Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Ugly Puppy

Chapter. 3

by Meowth 0 reviews

I saw my parent die by the hands of rouges. Because of those rouges I have a extreme fear of dominant wolves. I'm only comfortable around a few dominant wolves in my pack, but anyone else will send...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2014-07-20 - 3695 words

(Carlos hiding spot to the right.)

Chapter. 3 (Unedited)


I race through miles and miles of undergrowth, letting my feet guide my way. I didn’t know where I was going and I didn’t care I just needed to get away. I zoomed past families of trees, I was surprised I hadn’t hit into a single one yet. My eyes were blinded and burned by my tears and everything just looked like a blur of green and brown. If I did hit into something, I would welcome the physical pain and maybe a possible death. I was running faster than a sled dog, a slow speed compared to most werewolves, but it was the fastest I could go.

I don’t know how long I’ve been running. The trees covered the my view of the sky and gave the illusion of night. I know I should stop, chances are I could of run off the safe zone and into no-mans land. It took me a moment to realize that I didn’t even care if I was going into rogue territory. I didn’t care if I was left at the mercy of savage killers. No rogue would be desperate enough to rape me, I wasn’t beautiful enough even for them. But the idea of them killing me sound pleasant, anything to escape from the pain. I was going to commit suicide and maybe finally I would be happy. I would see my family again in the afterlife, perhaps they were already waiting for me.

The very thought of joining my parents again gave me even more energy and motivation to run faster. In the distance I could smell scent markers. Although the town where our school was considered neutral grounds, it was owned by the Ortega pack and scent markers were placed to ward off rogues. But today it the markers gave me solace.

Before I reached the border, I tripped over something large and strangely soft. I fell on my chin, letting out a loud yelp. I slowly got up, shaking the pain off. I gasped once I glance down at the object, more like wolf, that caused me to trip. From the smell of him I could tell he was a fully grown male, possibly in his mid-twenties. He was as big as a black bear, riddled in fresh cuts and bruises.

I could hear his uneven breaths, he was still alive. I crept carefully towards the huge male and sniffed him in order to gather more information. He smelled of cigarette and whiskey, with the slight hint of blood. But, he had not pack smell or at least not a pack around here. He was a rogue, but practically a dead rouge. He must of gotten caught by a patrol and managed to escape them.

My instincts told me to hightail it out of here, but yet I didn’t want to go back home. I didn’t want to face the embarrassment and shame of rejection. Although some members of my pack cared for me, the rest would openly ridicule me. I didn’t want to watch as wolf after wolf found a mate and went off to start their own families. I would be alone soon, the alpha was old and ready to die once Freddie took his place. Anne would follow suite a new caretaker would take her place. Freddie, Marcus and even Freddies belligerent sister, Kira, would all find their mates and have no time for me. I would be utterly alone and worthless. A burden to my pack which I didn’t want to be.

I glance down at the rogue again. He was dying, but not dead. If I saved him perhaps he would take me with him. Despite my downfalls I could still produce pups. Thats all rogues wanted anyways, to build their numbers and take over land. To be known as a pack. But, you couldn’t be a pack if you didn’t have submissives to produce heirs. No one was born with leadership skills and just about anyone could take the alpha rank (if they can defeat the previous alpha of course.) The only reason alpha’s gave their rank over to their children was simply because they wanted someone trustworthy to take over the pack. Who better than a heir, though there were rare times when they chose someone over their children. Point is rogues need a breeder, I’m a breeder, I’m slightly valuable.

I grab the rogue by the scruff of his neck. He groans slightly, but doesn’t awaken. I slowly drag his body further into the territory. I know it may sound stupid, but I know of a perfect place to hide him. It was my secret spot, it was in between the no-mans land and my pack’s land. The entrance to it was nearly impossible to see if you had no clue of what to look for. I knew just where the entrance was, me and only me. Not even Freddie knew of this place and I rather keep it that way. But I guess I was going to finally let a rogue into my comfort zone.


