Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We're All Just Melodramatic Fools, But At Least We Have Great Taste!

Business Trips, Face Licks, and Truth or Dare

by Kaleidoscope_Eyes 1 review

“Frank just fucking push it through holy shit!” “I don’t want to hurt you!” “YOU’RE HURTING ME NOW!”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2014-06-02 - Updated: 2014-06-02 - 3949 words

“So what’s happening now?” Frank asked. I was on the phone with him while watching a movie in my room. I’d wrapped myself in my comforter and was lying on my stomach with my phone on speaker. There was some crappy marathon going on on SyFy so I’d decided to watch it.

“I’m not even sure. I think the doctor is having flashbacks or something? All I know is a lady’s in a coma and some midgets ate this chick.” This was a really weird movie.

“Wait what? Midgets ate someone? When did that happen!”

“Remember when I was laughing hysterically and couldn’t speak? Yeah that was it. And why don’t you watch the movie yourself or, you know, come over here?” Honestly I was just really bored. Gerard was doing something I didn’t know. I didn’t really care. I didn’t really like hanging out with him on my own. Things were always really awkward. Like I can’t be around him without thinking about that time we kissed. I know he didn’t remember it but it was still kinda weird.

“Liv, watching this movie would require moving and serious commitment. I don’t think I have it in me.”

I laughed out loud at this. “Frankie, you are the laziest mother fucker I have ever met and I love you dearly for it.”

“I aim to please.”

“Hey Liv, could you come here for a minute?” My mom called from downstairs. I really didn’t want to move, I was so cozy in my bed. Besides, moving would mean having to put pants on and I wasn’t really feeling that so I just kind of ignored her and kept watching the movie.

“Ok so now the doctor dude is like testing the magic right?”

“What does that even mean?”

“Um like testing how the fairy tales work.” I’m not even sure what the movie was about. It was confusing and weird as fuck.

“What the fuck movie is this.”

“Olivia! Downstairs, now!”

I let out an exasperated groan and took Frank off speaker phone. “Hold on a sec, mom wants me.” I rolled off the bed and stood up, the blanket still wrapped around me. I shuffled downstairs and into the kitchen where my mom was waiting.

She stared at my blanket-clad form for a moment and furrowed her brows. “You’re not wearing pants are you.”


“Liv, you have got to start wearing clothes around the house.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. What’d you need?” She was quiet for longer than I was comfortable with. “Mom. Seriously, I was in the middle of a movie.”

A weird ass fuckin movie.” Frank muttered.

“Can you get off the phone? You can call Frank back later.”

“I was having a conversation with him first,” I pointed out.

She sighed in annoyance. “Fine. I have to go on a business trip.”

“Are you shitting me mom? Again?”

“I know, I know. I’m sorry.”

“Bullshit you’re sorry!” I was seriously pissed off now. My mom was never around. It was always work work work. I understood that she was a ‘first class business woman climbing up the corporate ladder’ I didn’t give a shit. She was my mom and I never got to see her because she was too invested in her job. I didn’t care if she worked at a fucking Wal-Mart and we lived in a shitty ass apartment, I’d prefer that because then I’d actually fucking see her!

“Olivia please—”

“When do you leave?”

“…Early tomorrow morning.”

“Are you fucking kidding me!

“I know it’s last minute! I was the only one willing to go on such short notice!”

“You can’t tell them you have a daughter you need to take care of? Like fucking Christ mom!”

She ignored what I was saying and talked over me. “I’ll be gone for a week—”

“A fucking week—”

“I’m leaving you some money for food and you can have Frank over if you want; I don’t care.”

“Good to know you still care about me!” I yelled. “I hope it’s a great fucking trip!” I resisted the urge to flip her off and stormed angrily back to my room, which is particularly hard to do while wrapped in a blanket.

When I got back to my room I flopped on my bed. I was more upset than pissed off. I may have had a complicated relationship with my mom but I still loved her. I just wish she was around more. I put Frank back on speaker and rolled over so I could see my TV.

“Sorry you had to hear all that.”

“Not like I haven’t heard it before,” Frank replied. “You want me to come over?”

I didn’t even have to answer. Frank knew me. Whenever my mom went out of town Frank always came over. It didn’t matter if we were in school or not. I hated being home alone and Frank knew that. I heard him rummaging around in his things and then his keys jingled. I smiled, happy that at least one person cared. “You’re the best Frankie.”

He laughed. “I’ll be over in five.”

When he got here he wrapped himself in my blanket with me and we were in one giant burrito of blankets. It was pretty nice. He was lying on his back watching the movie upside down while I was on his chest with my arms around his torso. We snuggled like that a lot.

“This movie is weirder than what I imagined.” Frank said.

“Maybe it’s because you’re upside down.” I suggested.

“Where are the cannibal midgets?”

