Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Ugly Puppy


by Meowth 0 reviews

I saw my parent die by the hands of rouges. Because of those rouges I have a extreme fear of dominant wolves. I'm only comfortable around a few dominant wolves in my pack, but anyone else will send...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2014-07-20 - Updated: 2014-07-20 - 4032 words


Deep within the Savik woods was a small cabin hidden away by the trees. The cabin was several miles away from the nearest town. It was dangerous for anyone to live so far out in the woods because you wouldn't receive any protection from the werewolf packs that took claim of many of the lands in Savik. This small cabin sat outside the borders of one of the pack meaning who ever lived in that cabin was free game for the many of rouges who wondered the forest. That is exactly what the young family of werewolves in that cabin were free game.

Five year old Carlos slept soundly in his bed. The little pup was dreaming about him and his parents. He dreamt of when he did he first shift. His parents were so proud of the boy who managed to shift into a wolf at the young age of three. Most pups shifted when they were six or seven but for some reason Carlos was able to shift early. His parents decided to celebrate the pup’s accomplishment by taking him out for ice cream then they went to the annual spring fair which was a rare treat. His parents were reluctant when it came to bringing him to public places. They said it wasn't safe for him to be out around people especially when outside pack lands. But they let that rule slide that day and that was the happiest day of his life.

When the dream comes to the point where him and his parents go on the Ferris wheel a loud series of barks echo the air. The threatening barks caused little Carlos to stir in his sleep. The small boy climbed out of his bed and walks over the window in his room. The boy stares out into the dark forest, the barking becoming louder and closer each second that passes.

Suddenly the door to his room bursts open and light from the hall spills into the room. Carlos looks behind him and spots his mother running around his room grabbing clothes out of his drawer. She stuffs them in a duffel bag quickly.

"Mommy, what going on?"

Carlos's mother , Serena, scoops the child into her arms "'s nothing baby just go back to sleep."

"But I can't sleep, the barking is to loud" the little boy whines.

"Well you'll have to try" she says as she carries both her child and the duffle bag into the living room.

Her mate, Miguel, is busy packing all the essentials he looks up when he sees them "The car is already started, put Carlos in and we'll drive off."

A howl echoes through the air, it was not far away but close by meaning the rouges were nearby. Serena looks warily outside as the barks and howls get closer "I don't think driving is best, those rouges sound to close for comfort, they could be blocking the roads."

Her mate stops pack and glances outside too "You're right, I was hoping we would have time to bring all are stuff but it seems we won't. We'll escape out back" Miguel says grabbing his wallet from off the counter.

The family goes outside quickly, Miguel shifts into a large black wolf. The beast lays on his stomach signaling to his mate to get on. Serena sits on his back holding leaning her body down and holding tightly to her husband's side. She squishes Carlos underneath her for the child was exhausted and would have a hard time holding onto his father.

'Hold on tight dear' Miguel tells his mate.

Serena grips tightly and assures her husband that she is secured. Miguel stands up and begins to sprint. He didn't want to start running because he would grow to tired. He needed to save his energy in case he needed to out run someone or more like a group of someone. The family were all rouges but not the dangerous power hungry kinds, just the majority of rouges who leave there old packs because of specific reasons. The family of three was always on the run even before Carlos was born. They ran away from rouge wolves who decided to band together to make new packs. The thing is new packs needed a submissive to bare the children of the alpha and beta. But it was hard to find submissives because majority of them were protected by packs. Rouges could try turning humans but humans rarely survive the transformation. So stealing or secretly recruiting submissives became the goal of many rouge packs. Carlos's family had two submissives and only one dominant to protect them, an easy target for rouges. But, there was no way Miguel would allow the rouges to take his family away from him, they would have to kill him first.

Miguel picks up speed when the howls start to get closer, he could already hear the beating of the rouges paws as they ran with all their might. Miguel knew they would catch up to him and so he decided he would have to do something drastic.

'Love I want you to take Carlos and run towards the nearest pack as fast as you can' he says to his mate

"What, you can't expect me to leave you here?!" Serena cries

'I do expect you, now I'm going to stop and I want you to jump off my pack and run to the nearest pack house. The border isn't far and I can smell a patrol coming upwind. I want to you to run towards the patrol and ask to stay with them for a while. If I make it I'll come and join you, if not I want you to stay with the pack and take care of Carlos.'