I slowly limped my way towards the schools parking lot. My long red hair was not a heaping mess. A big fat red bruise was pulsing on my cheeks, and I wasn’t just talking about my face either. My clothes were slightly torn and wrinkled to death. I look like a cheap dollar prostitute who just got done with a client, I pretty much felt like one thats for sure. That arrogant asshole defiled me publicly in the boys bathroom right after first class. I was just glad no one was actually inside the bathroom, but I’m sure enough people heard from outside.

But, the events that happened in the bathroom didn’t matter today. Right now I was in full blown panic mode. Carlos was missing and has been missing for three class straight. I knew this thanks to one of my pack mates. I made sure everyone was keeping a close eye on him today. It seemed my fears may have been right and I was glad I took extra precautions. I wish I could heal Carlos broken heart, I wish I could take him on as my own mate.

I rubbed the scar on my neck, a permanent mating mark. A part of me was satisfied with the mark, but I didn’t want it there as well.I won’t be able to save Carlos from the pain now, but at least I could stop whatever danger he was about to launch himself in. I had already contacted my father and the packs enforcers to start searching. To my surprise my father had already had some wolves out patrolling the school yard. They had caught Carlos’s scent, but soon lost it. In its place was the strong scent of rogues which only added on to all of our worries. If we didn’t find Carlos by nightfall we would have to get help from the Ortegas. I really didn’t want to announce that bit of news to my father just yet either.


I froze where I stood and slowly turn to see Marcus staring at me weirdly “Dude, what the hell happen to you? You look like a-”

“I know” I snap “look lets not talk about this shit now. My day has been utter shit and its about to get worse if we don’t find Carly. Dad said the enforcers picked up a lot of rogues and Carly could be in danger.”

Marcus face quickly turns serious “We got to get home and help you father. But, I think you should probably fix yourself up before seeing him. I’ll help distract him the best I can, but you got to hurry” he said his voice riddled with concern.

“Luckily I have a change of clothes the car so I’ll change then. I can use Carly’s makeup kit to hide the mark and hope my cologne can overpower his scent” I say getting the spare pair of clothes from out of the car trunk. “You take the wheel, I need to get fix in the back.” With that said we took off towards home. I swiftly fix myself back into perfection. I hope no one notices the change or smell that damn Ortega brat on me. I’m just glad we left Kira at school, otherwise she would have made the entire situation even worse.

Marcus took a quick glance at me through the rearview mirror “So...Miles Ortega is your mate,huh?”

I scowl “how did-”

“I have him in Chemistry, I thought I smelled something familiar on him. But, didn’t think that would be you. Can two dominants even mate?”

I shrug “Dunno’ but it happened. I don’t even know if I’m a dominant anymore after today.” After today I could no longer see myself as a dominant. Another alpha easily took hold of me and defiled me in the bathroom. He forced me into submission, and the worst of it all I liked it.

I guess in truth I knew something like this might happen. I never felt completely dominant, just had the body and could sometimes act the part. But, I couldn’t handle being around so many dominants at one time. Its worse when most my classes were full of dominants. I dread the thought of taking over the pack, knowing I wouldn’t be able to keep the rank. A large part of me wanted to just run away or let someone else do it. I guess I got that wish and I was so afraid of what my father would think of me. Two dominants mating was just unheard of, who would produce the next heir? I really hoped it wasn’t me.

When we arrive back to the pack house, I saw my father chatting with a few men. I recognised one of the men immediately “shit, stop don’t go further” I yell at Marcus.

Marcus looks at me as if I was mentally insane “ What, why?”

“B-because ‘he’ is here talking to my father on the front lawn!”

Marcus slows the car “You mean Miles? I guess he noticed your early leave.”

“Yes and I rather not be anywhere around him” I hissed, moving myself further down in my seat in an attempt to hide.

“Aww are you feeling a bit shy” Marcus teases.

“Marcus, this is serious! Just, just hide the car in the bushes and wait till he leaves” I cried.

“Wait until who leaves?”

Both our heads snapped to the right where my father, Alpha Ortega and Miles all stood staring down at the both of us. My gaze slowly strays towards Miles, he glares back anger written all over his face. I knew why he was, but I didn’t even want to think back to the events in the bathroom.