“Are you sad your kind only had screen time for like two minutes?” I joked.

He hit my arm playfully. “Why you always makin jokes about my height woman!”

“I’ll stop making them when it stops being funny!” I laughed.

Frank pouted slightly before wrapping his arms around me tightly and sticking his tongue out.

No fuck you Frank!” He pulled me tighter and moved closer to my face getting ready to lick it when my door opened and Gerard came in. Frank was laughing hysterically with his tongue still out while I was frantically trying to get out of his grasp.

“What are you guys doing?”

I turned to Gerard about to beg for his help but it was too late. Frank licked from the bottom of my chin up to my forehead. He let go of me but I couldn’t move out of disgust.

OH MY GOD.” Frank only laughed harder. I quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom screaming the whole way.

Gerard followed me looking really unsure of what he just saw. “What the fuck just happened?”

“Frank just fucking licked me were you not paying attention?” I shouted. I heard Frank’s howls of laughter from the other room. Fucking asshole.

I vigorously scrubbed my face wanting to get the Frank germs off of me. It didn’t matter how hard I scrubbed I still felt like the spit was there. I was thoroughly grossed out.

“Yeah, but why aren’t you wearing pants?”

I looked down realizing I was still in my underwear and looked back up at him. We were both quiet for a few seconds, just stewing in the awkwardness. “Pants are for squares,” I said before rinsing my face one more time and running back to my room where I jumped right on Frank’s stomach.


“You still love me.”

“To an extent.”

“A lot.”

“Only slightly.”


“You two are definitely two of a kind.” We both looked over to the doorway where Gerard was standing. I guess he’d followed me back to the room. I didn’t really give a shit.

“Yeah well that’s what we get for knowing each other since birth,” Frank said.

“Wanna watch shitty movies with us?” I asked, trying to be nice.

“Sure why not. I’ll be right back.” He left then came back with the blanket off of his bed. Frank and I moved over some so he had room on my bed. It was a tight squeeze but we made it work. I was basically laying on top of Frank while Gerard was right beside us with his blanket wrapped around him in a ball. It was actually pretty cozy with them around.

“So what’s this movie about?” Gerard asked.

“Hell if I know! So far a baby’s been stolen, a lady’s in a coma, some other chick was eaten by midgets, and some dude got eaten by a wolf.” The whole movie was just fuckin weird. I couldn’t keep up with it. It was nice for mindless entertainment though.

Before long my mom shouted her goodnights and said she’d see me when she got back. I burrowed my face in Frank’s chest and he pulled me tighter. It really pissed me off that my mom could just take off like that all the time. I got that it was her job but it didn’t make me any less angry. I took a deep breath and tried to forget about it. Mom did what she did so we could keep our house and pay bills and all that shit. I just tried to keep that in mind. After a little while I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up I was still on Frank’s chest. Gerard was curled up beside me. His knees were touching my butt while one of his arms lightly rested on my waist and the other touched his face. I chuckled at his sleeping form. He was not a pretty sleeper. I think he was drooling. Oh shit he was drooling on my sheets!

I quickly stood up and began jumping on the bed to wake the sleeping boys. They startled awake and glared up at me.

“Blame him,” I pointed to Gerard. “That fucker was drooling on my bed.” I jumped off the bed and walked out of the room. “Now get the fuck up! I want waffles!” I heard Frank stumble out of the bed and run after me.

“Waffle House!?”

“Hell yeah! Is there any other waffle place to go to?”

“IHOP?” Gerard asked from behind me.

Frank and I stopped dead in our tracks. “Blasphemy!”

“I said waffle not pancake. IHOP is the International House Of Pancakes.” I pointed out. Plus IHOP just didn’t have the same kind of atmosphere. None of us even bothered to get dressed. Well I put some pants on but beyond that nobody changed.

On the way back from Waffle House it was pouring rain so I let Frank drive. I was a shit driver in the rain and probably would have killed us all.

“So Liv, you know what today is right?”

“Uhhh no?”

“It’s fuckin Monday! I brought some stuff with me. We haven’t done MMM in a while!”

“Oh my god yes! I’ve missed MMM!”

Gerard poked his head in the front, inserting himself in the conversation. He looked pretty concerned. “Uh what’s MMM?”

“Relax Gerard. Monday Movie Madness. Not everything we do is illegal you know.” I joked.

“Oh.” He sat back in his seat and was quiet for the rest of the ride while Frank and I discussed what movies we were to watch for the rest of the day. We eventually decided on Shutter Island, Inception, and Donnie Darko. All three of which Gerard had never seen—which I think is just a tragedy.

Once we got home and actually started watching the movies the weather started freaking out. Like it turned into a pretty bad storm outside and after one particularly loud crash of thunder the power went out.

“Well that’s just fuckin fantastic.” I muttered.

