Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood and Darkness


by DarknessBliss 1 review

We check up on Helena's little friend, George. Plenty of gore, here.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2014-08-13 - 1674 words

A/N: For those who don't remember who George is, he's the little tyke that Helena met at the carnival in Blood and Affection.

4-year-old George McCormick was lying asleep in his first big-boy bed, peacefully dreaming of flying teddy bears floating up to a fluffy cloud heaven with sweets and toys. A little happy smile curled up in his face while his eyes remained blissfully closed. He clutched his beloved stuffed penguin, whom he named Pengy, tightly to him.
A loud bang woke George from his happy dream. He rose up and held on to Pengy. He kicked off the blankets and hopped out of bed. His baby blue footie pajamas made the perfect silent footing. He went across his toy-filled room and reached up to the doorknob and turned it open.
He sneaked down the hall and whispeed to his doll, "Do you think Mommy and Daddy are okay, Pengy?"
He heard more sounds, only these were disgusting sounds followed a small chorus of evil-sounding laughter.
George finally got to the end of the hallway and found out where the sounds came from. He saw his mommy and daddy.
Mommy and Daddy are not okay.
Mommy and Daddy are dead.
Four men were in the room. Two of them were on George's father, biting and ripping pieces of his flesh to drink up the spurting blood. The other two were on his mother, one was biting her neck while the other wasbiting the top of her head and making crunching sounds. George watched in horror as the monster bit deeper into his mother's head and then pulled out a piece of her brain with his pointy teeth.
The one working on Daddy's neck looked over and saw George standing the hallway, holding Pengy tighter than he ever did.
He smiled evilly at him, "Hey guys, look what I found. An after-dinner drink!"
George froze. Paralyzed with fear at the four monsters approaching him mencingly.

Gerard's eyes flew open. He was still in bed with Helena. He sensed that 4 half-breed freaks in the next town just killed an innocent couple and was now about to killed their young son. Normally, he would've shrugged it off, but there was something so cool about killing half-breeds. He got up and quickly got dressed.
Helena stirred and looked at Gerard, "What is it?"
"Nothing", he lied, then realizing that it was pointless to lie to another vampire.
Helena knew better since Gerard's blood runs with hers. She closed her eyes and peered into what his blood had shown him. Half-bred freaks attacking a 4-year-old named...George McCormick.
George? thought Helena. As in the little boy I met last year? The one who knew I was a vampire?
Gerard turned to her, shocked, "How did a little kid figure out you're a vampire?"
"Guess his Daddy gave him a good description", Helena said as she got out of bed too. "I'm going too".
"Helena..." Gerard shook his head.
"Gerard", she said as she got into a black spagetti strap top, black jeans, and ankle boots.
Gerard sighed, knowing that he shouldn't let her go but knowing that it would also be pointless talking her out of it.
They left the room and headed downstairs. Gerard went out the door first and yelled out, "Bob! Frank!"
Bob came in a flash and Frank appeared behind him. "We know", said Bob and the four of them headed down the road.

