Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Young and Reckless

Chapter 5

by youngandreckless 0 reviews

chapter 5

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-09 - Updated: 2006-08-10 - 502 words

Chapter 5

Joe's POV

I slowly placed Laura into the bottom bunk. When she fell asleep she really fell asleep. I covered her up, closing the curtain to the bunk walking to the front.
"Fred was letting Stacey drive," Pete laughed.
"She's really good at it," Andy added. I just shook my head.
"Where's Laura? Its her turn to drive next!" Stacey yelled jumping out of the passenger seat.
"NO!" Pete yelled, "She's sleeping, and she can't drive the bus, we got a concert to get to,"
"You're so mean to your sister,"
"Not mean, I just really wanna make it to this concert alive,"
"I'm with Pete, I don't wanna die, I'm too young to die,"
"She'd kick you two for that," Stacey laughed.
"Whoa watch it kids, sharp turn!" Fred yelled.
"Fuck, I'm really tired of falling!" I yelled getting up.
"Sorry, you okay?" Pete asked grabbing Stacey's hand pulling her up off the floor.
"Next time you want someone to break your fall, pick someone other then me," Stacey grabbed a hold of Pete's hand allowing him to pick her up.
"Joe go see what's wrong with her, please,"
"Uh huh," I mumbled walking to the bunks where Laura was.

Laura's POV

What a rude awakening. I rubbed my head as I sat up in the floor of the bus.
"Oww," I cried, "Pete!" I yelled.
"You all right?" I looked up to see Joe.
"I don't think so," I took a hold of his hand.
"Hit your head?" Joe chuckled as I continued to rub my head.
"I think so," Joe moved my hand placing it on my head where mine had been.
"You'll live," I seen his smile in the dark.
"Joe..." I whispered.
"Can I have my head back?" I laughed as he moved his hand, "How did I get in here in the first place?" I asked.
"Pete couldn't move, so I put you in here after the movie,"
"Oh thanks,"
"You all right?" Pete walked in.
"..welcome," Joe finished.
"Yeah I'm fine, good thing I wasn't on the top bunk it might have hurt worst," I bit my bottom lip, shrugging.
"Yeah Fred is trying to take it easy... now at least anyways, I think it'd be best though if we sit as much as possible," Pete laughed.
"Yeah I agree," Stacey walked in behind Pete.

Stacey's POV

"Maybe we should have stayed at home, at least we wouldn't fall," I laughed.
"It's not to late to call a cab,"
"My cell is right here," Joe added.
"No cab we aren't leaving, we'll deal with the falling, anything to hang out with my big brother," I smiled.
"Yes how nice of you," Pete smiled back.
"So much love between you too,"
"Group hug," Joe laughed putting his arms up closing us in for a hug.
"Joe, let us go," Pete mumbled.
"I'm gonna go see what Andy and Patrick are up too," Joe hung his head walking to the front of the bus.
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