“Does this happen a lot?” Gerard asked.

“Yeah, this is an old house so it’s got pretty shitty wiring. So what do you guys wanna do now?”

“We could play Truth or Dare.” Frank rubbed his hands together menacingly and I laughed.

“You’re fuckin on! We both know how this game always ends!” Frank and I hadn’t played this game since our old friends graduated and moved away. Neither of us would ever turn down a dare. It was like our superpower. Some would argue that that’s not necessarily a good thing. But that’s part of why we were the dynamic duo. We would fuckin do it no matter what the dare was.

“Alright!” Frank turned to Gerard. “Gerard, truth or dare?” The look on Frank’s face was just hilarious but I know from Gerard’s perspective it was probably a little terrifying.

“Whoa, I didn’t say I would play.” I looked at him with one eyebrow raised. We all knew he would play. “Truth,” he muttered.

“Pansy!” I fake coughed, teasing him.

“Hey, if the guy wants to take the easy way out let him!” Frank laughed. “What is the weirdest sex dream you’ve ever had? Go.”

He stared at the both of us silently. “Can I switch to dare?” He finally asked.

The two of us burst out laughing. “I don’t give a shit,” I said through my laughter.

Frank took a deep breath to calm himself down. “Alright give me a sec. I’ll think of something.” After a quick pause he jumped up and ran into the kitchen. “I got it! I’ll be right back!” When he came back he was holding a glass filled with a yellow liquid.

“Frank, please tell me you didn’t piss in that.” I deadpanned.

He laughed and shook his head. “This is concentrated lemon juice.” He held the glass out to Gerard. “Drink the whole thing.”

Gerard looked at the glass already looking afraid. It’s not like the dare itself was so bad but fuck man concentrated lemon juice tasted like Satan’s piss. Drinking a whole glass of it would be like drowning in ammonia while Satan peed on you and lit it on fire. It sucked.

He took the glass and just fuckin knocked it back. It wasn’t a small glass either. He chugged that shit and started coughing. I swear to god I thought he was going to die. When he finished coughing he turned to me, tears streaming down his face. “Truth or dare Olivia.”

“You ok?”

He coughed again, nodded his head, and wiped his eyes before repeating himself. “Truth or dare.”

I nodded my head not really believing him. “Ok. Uh dare.”

“Wear your underwear on the outside of your clothes for the rest of the game.”

“HAH! That’s great!” I ran up to my room and grabbed another pair of underwear and a different bra and put them on. When I went back downstairs I put on my best runway face and pretended I was a model and not some awkward weirdo. I sat back down on the floor and looked at Gerard who was laughing hysterically. “Now you can tell everyone that you’ve seen me in my underwear,” I joked then looked at Frank. “Alright Frankie. Truth or dare.”

“Dare. Always.”

“Kiss my ass.”


I stood up and pulled my pants down over my butt. “Kiss it.”

He looked up at me with a look of pride on his face. “I have taught you well.”

“Pucker up, asshole.” He licked his lips then placed the wettest, sloppiest kiss right on my butt cheek. “EW! OH MY GOD.” He then licked all the way up to my lower back. I pulled my pants up and tried to contain my disgust. “WHY DO YOU TAKE THESE OPPORTUNITIES!?”

“Why do you present them?” Frank squeaked through laughter.

“I didn’t think you would lick my butt! Oh god I think that was grosser for me than it was for you!”

Frank and Gerard were in hysterics on the floor. When Frank finally calmed himself down he looked at me with an evil smile on his face. Oh fuck. “Ok Olivia. Truth or dare.”

“Fuckin dare. I will take whatever the hell you throw at me.”

“I dare you to let me pierce your cartilage.”

“Oh fuck that! Fuck that no!” Last year some guy sold Frank a piercing gun and he’d been dying to use it on me. I fuckin hated needles. I didn’t understand the concept of piercings. Why the fuck would you willingly put a hole in your body. Where is the logic? Frank had already pierced his nose and his lip and it looked good on him but I sure as hell did not want him coming near me with a needle. Shit I didn’t even want to get my ears pierced professionally! My mom had to pay me to do it. “You keep that fucking thing away from me!”

“I don’t have the gun! Look I can just push the earring through. I’ve done it before.”

I scowled. I didn’t want to turn down a dare. I took a deep breath. “Go get the fuckin earring.”

Frank leapt up and ran upstairs. “I’m gonna regret this oh my god,” I muttered to myself.

Gerard chuckled. “I’m sure it won’t be that bad.” He obviously didn’t know that I had no tolerance for pain.

Frank came back much quicker than I’d wanted. “Ok stay still.” He took the back off the earring and held it on my ear. “One, two, three.” On three he started pushing the earring but it didn’t go through and it hurt like a bitch.

