Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Ugly Puppy

Chapter. 4

by Meowth 0 reviews

I saw my parent die by the hands of rouges. Because of those rouges I have a extreme fear of dominant wolves. I'm only comfortable around a few dominant wolves in my pack, but anyone else will send...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2014-07-20 - 1948 words

Chapter. 4 (unedited)


“Don’t move if you don’t want to die” the gruff voice growls in my ear. The rogue's hold tightens around my neck to the point that it was a bit hard to breathe.

“P-please don’t h-hurt me” I whimper, feeling the submissive pheromones leak from every pore on my body. It was a instinct built in all submissive wolves. Whenever there was an angry dominant around, a submissives body leaked a sweet smelling pheromone which calms a dominant. Though it usually worked if the sub was in a submitting position and kept their yap shut. Though that was usually when it came to being in a pack, I didn’t know how the rogue would react to my pheromones.

“You beg like a damn sub, what are the big shot pack wolves raise their warriors to be fat and weak?” He snaps, sharp claws digging into my flesh.

“ow,ow p-please stop hurting me I’m not a dominant!”

The rogue stiffens “Not a dominant?” he scoffs in disbelief “Of all the cowardly things I’ve ever heard”

“No, its true! Just sniff me, you will tell” I begged.

The rogue hesitates, but soon he presses his nose against my cheek and inhales my scent. Red eyes widen in surprise, and glow with a foreign emotion that I can’t decipher. The rogue immediately spins me around and glares down at me. He scans my entire body, I realize that he is inspecting me. Oh gods, he was probably seeing if I was worth sparing. One look at me and he’ll kill me, no one is desperate enough to get stuck with someone like me.

Though to my surprise he smiles, a satisfied gleam in his eyes. Woah, he actually like the way I look? Rogues really must be desperate, or at least he is.

“Well, well look at that. A little tiny submissive, all alone without his pack mates to protect him from the sinful eyes of outsiders. Now tell my little pup, why are you out here all alone without a single member of your pack” the rogue asks gently. His claw gently caressing my cheek.

I swallow “Um, well I w-was out for a w-walk. Well...actually I was running away.”

The rogue raises one dirty brow “Running away, why ever for?”

I nibbled on my bottom lip, why was I giving any trust to a rogue. Why did I even come out here in the first place, why did I even rescue him. Rogues were dangerous, that was something we are taught as pups. I of all people should know how dangerous rogues are but yet for some stupid reason I rescue one.

“Now, now theres no need to be afraid of me. I wont hurt you” the rogue coes.

“H-how do I know that? Y-you’re a rogue, most rogues are either attacking the pack or dragging off i-innocent subs off to gods knows where. Why should you e-expect me to trust you?”

“Good point, however not all rogues are evil. After all rogues are allowed to live within the city, as long as they have the right papers of course.” Which was a good point. Rogues were allowed to live in the neutral zone without getting randomly attacked by pack wolves. However, only rogues with citizenship could live in the city. Rogues with permits are allowed to work some jobs in order to pay for a citizenship. However rogues with permits are forbidden from living over the border, and must live in a refugee like camp on the outskirt of the territory, which is heavily guarded. Some rogues can even ask to join one of the neighboring packs, but usually only those with citizenship and a good record.

“Okay, you p-probably are a good rogue.”

He feigns insult “Probably, does my status as a rogue still frightens you?”

“W-well no, but...You're not a legal rogue. I mean y-you didn’t sign up for a permit or citizenship.”

The rogue lip curls “How do you know I wasn’t on my way to retrieve one, hmm?”

“Then why did the patrol leave you for dead close to the border?” I growl, although it comes out like a whine than a growl.

The rogue frowns, but says nothing “Alright you got me there little sub. I illegally crossed over the border, but that doesn’t mean I was going to attack your pack. I just didn’t want to have to work in the mines or sewers just to get my citizenship.” he snaps “neither do I want to live in a ratty little camp, that smells of shit and misery. I’m sorry if that makes me such a bad man.”

Now I felt guilty. I hadn’t meant to judge the poor guy, even if he is a rogue. Its just hard to trust them, especially since what happened to my parents. I knew not all rogues were ambitious and evil, but a majority of them were. Its not my fault that they weren’t exactly welcomed here, but it never hurt to be cautious. Even so, I was in the wrong for judging him. I’m not so great to be judging anyone either.

“I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to judge you so harshly, its just hard.”

“hmph, yeah thats what all you pack wolves say. But whatever it doesn’t matter, the moment I’m completely healed up I’ll be getting out of here.”

I frown “You're not fully healed yet?”

