Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Young and Reckless

Chapter 1

by youngandreckless 1 review

chapter 1

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-09 - Updated: 2006-08-10 - 626 words

Chapter 1

Laura's POV

"Laura! Stacey's here, and did you do what i asked? your brother will be home soon!" my mother yelled from downstairs.

"Why couldnt she just tell you to ask me that?" I rolled my eyes as Stacey walked into my room, "Yes I did!" I yelled back to her.

"Your brother is coming home, since when?" Stacey raised an eye brow at me as I closed my bedroom door.

"Umm hes getting a couple days off then its back to the tour, Im gonna try to talk him into taking me with him this time," I pulled my hair light brown hair back into a pony tail as Stacey sat with a smile on her face.

"Me too right?"

"Yeah you too," I shrugged.

"It'll be so awesome to rub it in people faces at school's,"

"NO! remember no telling anyone, not until after its over, Pete will have a fit and then surely wont let us go,"

"Okay okay, your brother is a star and you cant even rub it in that you get to do awesome things with him,"

"Yeah but it's not all that, rubbing it in lasts for a few minutes then it gets old," I jumped up running to my window as I heard honking, from what sounded like a tour bus; sure enough there in the front yard four famous faces plastered across a tour bus. The famous faces of the members of Fallout Boy. I screeched turning, swinging my bedroom door open, hearing things fall from my dresser to the floor, I didnt stop, I ran down the stairs and past my mom out the front door just as he walked off the bus, he smiled putting his arms out, catching me in a hug. I lifted my barefeet up from the ground as he twirled me in a circle. I grinned from ear to ear as he put me down, my eyes redirected to the person coming off the bus next. Joe smiled shoving his cell phone in his pocket walking over to me and Pete, giving me a hug.

"Whats up kiddo?" he smiled as we pulled away from the hug. I shurgged.

"Where's Andy and Patrick?" I asked.

"They at home, we dropped them off," Pete answered pulling away from our mom, "Joe is staying with us for the couple days,"

"Its easier, I just wanna sleep you know," He added, before being hurried inside by our mom.

"Sleep yeah that's funny," Pete laughed, "What have you girls been doing?"

"The usual, school, parties,"

"Behaving though right?"

"I always do,"

"You boys hungry?" our mom walked into the living room from the kitchen.

"Nah, we good, right Joe?" We turned looking Joe's direction he had leaned back in the chair, passed out. Pete took one of the pillows off the couch throwing it at him, "Go to bed!" he laughed.

Later that night

"We going to this party right?" Stacey asked as we pretended to get in bed.

"Yeah, just give them like 10 minutes and then we can sneak out,"

"What about your brother?"

"What about him?"

"You're not gonna invite him to go with us?"

"Ohh yeah right, he wont come, Pete will try to talk us out of going, you'd think you'd realize that by now, hes the good rockstar and im the rockstar's reckless little sister,"

"Yeah, true," I sat up turning in my bed to get out. I slipped my shoes on as Stacey took one last look in the mirror, then we both climbed out the window.

Joe's POV

"Your sister's sneaking out,"

"Yeah, she'll be back," I looked out the window as Stacey and Laura ran across the yard climbing into a waiting car across the street.
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