Categories > TV > Supernatural > Bloodlines

Sam and Dean said goodbye to Bobby, Penina and Hozzie then drove away to the next town over to work their case. Hozzie and Penina sat in the back garden looking at all of Bobby’s old cars with looks of boredom on their faces “There is absolutely nothing to do here.” Penina complained “I wish Dad would hurry up and get here so we could work that case with Sam and Dean.”

“Let it go Penina, even if we miraculously sneak away without Bobby noticing they’ll never let us work the case.”

“We’d find a way.” Penina said. They were silent for a moment before Penina said “Hozzie, you know I promised not to keep things from you anymore?” Hozzie nodded “Well, I may have swiped this.” Penina said with a small grin.

Hozzie turned to look at her. Penina was holding out an envelope. Hozzie took it out and poured the contents out onto her lap “Pictures? Newspaper clippings?”

“It’s the case that Sam and Dean are going to work.” Penina said, her smile suddenly getting bigger “I’ve just got a brilliant idea.”

“Oh no.”

“We don’t need to work the case with Sam and Dean, we can work it on our own.”

“Penina, that’s mad. We don’t know the first thing about hunting and none of this stuff makes any sense to me!” Hozzie said.

“I heard Sam and Dean talking; it’s just a vengeful spirit. Killed a couple of people in this mansion. Everyone knows how to get rid of a ghost Hozzie, just salt and burn the body.”

“I’m not digging up a dead body.”

“You have to if you want to be a hunter.”

“I don’t want to be a hunter.”

“It’s not exactly my dream job either buddy but like I said, we won’t be able to do anything else with our lives for now, so let’s make the most of it!” Penina said “We could prove to Sam and Dean that we know what we’re doing and then they’d have to take us on hunts. All we really need to do is find out where the body’s buried and burn the bones. It won’t involve actually seeing any ghosts, will it?”

“Do you even know who we’re supposed to be burning?”

“Well, the people to live there before the hauntings began were the Millers. The Mother went mad one night and killed all five of her children so when the Dad got home, he shot her. Then he disappeared. I think it’s pretty obvious that we need to burn the Mother. Clearly, she has unfinished business and she’s probably understandably pissed that her husband shot her.”

“She literally murdered her children, I don’t think he was in the best mood at the time.”

“That doesn’t excuse murder.”

“She murdered five people!”

“Okay, point taken. But that really isn’t the issue, is it?”

“Penina, I don’t want to get into trouble.” Hozzie said “Is there any way I can talk you out of this?”

“Nope, none whatsoever.” Penina grinned “So you might as well go with the flow Hozzie because I’m not gonna let this go.”

“That’s what I was afraid of.” Hozzie sighed.

The girls heard footsteps in the house so Hozzie quickly shoved everything back into the envelope and handed it back to Penina who quickly hid it again. Bobby opened the backdoor “Girls, your Daddy’s here.”

“This should be good.” Penina said.

They walked into the house and saw their Dad standing in the hallway. They stood opposite each other for an awkward moment before he bent down slightly and held his arms out “Aren’t my best girls going to give me a hug?”

Penina and Hozzie glanced at each other before walking over and hugging their Dad together. When they pulled away, he smiled at them and asked Bobby if they could have a bit of privacy. Bobby nodded and pointed towards the living room. They went inside and found a couple of dusty sofas, a small old-fashioned TV and stacks of books. John sat on one sofa while the twins sat on the other one “I guess you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment.”

“That’s kind of an understatement.” Penina said.

“I know, maybe I could have handled it better.” John said “I’ve already had Bobby moaning at me about this whole situation. But you could have been killed by a demon. I had to protect you both.”

“When all this is over, can’t you just take us back home?” Hozzie asked “Then you could take care of us and we can just live normal lives again.”

John smiled “I wish it was as simple as that. Once you’re in this life it’s really hard to get out. And like I’m sure Sam and Dean have already told you, there is always some kind of threat even if Azazel isn’t around.” He ran his fingers through his hair “Are there any questions or anything worrying you at the moment?” Neither girl said anything “Where are Sam and Dean? I need a word with them.”

“They’ve gone hunting.” Penina said sulkily “And they wouldn’t let us go with them.”

John’s smile disappeared “Gone hunting? They were supposed to be here taking care of you two until I called them for help. Wait until I get hold of those boys...” Hozzie glanced at Penina nervously “But you two are okay here with Bobby until they get back? I’ll phone you girls whenever I can, okay? And you know you can always phone me if you have a problem.”