'No buts, my mind is made up now go!' He orders

Miguel stops running and his mate jumps off his back holding Carlos as tightly as she could. Her mate points in one directions.

'That's where the pack is' he says calmly.

She nods, she gets on one knee and kisses her mates forehead "I'll see you in the morning, promise me you'll be there" she says sternly, but you could see the fear for her husband clear in her eyes.

'I go'

She stands up and with a nod of her head she runs towards the direction her husband pointed. Miguel turns his head towards to where the howls are coming from. In a few moments a small pack of rouges come from out of the trees. Miguel fur bristles and lowers his head his tail lifts up, his lips curls revealing rows of sharp fangs.

A large wolf comes forward from the group, most likely the leader of the group 'where are the two submissives you were living with. Tell us now and we'll let you live hell I might even consider letting you stay with us. We could use more man power' the leader growls.

Miguel flicks his tail 'Thank you for the offer but I'll have to decline, I will never let you make my mate and son breeders just so you can be seen as a pack by the council. I'm sorry you're too ugly to attract any submissives but my family won't sacrifices my family for my own life.'

The lead rouge snaps his jaw at Miguel 'foolish wolf I'll make you regret turning down my offer.' The lead rouge flicks his tail 'Get him boys!'

The rouges move towards Miguel, Miguel takes a step back 'Hey now fellas we shouldn't tussle right away. I have a proposition to make.'

The rouges look towards their leader, the lead rouge rolls his eyes 'The hero type always wanting the last words before their torn to shreds. What is it wolf and make it quick I am not a patient man.'

'I challenge you for the leadership of your small band' Miguel says

'You're challenging me?' The leader chuckles 'Foolish young wolf don't think because I'm a rouge that I am weak. I was once the beta of a very powerful pack in another country, I left because I wanted to become an alpha. What were you boy?'

Miguel growls, he found this bit of information troubling. He wasn't a former alpha or beta, he wasn't even a subordinate. Miguel had been born an omega though he was dominant he was a small and frail boy from birth and he still had a few health problems. He wouldn't be able to take on this wolf, he could only take down omegas which was what some rouges used to be, but taking on a former beta was suicide. But he would have to do this, anything to give his family more time.

'Doesn't matter what I was, just know that I'm going to win this fight. Now come at me with all you got!'

The lead rouge snarls 'stupid boy, but I'm not one to steer away from a fight.' The lead wolf turns to his pack 'go sniff out his family, this won't take long.'

The other wolves were about to take off but Miguel blocked there way 'you don't leave until this fight is over!'

The lead wolf lunges at Miguel knocking the man off his feet. Miguel struggles from underneath him using his hind legs to kick at the bigger wolfs stomach. The lead wolf doesn't budge and glares down at the smaller wolf, he turns his head towards his men 'Get going!'

The other rouges leave the two wolves, running along the same trail Serena and Carlos took. The lead wolf brings his attention back to Miguel 'Well looks like my ugly mug won't need to go around looking for submissives anymore. I'm about to make a wonderful little wife out of your- wait sorry I mean my new mate.'

'You won't be making anyone your mate, my mate is running towards the nearest pack she can find. It won't be long before she finds a patrol. Two lone submissives running from rouges will always be welcomed in a pack after all' Miguel growls

The lead wolf snaps his jaws at Miguel's face 'Don't think you've won wolf, my men will catch up to them and then they will be mines. I would let you watch as I take your mate but your starting to annoy me and I think it's time I got rid of you. The world doesn't need a smart like you!' and with that the his went for Miguel's throat.

Serena was stilling running towards the pack, she was close to the borders she could practically smell the scent of the pack and each of its members. She could tell the age, gender and rank of every member of this pack plus how long they marked their borders. They marked their borders yesterday, twenty-five members in total, one alpha, two betas. The fact that they had one alpha troubled her a bit, usually a submissive alpha would rule alongside a dominant alpha. Submissive alpha's were the ones who decided who was allowed to have pups and also were the ones to determine if an outsider could be trusted or not. A submissive alpha also kept their mate sane and there was no doubt that this alpha would be a little insane.

'This way I think I smell the bitch and her cub, there close' a gruff voice rings through Serena's ears.