He shakes his head “no, my bloody legs hurt. I haven’t eaten in days so my healing ability isn’t really great at the moment. Not to mention those guards shot me with wolfbane bullets!”

I gasp “where did they shoot you?”

He looks at me suspiciously “Why?”

I scowl “You idiot, wolfbane is poisonous, I have to take the bullets out!”

His eyes widen “You didn’t take it out?!”

“I didn’t know the patrol used guns, much less wolfbane bullets!”

“How didn’t you see the holes?!”

“They probably healed over!”

The rogue growls smacking his head “fucking subs I swear”

I growl at him “shut up, its not my fault you got the snot beat out of you!”

The rogue snarls in my face, baring his fangs at me “better watch your tone sub or I swear...” his claws extract.

I swallow the lump in my throat, but I don’t run away from the threatening rogue “If you hurt me then I’m leaving you on your own!”

He laughs “As if I would let you run off anyways.”

I balk “I’m not your captive, I can leave if I choose!”

The rogue smirks “Oh no you can't, I can’t trust you. How do I know you won't fetch your pack?”

“I rescued you, If I was planning on giving you up to my pack, I would of done so already” and I should have done it too. This rogue was going to hold me captive, and after I was starting to feel bad about judging him too.

“hmph, however I don’t understand why you would help me in the first place. How do I know you didn’t heal me under your alphas orders. How do I know I’m to be tortured afterwards?”

“Now you're just paranoid, rogues are killed on sight. Although my alpha hates rogues, he wouldn’t torture them. He’s not that kind of person, however he would just enjoy killing you.”

The rogue thought it over “okay that makes sense. So then little sub, why are you helping me?”

I bit my bottom lip, my cheeks flushing red. I really didn’t want to tell him my true intentions. Thinking over it, I was really being stupid for even trying to go ahead with this plan in the first place.

“Come on little sub, spit it out.”

“w-well, I was” I took a big gulp of air “I wanted to know if you’d take me away from here” I said quickly, and incoherently.

“Wait, wait what did you say?”

My face became an even brighter shade of red “ I w-wanted to know if I-I couldn’t leave w-with you. I...I don’t want to stay here anymore” I say softly, my stomach churning with nerves as the embarrassment became unbearable.

The rogue looks a little shocked, but not disgusted “Really?”

I nod my head “P-please. I know I’m not...pretty like a sub should be. But, I can be helpful! I know how to cook really well, repair clothing and other things. I also know a lot about pack politics and etiquette. Plus I’m fertile and my doctor said I have a higher chance of having a successful birth than most subs.”

The rogue stares at me as if I am crazy. Which I’m sure I was, but who could blame me for my desperateness. I was rejected by my mate, my only friend would become an alpha and have little time for me. I would remain an outcast forever, I had nothing and no one. I would never find a mate, no dominate wanted a ugly and broken sub.

“Um, okay”

My eyes widen “what?”

“I said fine” the rogue said again “if you really want to come with me then I’ll allow it. I mean what rogue wouldn’t, do you know how hard it is to come by a submissive?”

I couldn’t help the smile that was forcing its way on my lips “Y-you really want me?”

The rogue frowned “I said yeah didn’t I- ow ow hey!”

I held the wrong tightly in my arms “thank you, thank you, thank you”

The rogue pulled me off “yeah whatever, just please stop squeezing me you're hurting me.”

“Oh, um sorry. I’ll just take the bullets out now” I say with a chuckle.

The rogue rolls his eyes as he lays himself on the mat “yeah, you do that.”

I quickly get to work on removing the bullets from the body. Of course the wounds had healed over so I had to reopen them again. By gently pressing my hands down on his body I was able to locate them and take them out. I washed the poison out of each wound before it healed over again. When I finished I noticed that the rogue was unconscious. I guess he passed out from the pain, after all the bullets had been in his body for quite a while and had eaten away a bit of his insides. I wonder how the wound was able to even heal over the holes? Either way the rogue would live and I would leave the pack.

Despite that fact, I was a little scared and sad. One I would be leaving my home for good. Two I would never see Freddie again and three I was running off with a rogue. Anything could happen to me, but there wasn’t nothing else for me here in the pack either. I didn’t want to be a burden to anyone, especially freddie. This was for the best, not only for me but for Freddie too.

Speaking of Freddie, I should return to the pack. I glanced outside the makeshift window and saw that the sky was getting darker. It would be dinner soon and I know Freddie probably knows I skipped school. I just didn’t want them panicking and have to get a patrol out.

“Awoooooh!” Crap, I really do need to go.
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