Categories > Original > Horror > Guilty As Told By Izzy Masterson

Chapter 3 Percephany's Vengance

by orieo82 0 reviews

Percephany hates being Gwen's favorite what is an emo princess to do?

Category: Horror - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2014-07-21 - 4551 words

After rubbing everyone's feet William was starting to see why he was Courtney's only client.
Courtney(Looking down at William) Sooooooooooo how are you going to find boys for the other two master's here?
William: I have friends I’m sure two of them will fall asleep sooner or later.
Courtney(Grabbing William) Good because I want you all to myself.
William gulped as he was lifted to Courtney's cheeks and he counted thirty freckles and five pimples on each cheek.
Courtney(Nuzzling William) Get used to freckles because once I want a little girl she'll inherit a body full of freckles so ha, ha, ha, ha, and haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
William was snuggled closer as two of his friends fell asleep looking to save him having no idea what horror awaited them.
Percephany and Izzy II(Itching) We have red bumps all over us so our servants had better have had what we believe to be chicken pox.
Courtney(Inspecting them and then a medical book) Yep those are chicken pox all right.
Percephany(Scratching) Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn-how-do-we-get-rid-of-the-chicken-pox?
Courtney(Reading) Remedies don't scratch, oatmeal bath's, or passing them to another host.
Percephany(Grabbing a boy and licking his face) Let's kiss doggie style he, he, he, he, he, heeeeeeeeeeeee.
Chicken pox disappeared from Percephany as the boy started scratching all over.
Percephany(Beaming) Too bad I can't catch them again because you only get pox once.
William(Sneering) Josh meet Percephany your new master. Percephany meet Josh your new servant.
Percephany(Cackling) Good because I have a list a mile long of things I/you need to get done before dinner.
Izzy II(Scratching) I need another host too.
Billy Michaels William's bully tried to run but Izzy II grabbed him taking her clothes off standing naked in front of Billy.
Izzy II(Puckering up) Time for these pox to disappear.
Billy(Putting his hands up) No please I'm allergic to chicken pox deathly allergic.
Izzy II French kissed Billy as red spots were all over him and he was transparent in reality.
Izzy II(Kicking her sandals off) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's great to be here. No more pox, a 24/7 servant, plus he can never wake up again he, he, he, he, he, heeeeeeeeee.
Josh(Scratching) How long will we have these?
Courtney(Reading) A couple weeks tops if you can't find a host or soak in oatmeal baths.
William(Following Courtney) Now excuse moi but I have a new life to embrace.
Courtney: You sure do munchkin face but first you'll need chicken pox too so you'll have a memory to share with your best friends.
William(Taking his clothes off) Infect me and let's get a picture together.
Billy(Jumping up) I'll infect him and go back to living in reality.
Izzy II(Pushing him down) Methinks not see you deserve those after all the tortures you put this poor kid through.
William(Counting) Cherry bombs in my locker, wedgies, wet willies, running me up the flagpole, charliehorses, and purple nurples about covers it.
Billy: Yea well that doesn't deserve death does it?
William(Nodding) Yes I died every day you hurt me more and more until I cried myself to sleep every night. Now excuse moi but Josh and I have a date with the chicken pops.
Billy: Pox they're called chicken pox not pops.
William: I'm catching them and I'll call them what I want you dead bully. Besides I've been calling them chicken pops since I was three and all my friends but me caught them.
Josh(Scratching) Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh these will be great to get rid of.
Percephany: You know I have essence of chicken pox since I caught them I learned to bottle their essence and that can give the three of us pox or as William calls them pops again.
Courtney(Sneering) I completely forgot about those syringes.
Percephany(Twirling needles) So let's turn him into a Parish and then infect us three with the chicken pops.
Courtney(Pulling out a pink glittery backpack) Let's get you dressed Cutie Patootie.
Courtney pulled out white underwear that said Saturday on them and William allowed her to put them on him.
Billy: Great now the nerd, know it all, bully bait will know the days of the week.
William(Shaking his butt) Soooooooooooo comfy and a learning tool to boot.
Courtney giggled ruffling William's hair and producing a white undershirt putting it on William.