The rouges were now on her tail, she ran with all her might towards the border but then another noise stops her. A loud cry of a dying wolf reaches her ears, the voice of her mate. Pain stabs through her heart and she drops to her knees. Her mate was dead she could feel his soul leaving the earth. Though this wasn't truly the end of the world for her. She could find another mate but it still hurts her the devastation of losing one's mate was terrible and some wouldn't want to move on. Serena was one of those wolves , she had struggled and concurred many obstacles in her life with Miguel to many for her to just forget him. She wouldn't survive this and she knew it would be wrong for her to let her child see her suffer.

Serena sets Carlos on his feet and shakes him gently to wake him up "Carlos, Carlos I need you to wake up."

Carlos eyes snap open and the little pup rubs his eyes "Mommy?"

"Carlos I need you to do me a big favor..."

The child's eyes light up "A favor, oh please I want to help with anything!"

Serena chuckles "Good, now tell me do you smell the scent of wolves coming in-" She points towards the direction of the pack border "-from over there?"

Carlos points his nose towards the direction and takes a big whiff "Oh, yes I smell them" the child looks back towards his mother "Are they bad wolves mommy?"

"hopefully not baby, I need you to go to those wolves and ask them kindly to take you to their alpha. Then I want you to ask the alpha if he's a nice man and if he'll take you into their pack."

"Take me into their pack, aren't you coming to mommy?"

Serena shakes her head "No baby, I simply can't go on anymore, but I know you can do it baby. That's why I want you to go to them. Can you do that for me?"

Carlos brings a finger to his lip, he looks towards the pack bother and back to his mother "but I don't want to leave you and daddy" then he realized that his father was nowhere in sight "mommy where's daddy?"

Serena frowns, she looks towards the ground ""

'She's over here and the cubs with her!' A voice shouts from behind them.

Serena eyes widen she shoves Carlos towards the pack borders "There's no time just go Carlos, remember that daddy and I love you and never forget us okay honey?"

"B-but I don't want to leave, mommy what's going on!"

"There's no time just run!" She shouts sternly.

Carlos looks at his mother before taking off towards the pack border. The small pup runs as fast as he can, but with little toddler legs running was hard. From behind him a scream of rage echoes and the sound of wolves fighting fills the pups ears. Carlos runs faster the smell of the wolf pack getting stronger with every step he takes until he finds himself over the border.

'There's the damn brat, get him and this time don't kill the fucking merchandise. We already lost the female.' The same gruff voices shouts from behind Carlos.

Howls rip through the air and the sound of paws hitting the ground come from behind the boy. Carlos looks over his shoulder and finds a small pack of rouges chasing after him. The rouges look like they were in a small tussle, though not heavily injured they had a few bite and scratch marks on them. Carlos was beginning to wonder what happened to his mother though the child knew somewhere deep within him that he knew the answer to that question, but he refused to understand.

The rouges were gaining on the boy, Carlos decided to shift into a wolf though still a puppy, he would be able to run a little faster and away from the rouges hopefully. Carlos realizes that in this form he can also call for help, maybe his parents will find him. The small puppy lifts his head in the air and howls never stopping his pace.

The young pups howls a few more times but no one responds. Carlos begins to fear that something is wrong until finally a chorus of howls answer him back, though not from his parents or from the rouges. The rouges stop in their assault as the howls get louder .

'Shit the little brat lured us into another packs territory!'

'There going to tear us apart did you hear how many wolves answered his call?!'

'Oh man what do we do, what do we do!'

The lead wolf marches forward still chasing after the cub ' we go for the cub and run that's what, I've come too far to let another pack steal away a submissive from me. They have enough losing one won't mean much. I'll slaughter anyone who gets in my way too, now come on and help me get this speedy little bitch!'

The rest of the rouges reluctantly follow their leaders lead. The little pup howls for help running towards the howls of the pack of this land. He could sense that the wolves behind him where dangerous and that they wanted to hurt him, but the pack who lives here might save him. The pup used all his strength to get away but it wasn't enough and the rouges catch up to him. The lead rouge manages to grab the scruff of Carlos's neck.


Carlos struggles in the older wolfs hold 'Let me go, let go help someone help me!' the pup cries.

The lead rouge struggles to keep hold of Carlos and attempts to run away but then the scent of another pack of wolves hit his nostrils. The wolf turns around to see a pack of wolves running towards him and his group. The rouge leader throws the pup to the ground realizing he wouldn't be able to get away with him in his arms.

The rouges take off but they aren't fast enough. A few members from the other pack races after them following all the way outside of the border. The rouges cries could be heard as they were slaughtered by the packs strongest warriors.

