Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood and Darkness


by DarknessBliss 0 reviews

We meet the vampire that will be intragle to Sloane's little 'party'.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2014-08-31 - 1317 words

Sloane was walking down the cold dirt path to Cancler's Forest. Dead leaves slowly fall to the ground and scattered like small dried corpses on the ground. The air was a mixed aroma of fresh rain and blooming nightflowers. Almost bringing peace to this cold haunting place. The full moon was covered by the thickness of trees and the icy fog. Winds pass through like misguided ghosts of yore.
She walked down the path quietly. She knew that she wouldn't see anybody down this path. Nobody came here at night, considering that it had the same dark reputation as Ophelia's Field.
If not worse.
For the first time since she arrived here, Sloane felt frightened. Not because she was going through Cancler's Forest, but of who lives in Cancler's Forest. From what she remembered, there an old Parish church at the end of the path and there were at least seven vampires living there. Only one of them was a Old World-born vampire.

"Insanity is my companion", a young man, no older than twenty-five, said with a deep foreign accent to the older man hanging upside-down over a tall wooden beam stand. They were behind the church outside. Only one light was inside the church and there was the sound of unwholesome laughter.
The wind was started to pick up and the hanging man was wearing only a white cloth around his waist.
The young man on the ground was dressed in a fur coat, black pants, and black boots. His hair was slicked black and the dark eyeshadow brought out the jade green in his eyes. He devastatingly beautiful.
"I'd think you would understand", he said, looking up at him while he walked around him. "You never had what is considered a 'normal' lifestyle. People can be so unpleasant sometimes. Violence isat an all time high. It's gotten so bad that nobody is safe to walk the streets anymore. People hurting children, even".
He chuckled to himself, "Of course you know that. That's what you do, isn't it? Touring around the crowded malls and public parks. Finding lost children, being boy or girl, crying and fidgeting with fear.
"Fear. That's the addicton, isn't it? That's more powerful than any drug in the world to you. The moment you give the child false hope that you know where their mother or father is. The moment you get alone, away from the crowds. The moment when their relief is replaced with immortal fear when they realized you lied to them, that you entrapped them, that you intend to violate and harm them".
The hanging man shivers. Not from the wind, but at the eerie knowledge this man knows about him.
The young man notices this and then walked around the corner of the church. When he came to the man's view, he had a length of rope in one hand and a dog with him. It's ribs were showing through, inducting stravation. The young kneeled down toit's eye level. You'd think a straving dog would attack him by now, but instead it was calm and even let him pet it's short-haired fur. He raised up and walked towards the man.
The man watched as he came to a standing beam with the rope. Then he walks up the beam and when he got to the top, he turns to walk on the beam that the man was tied to. The man lets out a small scream when he saw the young man swing himself around so he was upside-down too.
The young man starts to tie a knot on the rope, eyes never leaving the man, "What gives that sense of complete satifaction, um...?" He trailed off for a moment. "Forgive me. What is your name?"
"Edgar", the man answered in a croak. "Edgar Simmons".
The young man give him a small bow, "Hello, Edgar. I'm Ville Valo". Then he tilted his head down to the ground where the dog is. "This is Xenna".
The man swallowed hard when he saw the dog look up at him.
Ville continued, "So what makes your blood race? Their frightened tear-stained faces? Their soft helpless wails? The sound of their clothes tearing off by your bare hands?"
Ville then made a small hangman's knot at one end of the rope while he tied the other end on the beam near Edgar.
By accident, Ville's sharp nail slash against Edgar's flesh, causing a blood wound to form. Ville swipe his finger in Edgar's blood and put it to his lips, closing his eyes and savoring it. Edgar watched in horror.
Ville opened his eyes again, "You know what I think? I think it's the sickly vile feeling you confuse with pleasure when you force yourself into their small fragile bodies. The feeling of their intimate places being tore open by your roughness of your diseased organ. Robbing them of their innocence and purity that they would taught to save for their one true love, so you can feed your sick happiness. What do you give them for their suffering? Nothing, right? As long as you got what you wanted, they don't matter to you anymore".
Ville's expression darkened, "Don't try to explain it because your blood said it all. I know I'm right. You know I'm right. Makes me glad that I'm not human, but it makes me furious that now children are more afraid of people like you than any bogeyman. True, we don't bleed children, but we like to be part of their fears anyway".
Edgar shook all over with fright. Ville then smiled, "Well, I have a little surprise for you, Edgar. I arranged to have your last victim meet you properly".
"W-Who?" Edgar whimpered.
"Oh, you must have remembered her", Ville said. "About a month ago? Long black curls, wide brown eyes, young supple limbs? You had her for two hours at Brentwood Park".
He looked over at the dog, "Xenna, darling? Want to say hello to Edgar, your molester?"
Xenna then howled like a grizzly bear and crutched foreword. Slowly, her short legs became small smooth-skinned limbs, long dark curls cascading down her back, and her small dark eyes turned into wide brown eyes.
Edgar screamed when he saw the dog turn into the eleven-year-old girl he harmed not too long ago.
Xenna narrowed her eyes at him. Ville turned back to Edgar, "Xenna is a demon dog. She likes going to Brentwood Park when she visits here. So you could imagine how angry and broken she was when you showed up and took her to the far bushes and raped her in broad daylight.
"I could've killed you myself, but Xenna insisted that I should just find you and she would do it herself".
"Can I do it now?" Xenna asked from the ground.
"In a moment", said Ville. "I need you to come up first".
Edgar looked over Ville's shoulder and saw Xenna, back in dog form, climb up the beam and walked across the beam the boys were on. Ville swinged himself up again, holding onto the knot he made. He picked up Xenna and tied her hind legs together in the knot. He held on to Xenna and looked down at Edgar, "Would you believe she read this in a book? Girls".
Edgar screamed when Xenna barked at him.
"Well, goodbye!" Ville said cheerily as he let go of Xenna,swinging her towards Edgar. Once she got near him, she bit and dug her teeth into his flesh tissue, spouting blood and breaking bits of bone.
Ville flew down from the stand and headed into the church, listening to the digusting eating of man's best friend eating man.

A/N: Well, if I can't write a HIM story, the best I could do is at least bring it to an already existing story. More surprise characters in the next chapter! R&R, please.
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