Courtney: Girl's like Percephany, Izzy II, and you will find these comfy until you’re teens and start wearing Victoria's Secret and classier clothes.
Josh(Scratching) Does-this-mean-Billy-and-I-keep-the-chicken-pox?
William: Pox no pops yes, yes, and yes.
Courtney: Percephany infect the three of you now then I'll get Lea's PJ's ready for bed rest.
Percephany(Grabbing a needle) Alright this won't hurt a bit and just think Izzy II and I will be in sick bay with you.
Josh(Scratching) So if I wake up will the little emo princess be gone?
Percephany: Sure but those pox or pops as William so cutely calls them won't.
Josh(Looking at Courtney) Sooooooo oatmeal baths huh?
Courtney(Nodding) That's what the book says.
Percephany(Chuckling) No worries we'll still see each other in nightmares and one day I may claim your soul like Izzy II claimed Billy's.
Josh snapped his eyes open being in his own room and he noticed the itching become unbearable.
Josh(Scratching) Owwwwwww ouch ouucchhh these things will be the death of me.
Josh's mom(Inspecting him) Oh dear you have the chicken pox looks like no school and bed rest with lots of fluids for the week at least.
Josh(Jumping up) I suddenly feel better see fit as a daisy now let's get me to school.
Josh's mother(Inspecting his body) Definitely chicken pox now back in bed I'll bring you breakfast in bed.
Josh(Kicking his blanket's back) I'm telling you I feel fine itchy but fine and I'm sure school will be good for me.
Josh's mother(Tucking him in) There all snug I'll be back with your breakfast you just relax and enjoy TV.
Josh moaned as his door closed and he could have sworn he heard Percephany's cold cackle echo across his room.
News anchor: In an unrelated story William Jenkins goes missing if anybody has any information on William please contact your local police station immediately.
Josh(Slapping himself) Stay awake, stay awake, stay awake, stay awake or the little, emo, princess wins.
Josh's mother(Sliding a tray to him) There we are cereal, orange juice, and comic books to keep my sick bay patient occupied.
Josh's mom left closing and locking his door as if she knew someone was coming to claim him.
Josh(Yawning and shrugging) Well if you can’t beat em.
Josh was transported back to William' house where he was covered head to toe in chicken pox.
Percephany(Sneering) Look who's back ladies and gents. FYI my essence of chicken pox works like a charm.
Josh: Yea well at least I'm not stranded here like Billy and William.
Percephany(Donning a cloak) That's where you're wrong.
Percephany said a few magic words and suddenly Josh saw no matter how much he snapped his eyes open he was stuck in Percephany's dreamland.
Percephany(Chuckling) We figured as two girls and a soon to be third one that Lea needs a servant and seeing you hate me you’ll love Lea and her bossy attitude.
Courtney(Sneering) You got that right I was very bossy as a tike in fact I still am quite bossy.
William(Scratching) At least Percephany and Izzy II will endure the pops with me.
Courtney took a pair of bear cub pajama's from the backpack and snickered at the green smoke on them.
Courtney: Arm's up Little Bear and that smoke is stink Percephany and Izzy II have stinky PJ's too which will be bad for Billy, Josh, and whoever serves Percephany.
William raised his arms and the bear cub pajamas were put on him, Gwen put a black nightgown and purple underwear on Percephany, and Izzy put a green shirt and pants pajama suit on Izzy II.
Courtney(Beaming) There now for Josh to witness the birth of his worst nightmare. Open wide Mama's Little Bear.
William opened his mouth and Courtney kissed him transferring her as a three year olds soul into him making the transformation final freckles and all.
Courtney(Patting a bed) Up you go you three bed rest, fluids, TV, and tons of bestie fun will make you three better in no time.
William(Raising his paws) ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR now I want a paw rub Josh and I'm sure Percephany has things for you to do too and I'm always one to share.
Percephany(Rolling out a list) After the paw rub and a list which Izzy II and I will help Lea make you'll refer to my list 1-1000 and get that done.
Josh(Groaning) Paw's out and let's get this over wi- wait why are your bear cub pj's wet in the middle?