A female wolf who stayed behind goes over to Carlos, licking his head in comfort 'it's alright little one the danger is gone.

Carlos looks up happily thinking the female is his mother for a brief second but is disappointed when she is not 'You're not mommy...' he says glumly.

The female frowns in confusion until she realizes what this child has suffered 'oh you poor little pup...' she grabs the pup by the scruff of the neck, Carlos doesn't fight her because he can sense she doesn't mean any harm but he is still wary of her.

The female brings Carlos over to two other wolves, much bigger than her with a couple of battle scars littering their body. The female lowers herself as she gets closer to the bunch. She places the pup at the feet at the bigger wolf 'Alpha, I found this pup. The rouges were chasing him.'

Carlos glances up and catches the alphas eyes. Fear fills the little pup and he quickly looks away and lowers himself to the ground. The alpha snorts and sniffs the boys head 'Only five years old, rouges are getting desperate these days...'

' Only five, but how is he able to shift?' The other wolf beside the alpha questions out loud.

'It doesn't matter all we need know is that we just had a small band of rouges cross into my lands and I am not pleased that they have-'

'E-excuse me, Mr. alpha sir?' Carlos says, once again looking at the alpha.

The alpha stares at the boy 'What?'

'U-um are you really the alpha of this pack' the pup asks.

'...Yes I am, why do you ask?'

'Cuz mommy said that I had to come here and ask the alpha to join his pack.'

The alphas felt something bad in the pit of his stomach 'and...where is your mother now?'

The boy lowers his gaze 'I don't think mommy or daddy are here anymore...'

The alpha felt bad for the pup and also angry at the rouges. The alpha despised rouges, though he knew not all rouges were a threat to him he disliked the ones who band together to take over other packs or to simply start their own. Those rouges usually cause trouble for many packs, always trying to steal submissives or trying to kill a packs alpha. The alpha had a personal grudge with those type of wolves, they took his mate, Delilah, and they killed her. The rouges were about to go after their pups and she had fought with all her might in order to protect them, but in the end she was killed. The alpha and a small group of warriors managed to get there before the rouges went after his oldest son, Freddy who for some reason gave of a submissive like scent despite having the alpha gene in him. He managed to kill them before they took his son away. But he hadn't gotten there in time to save his mate.

The small pup had his parents ripped away from him, just as his pups had their mother ripped away from them and all by the same common enemy. His pups and he too still mourned for his mate. The alpha was not going to take another mate either but would live the rest of his life without a mate until his son was old enough to find his own mate and take over the pack. The alpha knew that he had to take this pup in because if he didn't he would condemn the poor pup to either a life as a breeder or death.

The alpha sighs 'Anna I need you to take this pup back to the village, bring him to the pack house. Give him a bath, some fresh clothes and something warm to drink and put him in the nursery. He is your responsibility now, is that clear?'

The female who brought Carlos, Anna, jumps to her feet in glee 'Oh, yes of course alpha I'll take good care of him!'

'I know you will Anna, now go I have to do some investigating' which meant the alpha was going to go find the bodies of the boy's parents.

Anna knew what he meant but did not quell her happiness out of fear of worrying the pup. She nuzzles Carlos's face 'Come now love, let's go see your new home.'

Carlos nods and gets up. Anna takes lead and brings the boy towards the pack house. Carlos looks over his shoulder to see the alpha leaving to go find the bodies of his parents. Sadness engulfs him as he realizes that his family is gone and that his happy life was over. He would never again see their little log cabin in the woods, wouldn't be able to hear his parents laughter, eat his father delicious cooking, hear his mothers singing and never again would he be held in their arms at night whenever he got a nightmare.

Anna could tell what was on the pups mind and she nuzzles his face 'It's okay love, we'll be your new family though we can never replace the one you had before we will try are hardest to make you feel welcomed but only if you let us.'

Carlos looks up at the female, tears brimming in his eyes 'I understand...' he says softly and it was true. He knew that this pack would try to become his new family because that's what a pack was, a family. He would try to remember his parents face, maybe the alpha would let him find a picture of them in their cabin. Either way Carlos was alive and he knew that for his parents sake he would try to be happy with his new life. But, Carlos will soon know as the years go by that life wasn't completely sunshine and happiness. Sometimes the sky had to be black and the people below had to be drenched with rain water before they were given complete happiness. Carlos would soon know this lesson in life personally.
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