“Freddy, are you going to stay frozen in the car or are you and Marcus going to get out” my father asked.

I nod my head and step out of the car with Marcus. I stick close to Marcus, not wanting to be anywhere near Miles. Marcus looks at me then to Miles, then back to me fear etched on his face. A growl erupts from Miles throat causing both of us to flinch.

“Woah, woah dude. Its not like that, I only look at Freddy as a friend” Marcus pleaded, the damn traitor.

Miles doesn’t respond and merely glare daggers at the future beta. I look towards my father, scared of his reaction to this news. To my surprise he seems indifferent. He notices my stare and gives me a small smile, reassuring me that he wasn’t upset. I felt a little relieved, but that still didn’t mean I would throw myself at that pervert.

“Well if we’re all down gawking at each other” began Alpha Ortega “I believe we have an submissive to search for.” With that said the mood became serious once more.

I can’t believe I let myself forget what was important. We had to find Carlos, he had no training when it came to fighting. My men and yours are doing the best they can to pick up his scent again or that of the rogues. But, it seems both have disappeared. It is unclear whether or not they’ve went over the border. In case they haven’t I have guards watching for you omega.”

“Though it is none of my business, I would like to ask as to why this omega ran away in the first place. ” asked Miles “You all don’t seem as panicked as you should be and seem a little prepared for this.”

I sigh “because Carlos isn’t mentally...healthy.”

“Is he dangerous?”

“No, Carly wouldn’t hurt a fly!” growled Marcus “Its just...he hasn’t had a great life.”

“Carlos isn’t partially normal either, although he is perfectly fine. He’s just different from most werewolves. Usually our kind looks well ‘perfect’ molded with bodies rivaling of Eros. But, Carlos is on the plump side.” I explain.

“You mean that overweight kid that people talk about in school?” Miles said bluntly.

I snarl “Carlos isn’t overweight you fucktard! He’s just chubby and small minded people like you are the reasons why he’s like the way he is. All he has ever been is kind and gentle, but people take one look at him and treat him like trash. He hasn’t done anything to deserve the years of bullying people put him through and I’ll be damned if I let you talk that way about my friend!”

Miles eyes narrow, but his overall expression was stony and unimpressed. He shared a look with his father, I couldn’t tell what the two were thinking. I didn’t particularly care either, I just wanted to go out and find my friend. These two didn’t give a damn about Carlos, I bet they were just after the rogue. Why were they even here anyways, it wasn’t nightfall and my father hadn’t even called for them.

“Freddie, I’m going to go and help the search party. I think we’re wasting enough time just sitting around here doing nothing. I just can’t sit around any longer.” said Marcus.

I nod in agreement “Yeah, I’ll come with you. I don’t exactly want to sit around either.” I look to my father “We’ll leave you to entertain these two, we’ll be back before dawn probably depends if we find him or not.”

“Its fine that Marcus goes and joins but Freddie you can’t go” said Alpha Ortega.

I glared at the older male “excuse me, but you’re not my alpha or my father!”

“No, but I am your mate and I say you can’t go” Miles said curtly.

“Mate or not, you don’t get to boss me around. I’m a dominant too if you hadn’t remembered, I make my own decisions!”

“You may be a dominant, but you’re submissive to me!”

“The hell I am-”

“Enough” my father snapped, causing all of us to look at him. “We shouldn’t be fighting right now, Carlos is what is important. I don’t know why you all keep forgetting that. Lets just go already” he said softly.

“Alpha Teagan is right” said Alpha Ortega “We’ll continue you this conversation after we find the omega. Alpha Teagan, Marcus and I will go join the team in town. Miles and Freddie will go join the search in the forest outside of town.”

“Fair enough” my father agreed.

“B-but why with him” I screeched.

“Because Miles is right son. You’re both dominant, but its clear that Miles is more dominant in this relationship. So by default he calls the shots and even as your father I don’t the right to stop him” my father says in an apologetic tone.

Marcus sighs “Just work with it until we find Carly ,okay Freddie.”