"Come outta there, you little fucker!" shouted one of them as he was grunting while pulling on George's legs, attempting to pull him from under his bed. "You ain't helping my appitate!"
George screamed and cried as he held on tightly around the leg of his bed. He didn't want to get eaten. He just wanted his mommy and daddy.
The other three were about to lift the bed up so they could get the kid. Suddenly, the door was kicked open and all three of them saw the vampires and ghoul stepping inside.
The one pulling George's legs grinned at them, "Sorry, this one's only enough for us four".
Gerard grinned back, "That's fine. We wanted half-breeds anyway".
Bob lunged foreword to the one pulling the kid and tackled him to the wall. Bob then proceeding to crushing the freak's skull against the wall and splitting his head open like a ripe coconut, killing him. He looked for the kid, thankful that he didn't see that.
George was free and he reached under to get Pengy. Tears flowed down his cheeks as he held Pengy close. He scremed again when Bob pulled him out from under. He was held up to Bob and sobbed, "No..."
"Relax, kid," said Bob. "Just turn your head around and don't look until I say so, okay?"
George nodded and buried his face in Bob's coat. Bob watched as the gore fest was about to happen.
Frank walked over to the dead freak and reached into his cracked skull to have a little brain food. The half-breed closest to him growled, "That's my brother's brain you're eating!"
Frank ate a piece and grinned before fighting, "So what?"
One half-breed pulled out a knife and tried to stab Gerard, but he proved to be too fast for him. Gerard grabbed his throat and was about to take the knife, but the freak managed to stab Gerard in his abdomen.
"Fuck!" Gerard cursed. Sure, a puny knife like that couldn't kill him, but it still fucking hurt!
"Gerard!" Helena cried hen she heard his pained exclaimation. Then she was tackled down and pinned to the floor by the other half-breed. He drooled, "Well, aren't you a pretty slice of pie. I bet you taste so good".
He licked a stripe down Helena's cheek, feeding her rage. Her carnage, after a year of long slumber, was reawaken once again. Her eyes changed from its innocent sea green to bloody-fucking-murder red. Her fangs grew dangerously long and razorblade sharp. Her nails grew long, black, sharp claws.
KILL Her inner vampire cried out with devilish glee.
She shoved him off her and sat up. The half-breed craweled away from her, terrified of the rising vicious vampire eyeing him like he was a piece of prime meat.
Bob's eyes widen with disbelief when saw Helena change. He heard from Ray that Helena turns into an unholy vampiric demon when enraged. He was a big tough guy, but even he was afraid of her.
Helena grabbed the half-breed off the floor with one hand and had his back towards her. She used her free hand to pull back and strike it into the back of his head, digging her claws through the the greasy hair and the thin wall of flesh. She dug deeper until she got a hold of his slimy skull. He was making horrible and disgusting soundslike a frog dying. Then, with a good hard yank, she pulled out his entire skeletal system. Blood rushed out like it broke out of a dam.
She dropped the skeleton and the bleeding pile of tore flesh to the floor. She went to the one fighting Frank. More blood...more! her inner vampire demanded. She grabbed him off Frank and sank her fangs into his neck, sucking out his blood with brutal force.
Frank watched this. He never saw Helena like this. He never knew she was this vicious in a feeding frenzy. He didn't think he could fall any more in love with her, but she surprised him once again. He went over behind her and placed a kiss into her hair. She made no notice of it.
She was close to draining him dry, so she punched a hole into his chest and ripped out his beating heart. She latched herself off his neck, letting the limp body fall down. She held the heart to her lips, savoring the scent. She looked over to Frank, her eyes saying the words Join me.
Well, he didn't want to be rude.
He sank his teeth into the pulsing red muscle while she bit down and drank the blood. He ate a piece off and licked his lips.
Still having the last half-breed throat-gripped, Gerard plucked the knife out of him and swiftly pushed the half-breed's head back to expose his throat. He cut the knife across his throat and drank the red winey flow.
He dropped the body and looked over at Frank and Helena. Fuck! he thought. He saw that Helena was in vampire-bitch mode once again.
Like an angry gust of winter wind, Gerard went over and pinned the blood-hungry Helena to the wall. She screamed and tried to wiggle out, but he was too strong for her.
"HELENA!" He screamed.
Helena stopped moving, her eyes changing back to its natural color. She blinked and looked at Gerard, "G-Gerard..."
"Shh", Gerard brushed some hair from her neck. "They're dead. It's over now, sugar".
"D-Did George..." Helena tried to ask, fearing that George was now scared of her too.
"He didn't see anything," Bob answered her.
Helena looked and saw Bob holding George to him. She quietly walked over to them, wiping the blood off as best as she could. She came to them and said, "George? It's me, Helena. Remember? Helly? Vampire Lady?"
Bob said to him, "You can look now".
George turned his head, eyes still moist and stinging from tears. He saw Helena and, with a choked sob, reached out to her. Helena grabbed him and hugged him tightly and sweetly. George cried on her shoulder, " mommy a-and d-daddy..."
"I know, sweetheart", she said. "I know".
Gerard, Bob, and Frank watched the two of them. Almost instantly, they thought they were seeing a Bloody Virgin Mary holding Her pure child.

A/N: Sorry for the wait. We'll find out what will happen to George in the next chapter. And expect to see Sloane and Niccolo too, along with a slew of vampires that you'll be shocked that I'm using. R&R, if you please.

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