John had always told him that when he went away on ‘business trips’ and they knew by now they couldn’t call him. His phone was switched off for most of the day. He’d switch it on to check his messages, reply to any texts Penina and Hozzie had sent him and then switched it off again. They once phoned him automatically after receiving a text from him, for him to then reject the call automatically. That had been when the electricity had gone off for no reason and they were scared of being alone in the dark. They had to put up with the cold, dark, boring house for an entire week until John finally returned.

“Yeah, sure Dad.” Penina said “But we’ll be fine. We always are.”

“Yeah, you are.” John smiled “Sorry I can’t stay longer but I’ve got a lot of research to do and a demon to track down.” He stood up “I’ll come and visit you again soon, I promise. I’ll find a moment.” He awkwardly hugged both girls before leaving without even saying goodbye to Bobby.

“Okay, now’s the chance we’ve been waiting for.” Penina said excitedly “We’ll say our talk with Dad kind of upset us and we wanna be alone for a while. Bobby won’t check on us for ages and we’ll have heaps of time to get to the next town over and work the case. He has our numbers so he’ll get in touch once he realises we’re gone but by then we’ll be with Sam and Dean-”

“You’re doing that thing again where you act like nothing will go wrong.”

“It’s weird, for twins, we’re pretty opposite. I mean I always imagine things going right and you imagine them going wrong. That’s pretty weird.”

“That’s because I’m the one thinking practically over here.” Hozzie said, putting her hand to her forehead “Penina-”

Penina stood up from the sofa and went into the other room. Hozzie listened and heard Penina telling Bobby about how their conversation with their Dad had been upsetting and they wanted time alone. Hozzie groaned quietly but didn’t go in and say anything although she wanted to. Penina ran back into the living room, grabbed her arm and pulled her up “Penina, please.” Hozzie begged but Penina didn’t say anything.

They went out the front door and started walking down the main road “I’m going to murder you.” Hozzie said angrily “Why do I let you talk me into this stupid stuff?”

“It’s not stupid and you know it. We’re going to kick some ass Hozzie! And we’re gonna have fun, I promise you.” Hozzie opened her mouth to protest but Penina continued over her “And don’t go on about what Sam and Dean will say because we don’t care what they think, okay?”

“But they’re our brothers.”

“So fucking what? Where were they? Where were they when Mom died? Where were they when Dad forgot to put money in the bank account so we had to beg the neighbours for food? Where were they all those times we had panic attacks?”

“Where were they when we were going to get killed by a demon?” Hozzie snapped “Oh yeah, I remember, they’re the ones who saved us.”

“And that’s only because they were following Dad’s orders. They didn’t seem too shocked to find out they had two little sisters who had been living alone for just over a year.”

“Maybe they were just hiding their shock. I don’t think they knew about us.” Hozzie said.

“Come on, so what if they didn’t? That doesn’t automatically make them family just because they share some of our DNA.”

“I guess so.”

“Now stop worrying about everything. Everything will be okay.”

Hozzie sighed and followed her sister to the bus station, wondering what the hell was going to happen.

After a long bus ride later, they finally made it to the town they were looking for and got off “Where’d you get the money from?” Hozzie asked suspiciously.

“I borrowed some off Dean.” Hozzie gave her a look “Don’t give me that, I’ll pay him back.”

“No you won’t.” Hozzie sighed.

“Okay, now there’s only one cemetery in the town so it’s kind of easy to guess that she must be buried there.”

“We can’t dig her up now, it’s daytime!”

“Don’t be dim, we’re going to find the grave and then we’ll come and dig it back up later. Then we should go to the mansion to check there’s definitely no more ghosts there.”

“I’m not going in that creepy place!”

“It won’t be creepy if we got rid of the ghost, will it?”

Hozzie sighed, realising that she was past being able to talk Penina out of it so she might as well just play along to whatever Penina was doing “Okay, fine. Let’s go to the graveyard then.”

Three hours later, after triple checking every single grave they still hadn’t found the grave for the Mother of the mansion “Penina, she’s not here.”

“But this is the only graveyard in the entire town.” She said, getting the envelope out of her pocket “Have we missed something? Is there some significant detail we’ve mis- Ah yeah, she’s not buried here.”

“What do you mean she’s not buried here?”