I wanted to argue with them, but knew I shouldn’t. Carlos was out there in danger and I was only caring about my own problems like a selfish brat. I sigh “fine…but, only until we find Carly!”

Marcus gives me a sympathetic smile. Then all three males shift into wolves and run off, leaving me completely alone with Miles.

I glare at the other male “Look, focus on finding Carly and nothing else. I don’t want to talk to you unless it about finding Carly! I don’t want you touching me unless we’re under attack and you are pushing me out of harms way. No kissing, hugging or any-”

Marcus wraps a strong arm around my waist and pulls me towards him. I growl struggling in his grasp “Let me go you ass, I said no touching!”

Marcus chuckles and plants a soft kiss to my temple “and who said you get to boss me around, love?” with one swoop he had me over his shoulder “you just relax and enjoy the journey. I don’t need to be in wolf form in order to sniff out your friend.”

With that said he starts running towards the forest, still carrying me around like a bloody caveman. I know this may sound wrong, but I really hope we come across the pack of rogues first. I really want someone to get rid of this fucker for me and surprisingly my wolf huffed in agreement. I guess he doesn’t like being bossed around either.


I gently applied for salve to the rogues wounds. He would react a bit, groaning or growling in his sleep but never waking. Once I was done applying the last of the salve, I began to bind the less deeper wounds. Once that was done I covered him in a warm blanket. We were inside a mountain after all. There was a great gaping hole, sort of like a window, showing a great view of the land. But, anyone else wouldn’t be able to see us from the ground and even if they did, they would have a hard time finding the entrance to get in.

Yes, it was the perfect hiding spot and a place I often visited when feeling troubled. Once I spent a whole three days in here when I was much younger. Living off of a couple of birds and rodents I caught and cooking them over a small fire. My disappearance caused quite a panic back home. The alpha had thought rogues had taken me, although I didn’t know there was a rogue threat. When I returned home, I was punished for causing such a scare and I decided not to stay too long in my hiding spot. So, If a whole group of hunters, trackers and warriors couldn’t find me up when I was a pup, no one would find us now.

I check on the rouge once more. When all is well, I pick up a bucket then leave out of the cave to go fetch more water from the lake. Another thing that I loved about this place, it had its own little lake and waterfall. I often saw fish swimming in the lake and would attempt to catch some. Perhaps I’ll catch some later for dinner. Not for me of course, but for the rogue. I don’t think I need to eat anything else today. My breakfast was more than enough, I consumed too many calories from that alone and didn’t need anymore. I’ll eat in the morning so I wouldn’t add on anymore calories. Perhaps I should forage for some fruits and berries, and nuts. I can just eat those for breakfast and dinner. I don’t need to have lunch either. Wait, I’m getting off track.

I go over towards the waterfall and hold the bucket under the gushing water. Once filled to the brim, I haul it back to the room. But, before I completely return I set up a fishing net in the lake. Although I doubted the rogue would want anything to do with me. If I showed my profound skills in caretaking, I’m sure he would see reason enough in letting me stay with him. A desperate move, mating with a rogue but I was desperate. I have no mate and that was shameful all on its own. An omega without a mate, was forever an omega. We were weak and deemed unfit for many task in the werewolf society. I could be a servant, a nurse, a nursemaid or midwife or a wet nurse. But I didn’t want to be any of those. I wanted to have a family of my own, be happy like my parents were. After getting rejected by my mate, there was no way a pack wolf would take me. Why would they, they all have mates. But, a rogue could and might take me. Though I worry if it will be a happy matehood.

I return to the room, setting the heavy bucket of water done in a corner. I wipe the sweat off my brow, fat or not heavy shit, was heavy crap was too damn heavy for me. I go over to a pile of fire logs (stolen from home) and take a log from it. I was about to throw it into the fire, when I noticed that the rogue was no longer in bed asleep. Before I could even react I felt a strong arm wrap around my neck, putting me into a tight choke hold. I begin to struggle, but a loud growl above my ear makes me freeze.

“Don’t move if you don’t want to die.”
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