s okay.” Dean said, getting up and leaving the room. Hozzie seethed because she couldn’t stand being called Hol.

Dean found Penina sitting on the porch at the front of Bobby’s house. He sat down next to her “Penina, I know how you feel.” Dean told her “My Mom died in a house fire when I was four years old. I remember carrying Sammy out of the house and waiting for Dad to say something, anything, that would comfort me. But he didn’t. We got into his car and drove off. We never went back home. Dad became a hunter and I had to look after Sammy by myself. It’s never been easy for me but I’ve never had a choice. I guess you and Hollie know how that feels.”

“Yeah, but we were at home.” Penina said, wiping away a stray tear that had dripped down her cheek “And we were happy. We didn’t need anybody else because we had each other, and Dad whenever he felt like coming home. It was fun, without any moaning at us or telling us what to do.”

“Wouldn’t it be nice to not have to fend for yourselves though? Not to have to worry about whether you have enough money, having to cook your own dinners or being alone by yourselves in the middle of the night?”

“Those things never bothered us.” Penina lied.

Dean nodded, knowing that she was lying “Let’s go back inside, your breakfast will be getting cold. I just wanted to let you know that I know what you’re feeling.”

Penina nodded but she didn’t really believe him. They stood up and went inside the house.

Once they’d finished breakfast, Penina and Hozzie asked Sam and Dean what they were doing that day “You two are going to wait here until Dad shows up so he can talk to you both.” Sam said “Me and Dean have found a case a couple of miles from here so we’re going to check it out. We might be gone a couple of days.”

“So you’re just going to leave us here with a guy we’ve known for about five minutes?” Penina asked.

“Look, we trust Bobby. He’s been like a Second Father to us.” Sam said “You guys can trust him too.”

“Just because you say we can doesn’t mean we do.” Hozzie pointed out.

“Why do you guys have to go?” Penina moaned “Can’t we come with you?”

“No.” Dean said automatically “No way, not gonna happen.”

“Why not?”

“Firstly, you have to wait here until Dad shows up and secondly, it’s way too dangerous. Especially since you don’t know the first thing about hunting monsters.”

“What’s to know?” Penina asked, raising one eye-brow “How hard can it actually be?”

“You don’t know the first thing about hunting.” Dean said “Just stay here like good kids and we’ll be back in a couple of days. You have our phone numbers so just call us if there’s an emergency and only if there’s an emergency, we don’t want any phone calls of you telling us you’re bored.”

Penina rolled her eyes and Sam and Dean went to go get ready “Let’s go with them!” Penina said, grabbing Hozzie’s arm.

“But they just said-”

“Yeah, but we wouldn’t tell them we were going.”

“How exactly would we manage that? Forgive me if I’m wrong but I think they’ll notice if we get into the impala with them.”

“Don’t be dim Hozzie, we’ll walk into town and take a bus to the motel they’re staying at. They can hardly send us home, can they?”

“Well, they could actually; they could just drive us home.” Hozzie said “Stop it; I know that look you’re giving me. We’re going to get into massive trouble again. Can’t we just stay at home?”

“But that’d be so boring.” Penina said “Come on Hozzie, you know you wanna go hunting.”

“No, I don’t and neither did you before breakfast.”

“Well we’re already in this situation so we might as well make the most of it. Come on, we can go out once Dad’s left. We’ll leave Bobby a note.”


“It’s decided then.” Penina said happily causing Hozzie to sigh.
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