“OW OW OW! Stop!” He brought his hand down and he was laughing.

“I’m sorry Liv. I’ll try this again.” He put the earring back and tried again but this time it hurt worse.

“Frank just fucking push it through holy shit!”

“I don’t want to hurt you!”

“YOU’RE HURTING ME NOW!” I could see Gerard out of the corner of my eye. He was struggling not to laugh.

“Ok this isn’t working. I’ll be right back.” He hopped up and went into the kitchen.

“What are you doing?” Oh fuck fuck fuck I knew what he was doing. “I swear to god if you’re getting a sewing needle I’m going to hit you!”

“Do you not like needles?” Gerard asked from beside me.

“No. I just love needles. They’re great. So much fun.” The sarcasm dripped from my voice.

Frank came back in. “Ok Liv close your eyes.”

“Oh god I hate you so much.” I closed my eyes tight and Frank rubbed something cold on my ear. “What the fuck is that.”

“Chill it’s rubbing alcohol. I already sanitized the needle. I don’t want to be the reason you get an infection!”

“Why the fuck would you say that!” Now the only thing I could think about was my ear getting infected. Oh god my ears was going to get infected and fall off. Oh god I hated Frank sometimes. I loved him but I hated him.

“Ok on three. One two three.” The needle pushed through my ear and it fucking hurt!

“Fuuuuuuuuuck. Jesus. Shit. OW!”

“Calm down it’s through! Jesus you’re so dramatic.”

I touched my ear and felt the needle poking through my ear and laughed a little. “Take a picture dude.” Frank took a picture on his phone and showed it to me. It looked terrifying. There was a needle in my ear. Holy fuck there was a needle in my ear. “Metal as fuck.”

“Yeah well I still need to take that out and put the earring in. That’s gonna hurt a little.”

“Just fucking do it.” I was regretting this already. Frank slowly pulled the needle out and that hurt like a fucking bitch oh my god.

“Ok it’s out. I’m gonna put the earring in now ok?” I felt the earring in my ear and that hurt like fucking hell too. Then Frank started laughing.

“What? What’s so funny.”

He wouldn’t stop laughing and it was seriously concerning me. “Gerard dude come look at this.” Then Gerard started laughing too.

“What the fuck is so funny? Just put the earring in!”

“I—I can’t find the back!” Frank howled in laughter. “Holy shit. This is gonna hurt.”

“I don’t care! It already hurts!” There was a small pop and a whole lot of pain. Frank and Gerard were still laughing.

“It’s done.” Frank took a picture and showed it to me. It didn’t look bad at all. He’d taken one of my bow earrings so it was actually pretty cute. I was so ready to cry from pain. Fuck I hated that boy sometimes.

“Ok Frank. Truth or dare.”

“Shit. Dare.”

“I dare you to let a spider crawl on you for 30 seconds.”

“You don’t have a spider, fuck you.”

“I can go get one. I’m sure there’s one in the basement.”

I swear I could see him start to sweat. “Fuck it. I pussy out. I don’t even want to see that shit.”

“That was too fucking easy! You’re not even going to fight it?” I laughed. The fearless king was giving up? Bullshit.

“Nope! Gerard, truth or dare.”

“Dare I guess.”

“Kiss Liv.”

“Frank!” I hated it when he tried to play matchmaker. He wasn’t subtle at all.

“What? It’s not like you guys haven’t kissed before?”

“Wait what?” Gerard was seriously confused now.

“Oh shit, he doesn’t remember does he?”

“No!” God damn that boy didn’t think sometimes. I stood up and stormed out of the room. Only realizing how silly it probably looked when I got into the kitchen. I forgot I still had my underwear on outside my clothes.

Gerard came in shortly after. “Hey what was Frank talking about?”

I looked down at my feet slightly embarrassed. “Remember that first night we got drunk? Yeah we kinda made out a little.” I looked up at him and he was smiling.

“Just a little make out session. No big deal.” He joked.

“Yeah. No big deal at all.”

He cupped his hand on my cheek and kissed me deeply. My arms snaked around his neck and his moved to my waist. Then there was a quick flash and what sounded like a camera shutter then Frank’s giggle.

We pulled apart quickly and Frank ran out of the room. “You guys are adorable!” He yelled while I chased after him.

“I’m going to hit you!” I yelled back through my laughter. That boy.

Ok so I'm so sorry I took so long to get this chapter out! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter so please rate and review!
A few notes about this one: the movie that Olivia is watching at the beginning is a shitty SyFy movie that's pretty hilarious. It's called Black Forest so if you want to check it out you can probably google it or something. And the dare where Frank pierces Olivia's ears was based on a true story with me and my roommate. I just wanted to say that. My proudest moment lol. I have a picture of the needle in my ear on instagram. Ok that's all. Have a great day!
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