“The mansion has its own cemetery; there are heaps of dead relatives of the family there. Creepy or what? It was a family mansion, anyone who lived there in that family was in their personal graveyard. Who the hell wants a graveyard at their house?”

“Whatever, I don’t wanna go to the creepy house. Let’s just get the bus back to Bobby’s, apologise and say we went shopping or something. He won’t mind.”

“Hozzie, we’ve got this far! If it gets too intense or too scary or something then yes, we can leave, but we need to at least attempt it.”

Hozzie sighed but nodded. The two of them walked out of the graveyard and down the road. Penina seemed to know where she was going as if she’d lived there her entire life so Hozzie followed her. Eventually they walked up to one of the ugliest houses they had ever seen in their lives. It was five times bigger than their house back at home, a lot darker and a lot spookier. Hozzie shivered looking at it while Penina grinned “How do we get to the graveyard then, walk around the house?”

“Hozzie, don’t kill me for this or anything but we actually have to walk through the house to get there.”

“Please tell me you’re joking.” Hozzie said, looking at her with pleading eyes “It’s gotten dark now and there won’t be any electricity, we don’t have any torches or anything-”

“We’ll be in and out before you know it.” Penina said, taking Hozzie’s hand and pulling her towards the mansion “Okay, here’s the codeword if you really wanna leave – coconut.”

“How do I slip the word coconut into conversation?”

“You just say it when it gets too hard for you. Don’t say it straightaway, you can only say it when you’re at breaking point and I have to listen and we’ll leave, okay?”

Hozzie nodded, feeling a little better and gripped Penina’s hand tightly as they walked into the mansion together. The entrance was large with several wooden doors leading into different rooms and a large staircase. Everything was dusty and although a family had been living there recently, the furniture was outdated and old-fashioned.

“So where do we go?” Hozzie whispered.

“I’m not one hundred percent sure.” Penina said “I’ll have a look, you stay here.”

“Don’t be dim, I’m not standing here alone.”

“I’m not going into any of the rooms, we’ll still be together, I’m just going to look into them.”

Penina went to check the first door. It was when she was checking the second one that Hozzie saw a figure standing near the stairs “Coconut.” Hozzie whispered then said it louder “Coconut!”

“Hozzie, we’ve been here two minutes.”

“Penina, there’s someone standing by the fucking stairs. You said you’d listen when I said coconut and I’ve just fucking said coconut so get your ass over here so we can fucking leave.” Penina knew that when Hozzie was really scared she couldn’t stop swearing so she took a step towards her but was suddenly pulled back by something.


“Penina!” Hozzie shrieked, running in her direction but she was knocked off her feet by something.

“Hozzie.” Penina sat up but was shoved back down to the floor. Once her eyes had adjusted to the dark she saw it was a boy, younger than her, with dark hair and old-fashioned clothes. He had a large cut across his forehead and a knife in one of his hands. He pressed it against Penina’s cheek causing her to scream loudly.

Hozzie turned to look at her sister but found herself face-to-face with a teenager girl, with messed-up hair and no eyes. She screamed and the girl wrapped her hand around her throat. Hozzie started choking, struggling to get her off her but her fingers were slipping through the ghost like there was nothing there. Hozzie knew from the hand on her throat she definitely wasn’t imagining things.

The boy slashed at Penina’s face again and then went for her arm and Penina pulled away. She back up against the wall and the boy started walking towards her. Penina put her hand up to shield her face and shrieked but nothing happened. She put her hand away and saw Dean standing in front of her holding an iron crowbar. He held his hand to her and pulled her up “Are you okay?” Dean asked “Penina, are you okay?” She nodded numbly, looking over towards Hozzie where Sam was helping her up “Okay, good. Come on, we’re getting out of here.”

“But the bodies-”

“We don’t have time for that, come on.” Dean said, taking her arm and pulling her outside.

Everything seemed okay until they were halfway home. That was when Dean let rip “What the hell were you thinking?” He snapped “Where does Bobby think you are right now?” The twins glanced at each other but didn’t say anything “You could’ve both been killed! We saved your asses yesterday and you thought ‘oh, okay, we’ll put ourselves in danger again’. No, you’re lucky we got there in time!”

Hozzie looked at over at Penina. Penina looked back at her “I’m sorry.” She said.

“Yeah, you will be. Both of you.” Dean said even though the apology hadn’t been meant for him.
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