Courtney(Beaming) I forgot to mention she like I did has a little clothes wetting problem but it never leaked onto the sheets so no worries ladies.
Lea(Wiggling her feet) Ah hem paw rub if you please.
Josh(Grabbing her paw) You better appreciate this.
Lea(flexing her toes) Less talking more rubbing.
Josh(Gagging) You smell like pee.
Lea(Rubbing herself on Josh) There now so do you so get to the paw rubbing NOWWWWWWWWWWW!
Josh groaned grabbing one paw and rubbing hard as Lea smiled sighing comfortably.
Lea(Taking her paw back) Now do the other one and then you're all Percephany's while I work on a slave list for you.
Josh rubbed the other paw with Lea lying back sneering taking her paw back kicking Josh to Percephany.
Percephany(Cackling) First things first I want you to do my laundry because my Mama will be my 24/7 nurse for now.
Josh(Making a face) Ewwwwwwwww I'm not washing your fishnets, underwear, tights, or any other piece of girl clothing.
Percephany(Sneering) Ohhhhhhhhhhh yes you are because if you don't I'm sure Lea has pee stained underwear for you to clean.
Josh was handed a basket of dirty laundry by Gwen who pushed a cup of soda to Percephany who gulped it down.
Gwen: I'm sooooooooo glad you're here for her because she needs to show boys that she can dominate too.
Percephany(Removing fishnets) These too they're extra smelly because I've been wearing them for a week tops and combined with my hand me down boots well they're not exactly spring fresh.
Gwen(Plugging her nose) You can say that again.
Josh(Gagging) Ewwwwwwwwwww haven't you heard of good hygiene?
Percephany(Pointing to a dark room) The laundry room chop, chop I have tons more fun things for us to do including getting the knots out of my hair.
Josh groaned lugging all the clothes to the dark laundry room separating her colors and whites.
Percephany(Calling) I want Taco Bell too and since you serve Lea too I'm sure fast food is also calling her name.
Lea(Giggling) Mcdonald's, Mcdonald's, Mcdonald's, McDonalds, Mcdonald's. Nuggets, fries and a large Coke sounds nice.
Percephany(Sneering) I'll make a boss out of her yet.
Josh gagged throwing all Percephany's tights, underwear, and other colored clothes in first then stalking back to his doom.
Percephany(Throwing William car keys) You have our orders Taco Bell the Queserito $5.00 box sounds good and Mcdonald's.
Lea: Rio 2, The Nut Job, Cloudy With A chance of Meatballs 1&2 The Croods, The Smurf's 1&2 and Despicable Me 1&2 We're bored with TV and need Children only DVD's.
Josh: Where am I getting the money for all this?
Lea(Grabbing him) You've got too much lip and that's the first thing that will disappear while serving me. And you have a diamond card which as luck would have it we know what it does so chop, chop with the food and children only DVD's.
Izzy II(Looking down at Billy) I want pizza delivered because I'm not letting you out of my sight Billy sweetie.
Percephany: Josh when you get back it should be time for another load of laundry.
Josh(Grumbling) Lucky me.
Lea: Monster's Inc. 1&2, all the Twilight movies and Hunger Games 1&2 too Mama says they are the best bestie movies.
Josh drove off to buy everything with Lea sneering making a chore list for Josh.
Lea(Beaming) I hope he enjoys pushy, bossy, altogether getting their own way girls because if not he's going to love serving me.
Percephany, Izzy II and Lea laughed knowing Josh had two servants and it was about to feel like five thanks to the new and improved bossy Lea.
Josh got all the food and movies lugging them back to Courtney's house where the sick bay patients remain.
Josh(Dropping bags off) There lunch for the bossiest people ever and all the DVD's you asked for Princess Chicken Pox.
Lea(Sipping her drink) Uhhh this is passable at best but there's hardly any ice in here.
Josh(Walking off) Tough you'll just have to deal with it.
Lea(Sipping) Ewwwwww this is totally warm and FYI if I find things wrong with my stuff you the person ordering is going to hear about it.
Josh: Great glad I have Tylenol for a headache as bad as you are.
Lea(Looking through her bag) Uhh where's the BBQ sauce and Reese’s Mcflurry?
