Categories > Original > Drama > Commentre Brothero

The First Meet

by CoreyJackson 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2014-07-10 - 1526 words

The First Meet:
"Sammy Harlow?! Wake up doofus! It's time for school!" I opened my swollen eyes as I had bags under my eyes and it was 6 am in the morning and theres my sister going through my closet getting my clothes out and Im pretty close to her if no one ever knew, she's the only one that knows I'm gay and she treats me like I'm her bff or whatever you call those kind of girls. I have two friends name Madison and Jacob but Jacob has been kind of the person that is the lead up the popular crowd and Madison is too but she doesn't really care about it. as for my sister Rena, she has that kind of personality that is like a prep but the nice kind and not the annoying kind that like to talk crap about others are what preps call "burn" others, heck she likes to help people with any situation. She'll try to talk someone out of a bad choice or decision or even suidcide. She's a really good sister....but the boy in my dreams I will never meet. He's just my imagination forever. Madison said theres this boy coming to our school from a different country, he's from Sweaden and he just transferred to Toronto because his dad got promoted.

"Rena? Madison said theres this boy that is coming to our school all the way from Sweaden. He happened to be her old friend since she used to live back there for business wit her dad."

"Ooooo really?! If he has a good personality and if he's cute then get to know him! I want my little brother to get his first boyfriend!"

"RENA!" My whole face turned red as a tomato and she laughed while we walked out into her car to head off to school. It was her last year but my second year of high school so this was the last year to see my sister in school until she headed off to college. On our way to school I was leaning against the window staring out looking at the trees since we lived on the outskirts of Toronto and school was like 20 minutes away and it didn't start until 15 minutes after we got there. She was telling me that I need to find someone that I know is the right person for me.
I kept telling her It might be a long time before I find that person though.
But she told me I need to believe in myself and she was right. I needed to believe in myself this time.theres no turning back, its time to step up.

I walked into school as I was looking for my new locker and 262 was the number of my locker....on the bottom and I looked up seeing some guy with the locker above me. As of face was pink but I don't know why, I don't even know him. But he looks familiar for some quite reason.

"o-oh, u-uh h-hi you must me uh...-" I stuttered

"Anthony, Anthony Prescot. You must be Samm-" He stopped as his face turned into a different mood like he was shocked for some reason but to me I felt like I seen him before."

"Is...something wrong...?" I asked softly.

"O-oh I'm sorry Sammy, you look a lot like someone I knew back in Comme I mean, back in Sweaden. You see, I had a friend that looked exactly like you and he was pretty shy and quiet..." My face turn even darker red because it almost sounded like he was about to say Commentre and i started feeling queazy as I started walking off.
I didn't start to feel good I felt something between me and him but it felt really weird. I swear I had to seen him somewhere but theres no way he was about to say Commentre because Zen is just a person in my dreams that was suppose to be my twin. I walked into the bathroom to throw some water on my face until i fly someone grab me and throw me against the wall. It was Jacob and the rest of the other boys from the popular crowd, well some of them.

"Jacob what the hell was that for?!"

"I can't believe your one of the fags Sammy, I thought you were better then that!"

"I don't know what your talking about Jacob so can you please excuse me so I can- one of the boys grabbed me and threw me into the corner of the bathroom as I was trying to get up.

"Don't fucking lie to me I can tell your one of them I seen how you act and talk, heck, you talk just like a gay person and those people are nothing but weak worthless fags and- I punched him across the face knocking him to the ground as I tried to run out the bathroom and I looked back seeing the rest of them coming after me and I ended up into the back of the school in a dead end.

"Jacob...? Look we can work this out this doesn't need to get hasty at all, lets talk and-"

"Listen here you little shit! Im going to fuck you up for punching me and ruining my face and- it happened, Jacob was grabbed by the shirt collar and thrown into the wall of the school alley as I looked up seeing him, Anthony right there holding Jacob against the wall telling him.

"Listen here pretty boy. I may not know him at all but don't touch him ever again got it? If you ever try to hurt him or even talk to him I will make this worse for you...and you do NOT want me to hurt you..." The looks in Jacob's eyes had fear as Anthony had anger in them....his eyes started to turn red and I started feeling anger.....I suddenly got up and grabbed Mark by the collar and told him to him and the rest to get lost and i looked in the puddle seeing my eyes were red. I suddenly was scared and I started freaking out.

"What is going on here Anthony?! Why are my eyes turning red?! Why am I feeling stronger and more anger and all of this?! Wait what is wrong with my ears why do they feel pointy?!" I freaked out even more until I felt a huge embrace and I was suddenly calm.

"What are you doing that for?! Don't touch me!?! Who are you for real?!" I asked him demanding.

"I don't know if going to believe me but it me, Zen. When I saw you under my locker I was shocked but also happy and I wanted to hug you badly. But I remember when I would visit your dreams, you would let me hold you tight and everything. But in reality your pretty stingy about people touching you aren't ya? No.....this can't be real, I had to be all another dream for real.

"Sammy, I'm telling you the truth because if you don't believe me then look where we are right now and tell me if you think this is a dream or not." I looked around and realized we were at school anymore and that I was actually in Commentre. I had to ask him if it was a dimension or planet.

" Commentre a Planet or a different dimension?"

"Wow your still the same clueless twin aren't ya?" He asked me chuckling

"So.....this is all real...? I'm not human at all I'm actually an my sister isn't really my sister..?"

"No...but I looked over you a lot and made sure you were living safe and you were happy. Now that I have you again, there is something I always wanted to do."

"A-and w-what is t-that actually?"

"This." our lips crushed together and my heart started racing and my face felt hot and then.

"WHAT?! What are we doing?! Were brothers, twin brothers and were like making out why?!"

"Sam....stop hiding it I know you had feelings for me forever....I know you...I can also feel it a lot." My whole face turned red as a tomato while i turned away. My heart was racing fast and i felt tears coming out of my eyes and all of the sudden I turned back into a human and fell to the ground. I felt like I was weak from what I just witness and did. But then I felt a warm embrace...usually I don't let anyone touch me but I needed to me touched it's my real twin brother that I thought was a fake imagination in my dreams this whole time. He's actually here with me and Im with him, I turned around and dropped my head into his chest holding onto him tight and it felt amazing. Seems like this new year is going to be different....unless.....he tries to find us and tries to also destroy earth....
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