Josh(Groaning) One you never said you wanted BBQ sauce and two again the Mcflurry was never asked for.
Lea(Throwing the bag) Ughhhhhhhhh I'm surrounded by incompetence everybody knows BBQ sauce goes with Mcdonald's nuggets and dessert is always after lunch.
Josh(Pulling clothes from the washing machine) Yea well I can't read your mind and as for my lip good luck getting rid of it.
Lea(Munching a fry) Cold as ice I could've done a better job by myself.
Josh(Throwing a basket of clean clothes to Percephany) Their all dried now fold them and put them away.
Percephany(Beaming) Why should I do it when I have a servant? My nails will chip and I just painted them.
Cody from TDI was thrown into the dream Lea's lunch intact with cold drink, BBQ sauce, Reese’s Mcflurry, and piping hot food in his hands.
Cody(Tranced) Must serve Lea, must serve Lea, must serve Lea. Here Princess Lea lunch is served.
Lea(Beaming) Josh meet your competition Cody Johnson who just took a commanding lead.
Percephany(Sipping her drink) MMMMMMMMMMM I should definitely keep you around.
Lea(Smirking) And the final round goes to Cody so Josh good luck with Percephany and FYI Cody didn't have to be asked to remember dessert or BBQ sauce.
Josh(Mimicking Lea) FYI Cody didn't have to be asked to remember dessert or BBQ sauce. I mean honestly do you know how shallow you sound?
Lea(Rubbing Cody's hair) Good Cody good servant and as for you Josh I'm not shallow just high maintenance.
Josh: And what is treating Cody like a dog going to achieve?
Lea: It gives off the act that I truly care about him and he'll do more stuff for me like buy me movie snacks which you also forgot.
Cody opened three backpacks showing all the girl's favorite snacks.
Lea(Patting his head) Good Cody good boy. who's the bestest servant ever? You are ohhhhhhhhh yes you are the bestest servant ever.
Cody(Sticking his tongue out at Josh) See I'm a good boy and you're not.
Lea(Beaming) See loosen the doggy's leash a little and he'll be your best friend tighten it which I'm sure Percephany will and the doggy will whimper and whine.
Lea saw Cody even put the girl's names on the backpack’s a nice touch in her opinion and Lea's was fit to burst with gummy everything and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups stacked on the top of the gummy's.
Lea: See he even knows my favorite candies and that backpack is cavity city but I'm good with dental hygiene so I shouldn't get any.
Josh: It looks like he studied everything about you and is using that to his advantage.
Lea(Gnawing apart a chicken nugget) No duh that's what you should have done.
Percephany(Pointing to the basket) Those clothes aren't going to fold themselves Josh.
Josh(Walking off) Screw you little emo chick. I mean what's the worst you can do to me?
Josh found a door and walked through it not seeing Percephany grow a black witches robe, a pointed hat, and a wand on her hip.
Josh(Laughing) Honestly I'm bigger than her and she still thinks she can boss me around.
Percephany grew gigantic her shadow covering the exit to Courtney's house and any lights in the house.
Courtney: Looks like someone's not in the loop in Percephany Parker as all boys that serve her are.
Gwen(Wincing) Now you've gone and done it.
Percephany(Growling) Lea's right to loosen Cody's leash but yours will tighten because you need to learn I'm the boss not the other way around.
Josh was lifted from the floor and carried back to Lea's room where everybody but Josh stared in awe of her.
Percephany(Grabbing her wand) I think some unorthodox methods are on reserve here.
Josh was zapped with the wand and he shrunk being smaller than normal sized Percephany and she cackled knowing just the right thing for him to be.
Percephany(Beaming) Who's bigger now? give up that'd be me, me, and me I mean even regular sized me is bigger than you.
Percephany made herself regular sized again still grinning because she had more plans for Josh and he gulped not liking her grin.
Lea(Burping) MMMMMMMMMMMMMM Cody sure knows how to order lunch.
Izzy II(Gnawing a piece of pizza) So does William look no hands and extra messy.
Izzy II laughed getting sauce all over everyone with the three girl's smiling.
Lea(Snapping her fingers) Cody bath time and make sure the water's nice, hot, and sudsy with my bath toys at the top of the heap.
Percephany(Looking down at Josh) Boy do I have plans for you.
Gwen(Lifting Percephany up) Looks like someone's ready for a bath.
Percephany giggled with Gwen looking into her daughters purple eyes.
Gwen: Sounds like my emo princess has a plan because that was mama's plan laugh too.
Percephany(Giving Gwen puppy dog eyes) Can Josh be my little brother pwetty pwease with sugar on top?
Josh(Gulping) Wait I don't want to be her little brother I'm older than her.
Percephany: Pwease, pwease, pwease, pwease, pwease I'm older than him now.
Josh: Only because she zapped me with her stupid wand.
Gwen(Kissing Percephany) Now how could I say no to a face like that? Josh welcome to the Parker flock where you'll room with your sister at home and TDI Camp Preschool Edition.
Percephany(Raising her arms) Yayyyyyyyyyyy now you'll have to do whatever I the older sister says and I say fold my clothes runty brother.
Gwen(Beaming) Looks like somebody needs a crash course in big sibling little sibling rules.
Josh walked up to the basket with Percephany sneering her plan only half finished her hating all of Gwen's attention, hand me downs, especially the fishnets.
Percephany: Time for mommy to have a new favorite and me to inherit underwear instead of tights and fishnets.
Josh grumbled folding the fishnets hating being young again with Percephany skipping up to him ready to do what older siblings do best and that's brag.
Percephany(Cackling) I'm mama's favorite I'm mama's favorite ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,haaaaaaa.
Josh(Folding tights) If you want your clothes folded then leave me to it.
Percephany(Jumping into the bed) Know why I'm mama's favorite?
Josh: No but I have a feeling you're going to tell me.
Percephany(Chuckling) Right you are runty brother and it's because I look like her and you don't.
Josh: Yea because you’re a girl and I’m not. If i were one I bet I'd look like her too.
Percephany: Yea I bet you would so how would you like to test that theory.
Josh(Backing off) Uhh no thanks I think I like being a boy much better.
Percephany: Fine by me it'll keep you my servant and obeying my list of chores.
Percephany beamed walking off knowing sooner or later the tights and fishnets would meet his butt.
Josh(Folding fishnets) How does she wear these anyways?
Percephany(Whispering excitedly) Come onnnnnnnnnnnn save me from my misery of riding up fishnets and tights.
Josh put the fishnets around the waist of his shorts to see if they would fit which lucky for Percephany they did.
Josh: Dark purple tights? I thought Goths were all back everything.
Percephany(Whispering) Come on put them on.
Gwen(Walking by) I can see someone hates being the favorite but no worries I'm sure Josh will embrace it.
Percephany(Glumly) Yea if he'd ever put the fishnets and tights on.
Gwen: Leave that to me and FYI you're whole wardrobe is his now including that black nightgown you're wearing.
Percephany sighed happily taking all her clothes off and handing them to Gwen.
Gwen(Walking up to Josh) So who's ready to be my new favorite and spitting image of me?
Josh(Standing up to Gwen) Not me because this is a dream and in my dreams I'm a warlock.
Gwen(Beaming) A warlock? do you even know what you're saying?
Josh: In the name of my Lord and savior I smite thee down heathen.
Josh's fingertips shot red light at Gwen and she fell to the ground pretending to be weak.
Josh(Smiling) Now she devil meet your doom in the form of me.
Josh shot more red light at Gwen who screamed in laughter standing up and grabbing him.
Gwen: As a notable horror movie icon with a fedora, striped sweater, a glove with knives, and burned up skin said sorry kid I don't believe in fairy tales.
Gwen easily pinned Josh to the floor Percephany dropping her wardrobe off in front of Gwen.
Percephany(Shaking her butt) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh so much better now that it can air out.
Gwen: So Josh let me introduce you to my wardrobe as a little girl.
Josh(Struggling) You-already-have-a-daughter-why-make-another?
Gwen(Beaming) Because this one thinks Goth's are freaks and landed herself in the Matthews household.
Percephany(Gulping) Matthews meaning?
Before Gwen could answer Lindsay from TDI skipped up with a tiny blue handkerchief, a tiny red shirt, a tiny brown over shirt, a tiny orange skirt, and medium cowboy boots knowing how big her daughters feet would be.
Lindsay(Snuggling Percephany) I always wanted a daughter which is why I have a daycare center centered around her to prove to my parents that I could handle it.
Percephany(Struggling) Wait she's the complete opposite of you.
Gwen(Beaming) Yep you're a real complainer and not very Gothic so you got demoted from Raven to Starfire minus the Silky.
Percephany(Struggling) I-just-wanted-out-of-those-stupid-tights-and-fishnets-I-mean-you-must-have-hated-them-to-be-rid-of-them.
Gwen(Undressing Josh) Sure I hated them as will he but he'll get used to them and use the sexy fishnets to his advantage like I did.
Josh(Laughing) When I see who Gloomy's going to I'm happy to embrace those fishnets and dark purple tights.
Gwen: Good because here come the tights fresh from the drier.
Josh allowed Gwen to pull the tights over his feet, legs, and waist as he shook his now smaller butt laughing in Percephany's face.
Josh: I don't know what you mean air it out I find airing my butt out easy as pie.
Percephany(Sneering) Just you wait you'll see what I mean when you meet the fishnets.
Gwen(Stretching out fishnets) OK now time to meet you flirting tool the fishnets.
Before Josh knew it the fishnets were forced over the tights making his lower body smaller.
Percephany(Cackling) Try shaking, scratching, or airing your butt out now.
Josh(Shaking his butt) My mama was right these could be good flirting tools. I can so use these to my advantage.
Percephany(Pulling Josh's tights into his butt) There you were wearing the tights wrong so shake your butt now.
Josh shook his butt even more as Gwen fixed his tights giving Percephany a dirty look.
Gwen(Producing a black nightgown) There and she has no idea what she was talking about your wearing everything the right way trust me I've worn them longer.
Josh lifted his arms and a temporary tattoo appeared on the crook of his back saying Gwen II flames on the side of it.
Gwen(Sticking her tongue out at Percephany) Look he has the same tat I got at his age minus the II and his pout is Goth worthy where yours was newborn puppy worthy.
Percephany: Whatever he's Gothic now but those besties of his will soften him up making him mush in TDI.
Josh(Burping green smoke in Percephany's face) And this is me on a good day imagine what a year of drama can do to moi.
Lindsay(Confused) Gwen I didn't know your daughter was Spanish.
Percephany: It's not Spanish
Lindsay: Italian?
Percephany: Try again
Lindsay: German?
Percephany: Swing and a miss
Lindsay: Swedish?
Percephany: Nope
Lindsay: A new kind of little kid language?
Lindsay(Carrying Percephany off) That was going to be my next guess. This one's cranky and needs a nap like now.
Percephany clawed and screamed as she was carried away and Gwen looked down at Josh.
Gwen: Come on your besties await.
Josh: Uhh no I need the nightgown on first.
Gwen chuckled as Josh's hands came up and the black suede material felt soft on his arms, chest, stomach, and thighs.
Gwen(Handing Josh a training bra) Nightgown off this goes on first molding that chest until you're old enough to have boobs.
Josh did as Gwen asked and she put the training bra over his chest, replaced the nightgown, then put burnt, charred, black bunny slippers on his feet.
Gwen: Those slippers come with a history see my mom brought them for me they were white then.
Josh hung on Gwen's every word as she continued her story.
Gwen: I hated any bright color or color void of color but my mom brought them and made me wear them every day.
Josh wiggled his toes in the slippers his hair turning blue with black streaks.
Gwen: Long story short I was a pyromaniac at a young age and lit the white bunnies on fire until they turned black.
Sweat appeared in the slippers being Gwen's old sweat molding with Josh's and his transformation was complete.
Gwen(Carrying Josh) Bestie time for you my friend.
Gwen placed Josh in Lea's room where Cody was still under Lea's spell and William reluctant bathed Izzy II in a tub.
Gwen II(Giggling) Time for me to find a slave of my own.
What happens when Gwen II finds John's brother read part 3 Giant Infestation and reply to part 3
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